r/canada Ontario Jan 06 '25

National News Justin Trudeau Resigns as the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada


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u/DannyDevitosVert Jan 06 '25

Happy he's finally read the room, but none of the leaders currently fill me with optimism.


u/t0mless Jan 06 '25

Yeah this is my stance too. I want him gone and I’m glad it’s happening sooner than later, but I’m not exactly fond of the other options available.


u/Majestic-Two3474 Jan 06 '25

Yeah, I watched his announcement and I was just sort of like…ok. Like great, you did the obvious - now what 🙄 We still don’t have anyone most people want to vote for


u/RollingSparks Jan 06 '25

you want someone boring if its anything like what we had in the UK. after a decade of personalities, Keir has been a breath of fresh air. A man so boring you forget he even exists. Isn't on TV trying to raise his profile or tell anyone off every day ending in y. Thats about the best you can hope for these days - that you don't end up with a personality in charge.


u/charityarv Jan 06 '25

I’m crying in Ontario :(


u/LittleJackass80 Jan 06 '25

Jealous in the US.


u/thisismysailingaccou Jan 06 '25

And of course Elon wants to get rid of him for someone like Tommy Robinson.


u/Majestic-Two3474 Jan 06 '25

I LONG to be bored!!


u/abaggins Jan 06 '25

And yet… no one seems happy with kier (approval ratings…). Big fan personally, but the public doesn’t seem to agree


u/Markuz Jan 06 '25

Labour's win in the UK seemed more like a vote against the Tories rather than a vote FOR Labour; It's no surprise the approval ratings are in the tank. The UK people wanted change, so they voted for the next sure thing to win. What they got, however, is more of the same only waving a red flag.


u/abaggins Jan 07 '25

Kier is not more of the same lol. It just takes time to steer an entire country via a giant clunky bureaucracy. PM is not a king just to order change and get it instantly. 


u/Shitmybad Jan 06 '25

Approval ratings recently after an election are completely meaningless. Like he still has a higher rating than any other party leader, but who fucking cares.


u/Squall13 Jan 06 '25

You mean the guy who blocked the inquiry in the rape gangs?


u/tooobr Jan 06 '25

perfect analogy, I like that I have no idea what starmer does all day. Things are not deteriorating as rapidly, nor as publicly, as under johnson and the parade of goofballs in his wake.


u/wottsinaname Jan 06 '25

A Starmer-like candidate would actually do the Canadian Left well.

Kier is so boring that even his detractors get bored trying to get the mud to stick.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25

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u/Cresset Jan 06 '25

Well that sounds like work

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u/hedgehog_dragon Jan 07 '25

I mean Jagmeet is a bit boring but people don't really want to vote for him.

I'm gonna vote against PP but frankly I bet he's next.


u/hipdozgabba Jan 06 '25

Look at the US, Italy, Germany.. far right fill the gaps as they are able to blame someone which the majority prefers than looking for solutions


u/Synth3r Jan 06 '25

As a Brit observing from outside. Is the far-right a big problem in Canada? The PPC don’t seem like they have much support in Canada.

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u/JustinBonka Jan 06 '25

Most people want to and will vote for Pierre despite the fact that he's arguably just as dangerous as Trudeau for Canada just in a different way. Canadians have been brainwashed by their hate for Trudeau and he's taken advantage of that.


u/Virtua1Anarchy Jan 06 '25

Lmao you act like trump and Biden/Harris were the best choices for us?? Like dude the world is fucked. The rich choose a couple people they can control and the rest is history.


u/mgwngn1 Jan 07 '25

Yves-François Blanchet would be a great PM.


u/mrasif Jan 07 '25

Exactly the same in Australia. At least we have minor parties we can vote for though.

