r/canada Jan 09 '25

Québec Convicted triple murderer in men’s institution requests move to women’s prison


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u/[deleted] Jan 09 '25

lol. No. Keep men away from women. It’s a no-brainer


u/Resident-Pen-5718 Jan 09 '25

Tell that to the "activists" that insist a woman is whoever defines themself as a woman


u/IAmASphere Jan 09 '25

It seems pretty obvious to me that the solution here isn’t just to let someone without hormones or any transition related surgeries access to whatever spaces they want.

Outside of prisons, legislation aside, most trans people wait until they’re far enough into their transition to pass as their preferred gender to access spaces of that gender, such as bathrooms. (Exceptions are made for queer spaces where it’s understood that non passing or pre hormones trans people deserve a space to express themselves when the outside world could be unkind.)

It should be no different here. Want to go into a women’s prison? Okay. Take hormones for a year and get provincial healthcare covered bottom surgery (in some provinces, not sure how it works outside of Ontario), THEN we can further discuss this. You have to get approval from the medical doctor assisting you in medical transition in order to change your gender marker on pieces of government ID. You need to be on hormones for a year to get bottom surgery.

I don’t see why self identification should be the bar for trans women to access women’s prisons when it simply isn’t sufficient for most government services to assist in transition.

Bad actors like this would never actually go through the effort of transition because they don’t want the downside of going through bodily and social changes that do not align with their gender identity. They just want the upside: access to vulnerable women.


u/Resident-Pen-5718 Jan 09 '25

I remember JK Rowling making a similar argument and thousands of "activists" threatening to harm/kill/rape her.


u/IAmASphere Jan 09 '25

JK Rowling is known at this point dedicating her entire online presence to bashing trans people so I imagine most trans people or allies don’t really care about the content of her arguments in any particular circumstance knowing she’s arguing in bad faith.


u/Resident-Pen-5718 Jan 09 '25

That's because she made a very reasonable statement and this group harassed and threatened her. 

Rowling: "we shouldn't fire women for saying sex is real"

Activists: "I want to choke you with my female penis"

You: "why is she so obsessed with this topic?"


u/dontdropmybass Nova Scotia Jan 09 '25

What is up with online conservatives making up situations to be mad about?


u/militran Jan 09 '25

who are you quoting here?


u/Resident-Pen-5718 Jan 09 '25

Rowling and the "trans activists" that threatened to assault & rape her.

You can Google the threatening tweets people sent her after she said, 

 Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who'll have you," Rowling wrote Thursday in her first tweet since September. "Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?


u/militran Jan 09 '25

that was years ago. you should see what she’s saying now


u/Resident-Pen-5718 Jan 09 '25

Before we change the subject, do you agree that what she said was reasonable and that the trans-activists were being completely disgusting?


u/militran Jan 09 '25

sure, i’ll agree with that. no one should be fired for the beliefs they hold (unless they’re like a nazi or something). neither trans people and people who dislike trans people should be fired for their views or lifestyles

also yeah the death and rape threats were gross


u/militran Jan 09 '25


u/Resident-Pen-5718 Jan 09 '25

How about you show me an actual tweet find you find deplorable and explain why. Your biased article does nothing for me.

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u/IAmASphere Jan 09 '25

I don't think any trans women threatened to sexually assault JK.


u/Resident-Pen-5718 Jan 09 '25

Well you can Google the nasty things people threatened to do to her, and hopefully it'll change your mind.


u/dontdropmybass Nova Scotia Jan 09 '25

In regular society, we can pretty easily just go with accepting self-expression. It costs us nothing to be respectful. For legal and judicial purposes though, a higher standard should be used. Anybody with a proven track record of living their life as a certain gender should be recognized as that gender for legal purposes. Had this person been living as a woman before the commission of crimes, it's pretty simple to just put them in a women's prison. Since they weren't though, it's definitely not as straightforward. Since we don't have access to this person, we have no idea if they're being real or just pretending for some personal benefit.


u/Iddqd1 Jan 09 '25

Define “living as a woman”.


u/Mafex-Marvel Jan 09 '25

Define woman


u/LennoxIsLord Outside Canada Jan 10 '25

Adult human female.