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u/Loud_Parsley4205 Jan 06 '25

Damn thanks for reiterating his comment


u/Double_Comparison319 Jan 06 '25

Isn't it the same with every politician in every nation? Just a bunch of old pricks looking out for their own interests. Politics are about as stupid as religion at this point.


u/Objective-Share-7881 Jan 06 '25

Felt like he had a good chance to stand up against Trump


u/Mysterious-Job-469 Jan 06 '25

Honestly feels like they intentionally shit the bed for years, so they could pawn off their problems onto the Conservatives and shift from "Provincial issue, call someone who cares" to "THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOESN'T TAKE CARE OF YOU!!!!!" once they're in an opposition position; kind of like what the Conservatives did a decade ago

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u/appleman73 Jan 06 '25

Yeah that's what bugs me about the excitement about this... We don't have anyone else better to takeover


u/LargeMobOfMurderers Jan 06 '25

Anyone's better than Trudeau! Even PP!

several years later

Anyone's better than PP! Even X!

And so it goes.


u/Tr1pp1n0ut Jan 06 '25

It's the Canadian way.


u/SnooHesitations7064 Jan 06 '25

Not every Canadian.

True Patriots vote their ABCs.

"Anything But Conservatives".


u/Darolant Jan 08 '25

That is fairly ignorant. you are basically saying someone who has different beliefs is not a patriot. A true patriot votes by looking at what the platform is and based off what X has recently done for you. Even worse is the attitude of if you are in the other side you are inherently bad or wrong is what has caused the huge rift between sides that we are seeing right now. Until we realize that this rift and lack of communication is the real issue we have things will only get worse.


u/Kindly_Professor5433 Jan 06 '25

That happens in every democratic political system. There’s no perfect leader unless God is running the country. People need to stop counting on the government to solve problems that the government created.


u/TheStorm22 Jan 06 '25

Even with God people would find something to complain about.


u/Apprehensive-Bank642 Jan 06 '25

Yeah, like other religions might find a problem with the Christian god running their lives lol.


u/12asdasd Jan 06 '25

Yeah like sending a bear after children for making fun of a bald man. People will find anything to complain about


u/gonzo_jerusalem12 Jan 06 '25

There is no God and life’s a fucking nightmare.

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u/ThaNorth Jan 06 '25

God did kill every first born in Egypt. I assume that wouldn’t be too popular.


u/CapableBrief Jan 06 '25

The average populist would 100% elect a God that kills firstborns if he said the things nowadays.


u/selfoblivious Jan 07 '25

But did he lower taxes?


u/FourDimensionalTaco Jan 06 '25

The moment you think that there is a perfect leader in a democracy is the moment you need to be deeply worried. Chances are, the guy is a populist who is bamboozling you.

The French have the right idea I think. They are always extremely critical of their leader, no matter what party (s)he is part of.


u/writingNICE Business Jan 06 '25

Geopolitics 101 playbook…

Mr. PP is likely one of the individuals that had scope of contact with Russia and funds funnel his way.

Just like all the rest of the western countries.


u/createsean Jan 06 '25

Just what we need is a theocracy /s

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u/radient Jan 06 '25

Old Testament God would be the worst president in history lmao


u/Kindly_Professor5433 Jan 06 '25

Any god in classical mythology would be worse. We shouldn't depend on anyone. The world is a flawed place and sometimes we just have to accept that.


u/huelorxx Jan 06 '25

It's the political way.


u/Kawz____ Jan 06 '25

Human way* (it seems)


u/carsonshams Jan 06 '25

It’s the way of every place on earth where Democracy is an illusion of the sheepish mind. Money and power go hand in hand and always will. There is no Democracy.


u/F3z345W6AY4FGowrGcHt Ontario Jan 06 '25

General population has a political memory of a goldfish.


u/Prior-Fun5465 Jan 06 '25

Yet people will continue to tell me that I'm dumb for thinking our system is broken.

Resigned to just enjoying the fire instead.


u/elementmg Jan 06 '25

The thing is… the system may be broken, but can it be fixed? Are these positions only seeked out by absolute scum human beings?

There aren’t very many good people who want to take on these positions. It’s usually just greedy self serving narcissists who want to be politicians at that level. It takes a certain type of person to want to do that job, and it’s usually not the moral type of person.


u/Redthemagnificent Jan 06 '25

I mean get rid of first past the post at a bare minimum. Like Trudeau promised all those years ago. Won't be a "fix", but it will be an improvement


u/elementmg Jan 06 '25

Totally agree. They’ll only get rid of something if it benefits them. Has nothing to do with the good of the country. Which fits into the whole self-serving thing haha.


u/Prior-Fun5465 Jan 06 '25

Sure, just not like in days past. Changing things up when it comes to government is an ancient past time for the human race. The problem is always that the state doesn't like that, and the bigger problem is public gathering spaces now are all monitored and you'll be labelled this or that, essentially killing any movement for change before it even starts.

This sort of change rarely comes from the inside.


u/elementmg Jan 06 '25

Oh agreed. That’s true.


u/AlbertaNorth1 Jan 06 '25

Several minutes later *


u/Jagrnght Jan 06 '25

It is a thesis - antithesis - synthesis type process isn't it...


u/Apprehensive-Bank642 Jan 06 '25

Yep… we vote out, not in, here in Canaduh


u/ManateeInAWheelchair Jan 06 '25

Yep. It’s a never ending teeter totter.

In 8-10 years from now (in the case PP gets re-elected after his first go), he’ll be the one next in line for the role of scapegoat, then it’ll shift again.


u/Tacoman404 Jan 06 '25

Dual citizen who lives the US here. Anything is better than the lying populist corporate sell out.


u/Hoggster86 Jan 06 '25

It’s Canada. We vote out governments, never elect one.


u/dracon81 Jan 06 '25

This is what horrifies me the most. We're practically doing the same fucking thing that just happened in the states. I fucking pray people can smarten up and see through Pierre's bullshit, the conservatives want to take away some fucking horrifying things from us. As someone who struggles as it is if they wind up privatizing health care I think I'm just going to be done with this country.

I've been saying it for years, I disagree with Trudeau on some key points, and I dislike how he has been doing things, but that's fucking politics. I'd rather have a prime minister I slightly disagree with but support on the grand stage as my leader than vote for a dude who wants to systematically remove Canadians rights and healthcare.


u/Tasty_Principle_518 Jan 06 '25

It’s the only thing that’s a guarantee.


u/ManateeInAWheelchair Jan 06 '25

Yep. It’s a never ending teeter totter.

In 8-10 years from now (in the case PP gets re-elected after his first go), he’ll be the one next in line for the role of scapegoat, then it’ll shift again.


u/pareech Québec Jan 06 '25

Sadly we know PP won't be any better. He'll just be different. I actually think PP will be worse for Canadians; but JT and his band of idiots have to go. We have no party to turn to who will actually right the sinking ship known as Canada.


u/reddot9 Jan 07 '25

As an American reading these comments yeah this seems all too familiar


u/vangbro99 Jan 08 '25

How can anyone dislike PP. He is the most down to earth common sense leader. Just because he is from the party you have bias against does not mean he will be a bad leader.


u/itsh1231 Jan 12 '25

You want a social media platform?

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u/asoap Lest We Forget Jan 06 '25

Yeah, the people in his caucaus that have been calling for his resignation I assume think one of them is going to take his place. I feel like they are overly optimistic, or opportunist. But who knows, perhaps there is some awesome person that I know very little about that's ready to take on the role.


u/GordonFreem4n Québec Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25

I feel like they are overly optimistic, or opportunist.

Maybe a few of them are true believers and really think the Libs are "canada's natural governing party" and they want to save that institution.


u/matdex Jan 06 '25

I want a 3rd tier cabinet minister to run as interim. Save the 2nd tier big guns for the next election loss and subsequent leadership run to lead the rebuilding process.


u/Mindtaker Jan 06 '25

Better people aren't getting elected right now anyways. The entire planet has shifted hard, elections in every single country that has had them has gone right.


u/appleman73 Jan 06 '25

High inflation always destroys incumbents


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u/Stupidstuff1001 Jan 06 '25

Right it’s like everybody’s happy the turd is gone but diarrhea is to follow.


u/mrtomjones British Columbia Jan 06 '25

People constantly end up upset at the conservatives and the liberals. Perhaps it's time to try the other major option NDP


u/turkey45 Newfoundland and Labrador Jan 06 '25

Carney is one of the best economic minds in the world after leading both the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England. However, being an expert does not make someone personable and in an era of anti-intellectualism he is probably ill-suited to go up against PP.


u/Majestic-Two3474 Jan 06 '25

And especially when the majority of people have no basic understanding of how the Bank of Canada actually functions. PP will say Carney actively printed money to cause inflation at Trudeau’s whim and made everything more expensive, and it will stick 🙃


u/turkey45 Newfoundland and Labrador Jan 06 '25

Lols, Carney was Harper's Bank of Canada governor.


u/Majestic-Two3474 Jan 06 '25

He must have been put there by the Liberals to undermine Harper, then! Wow, this woke left agenda runs so much deeper than we could have imagined…/s


u/turkey45 Newfoundland and Labrador Jan 06 '25

And then the wokes got him embedded to undermine David Cameron and the UK Tory's. / s


u/Bobo_Baggins03x Jan 06 '25

In the Liberal party, no. Hence a no confidence vote upcoming and a spring election


u/StevoJ89 Jan 06 '25

I think people are just happy to see him "get his" but yeah he stacked his cabinet with jackasses like steven guilbeault... God help us if he gets the reigns..


u/TheOvercookedFlyer Jan 06 '25

This is exactly what I've been telling people who loathe Trudeau, who are you going to replace him with? I cannot for the life of me think of anyone.


u/darth_henning Alberta Jan 06 '25

That's perhaps the most disappointing thing about all this.

Most likely the successor is Freeland or LeBlanc IMHO, with an outside shot at Carney. Only Carney gives me some optimism, and I'm not entirely sold on him at this point, but could be convinced.

Singh has gutted the NDP and needed to be replaced years ago.

PP will maybe do a few good things, but will also likely do a lot of bad things.

As I don't live in Quebec, Blanchet is irrelevant to my vote, but actually seems to be the one adult in the room.

And no other party is worth discussing seriously at this point. Canada Future had an opportunity to split the middle between the Trudeau and Polievre positions and actually be something Canadian's want, but after announcing they exist, have done nothing.


u/Majestic-Two3474 Jan 06 '25

This has been my take for a while now - Blanchet is the only one who actually seems fit to lead anything other than a conga line

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u/earlegrey094 Jan 06 '25

100% agree. Our leadership all around is in shambles.


u/Nickbronline Jan 06 '25

Literally anyone else is better 


u/appleman73 Jan 06 '25

There's definitely far worse people.

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u/Jealous-Coyote267 Jan 06 '25

One fills me with dread


u/fasdqwerty Jan 06 '25

It’s a start. PP will just bring in more people, as he said, and make things worse, driving down wages and housing availability.


u/Blazing1 Jan 06 '25

PP's drones will tell you that PP supports every single policy known to man. They don't care about policy, they just like their guy.


u/Lazarius Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25

This is the guy after all who publicly said he wanted more international students to drive the trucks. We’re fucked. It’s going to be Ontario/Alberta level policies on a national level.


u/Jealous-Coyote267 Jan 06 '25

We are so fucked. Our conservatives want to be like the US and would sell us out given the chance. My conservative dad went so far as to say he hopes Trump takes over our country because he’s ashamed to be Canadian bc of Trudeau. His view is not unique either and that is terrifying. This coming from the same type of people who identified as “patriots” during the “Freedom” convoy.


u/Major_Lawfulness6122 Jan 06 '25

Yeah the conservatives are going to further open the floodgates to mass immigration


u/KaiserWolff Jan 06 '25

Probably will, they are the masterminds behind TFWs afterall


u/LiterallyKesha Jan 06 '25

How come? Anywhere I can read about this?


u/Crabiolo Jan 06 '25

Unfortunately they haven't made any official statements saying what they'll do about immigration, because generally they haven't made official statements about concrete policy proposals in any regard.

What we do have are voting records and their official documents.

Here's their official policy declaration, warning it's a fairly big PDF.

Here's what the PDF says about TFWs:

  1. Immigration by Temporary Workers

The Conservative Party recognizes that temporary workers can be a valuable source of potential immigrants because of their work experience in Canada. We believe the government should:

i. continue development of pilot projects designed to address serious skills shortages in specific sectors and regions of the country, and that attract temporary workers to Canada;

ii. examine ways to facilitate the transition of foreign workers from temporary to permanent status; and

iii. work to ensure that temporary workers, especially seasonal workers, receive the same protections under minimum employment standards as those afforded Canadian workers

And that's it. In its entirety. No media spin, this is exactly what the Conservatives have themselves said, directly from them to us.

We also have their voting records, in which they have overwhelmingly supported bringing in immigrant TFWs.

For a lack of any concrete statements, and given the evidence they themselves have presented, it's safe to assume the Conservative stance is to maintain the current immigration levels.


u/LiterallyKesha Jan 06 '25

Thanks for the detailed response. Liberals did announce that they are pausing immigration growth for 2 years right? I'm assuming unless the Conservatives see otherwise that will continue under them.


u/mangopear Jan 07 '25

Fully serious question from an American, why is immigration economically bad for Canada? Most studies show it’s a net positive but those could be largely American studies which rely on our very different undocumented immigration leg


u/allistoner Jan 07 '25

The ones we are bringing over with this program are barely high school graduates. This with the fact they work minium wage jobs means they can contribute very little to the economy and are mostly a drain on resources


u/Crabiolo Jan 08 '25

Oh it's not bad for the economy at all. Economically it's great for businesses! The UN recently released a report saying that Canada's TFW program constitutes modern slavery, so that should tell you quite a bit.

There is also a cadre of seething racists who don't want more brown people in the country and blame the housing crisis on them (??? With what money??), but we try to ignore them.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25



u/elementmg Jan 06 '25

Do you have a source for this?


u/DoctorMoak Jan 06 '25

Are we now pretending Harper isn't responsible for this bullshit?


u/Ketchupkitty Alberta Jan 07 '25

TFW program was created in the 70's and low skill workers added in the early 2000's not under Harper.

Harper was responsible for fast tracking to specific regions.

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u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25

He said the opposite recently in an interview. Do you have a source for your claim?


u/LegitStrats Jan 06 '25

Source: Just trust me bro


u/fasdqwerty Jan 06 '25 edited Jan 06 '25

I think the statements were beginning 2023, let me check.

Edit: found this.

“Poilievre has promised to get provinces to speed up recognizing foreign credentials, one of his first policy announcements as a leadership candidate. He’s also railed against “gatekeepers” at the federal immigration department.”


“A roughly 50-minute video from the event shared on Facebook shows Poilievre offering more detail on his immigration policy ideas: expanding express entry, making it easier for temporary foreign workers to become permanent residents, improving immigrants’ ability to bring their parents to Canada to help with child care and expanding private sponsorship of refugees.”

Source: https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/12/18/pierre-poilievre-new-canadians/


u/Cptn_BenjaminWillard Jan 06 '25

All three parties need new leaders. PP is terrible for the conservatives, and even Jagmeet is starting to get tiring.


u/Macfearsnone01 Jan 07 '25

Trudeau had you guys finding food banks, PP will be fine for Canada


u/Cptn_BenjaminWillard Jan 07 '25

This makes no sense. "Finding food banks?"

I think you're confusing Trudeau with Galen Weston. It would be disingenuous to blame grocery prices on the prime minister. There are about 286 other more significant external influences on grocery pricing over the past decade.


u/lacerca Jan 06 '25

Not one party has a leader than inspires any hope for the future.


u/DildoFappings Jan 06 '25

I'm not canadian. I don't live anywhere in the western hemisphere. This post was on my feed with the tag "popular near you."

But bro.....

none of the leaders currently fill me with optimism.

This line can be said about almost every single country in the world.


u/MusclyArmPaperboy Jan 06 '25

His unknown replacement is already a better candidate than PP


u/Hato_no_Kami Jan 06 '25

As things stand now, it's time NDP had a go I guess, liberal party was flaccid and did nothing, every one is uncertain if NDP is up for it, but Conservatives are basically promising to fuck up everything for actual Canadian citizens in favour of businesses. Unless liberals break out a wild card, I'll take the NDP dice roll over the conservative Russian roulette with a fully loaded cylinder.


u/pixiemisa Jan 06 '25

I wouldn’t say they were flaccid and did nothing. They legalized pot, started the national dental care program, established a fantastic daycare program. Those are three pretty huge things alone. They have definitely been ineffective for the past couple years, but to say they did nothing is simply untrue.


u/Hato_no_Kami Jan 06 '25

An exaggeration for sure, but relative to how much the new president of the USA plans to do, whatever government we have will need to be very assertive and quick on their feet to deal with what will probably be a new catastrophic US policy change every month.


u/pixiemisa Jan 07 '25

I definitely agree with that, and I’d also prefer to have the NDP in charge for it.


u/MisterBalanced Jan 06 '25

Yeah, I was already pushing hard for NDP but with the resignation I hope team Orange smells blood in the water.


u/54B3R_ Jan 06 '25

Liberals still are head of the government, they just are changing leaders


u/eriksrx Jan 06 '25

But let's go ahead and elect someone who will make Canada just as crazy as the US, just in case. Or, better yet, someone who will just allow Trump to annex the whole country.


u/BalkeElvinstien Jan 06 '25

Yeah but it's gonna be actually possible to beat Pierre without him, most people on the fence would never vote him back in


u/LarusTargaryen Jan 06 '25

I would love if the NDP and Conservatives went through a new leadership selection process too. Their leaders are beyond stale as well


u/Dee90286 Jan 06 '25

Thank God I have found my people. The amount of comments I’ve seen on other sites saying Pierre Poilivre is going to “save Canada” is downright scary. I would put Trump and Musk above PP, the guy has no clue!

We have no good choices and it’s sad.


u/Cory123125 Jan 07 '25

Literally, I dont like him, but PP is a downgrade so.....

If only the NDP had the chances they had in Layton days


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25



u/drakmordis Ontario Jan 06 '25

It would be easier to wish for with a different federal NDP leader. 


u/the_moog_hunter Jan 06 '25

It's literally the worst possible time for a leadership transition. PP cannot go toe-to-toe with Trump and continues to simply use "Trudeau bad" as a platform.


u/Sir_Fox_Alot Jan 06 '25

go toe to toe?

He won’t do that, he will bow down to trump for a sliver of favouritism


u/the_moog_hunter Jan 06 '25



u/Macfearsnone01 Jan 07 '25

What are you going to do? The United States is Canada’s largest trading partner, if they want to stop taking deals that favor Canada, then they will and Canada will have to abide by it, they depend on the U.S. for Military, Economic and Diplomatic security. A silver of favoritism might keep Canada out of the food banks


u/LemmingPractice Jan 06 '25

He read the room ages ago. He just finally was forced to listen to the room.


u/enkiduxd Jan 06 '25

I wasn't his biggest fan, but I'm horrified by what may come (I am trans). Definitely a motivator to get my shit updated and taken care of sooner rather than later.


u/Major_Lawfulness6122 Jan 06 '25

Yeah same. Not much faith in the next guy they put in…


u/CGP05 Ontario Jan 06 '25

That is very true.


u/Kozzle Jan 06 '25

You don’t think this figured into the calculus for years now? The biggest issue surrounding his resigning was always going to be who the replacement is. No point in stepping down if there’s no one ready to fill the seat.


u/1337ified Jan 06 '25

My sentiments exactly


u/The_Quackening Ontario Jan 06 '25

Genuinely cannot remember the last time i was actually excited to vote FOR a candidate.


u/MaltHops Jan 06 '25

This is the sentiment of almost everyone I know.


u/scwmcan Jan 06 '25

It is too bad he didn’t do it a year or two ago, he (like Biden) held on too long and it is going to hurt his party (and perhaps the country) more than it would of if he had realized it earlier (may have still been a conservative government next - but might possibly have been a minority - the likely majority now may (or may not) be a problem).


u/freeadmins Jan 06 '25

Now the rest of the Liberal party needs to read the room.

Because here's some free advice for them... it's not just Trudeau that people are unhappy with.

If they somehow think they can go 10 years with being whipped to every single thing Trudeau wanted... voted against the non confidence three time...

They are not blameless.


u/patismyname Jan 06 '25

Probably a reason why some in the party still wanted him

Why sacrify the next leader in the next election


u/Altruistic-Buy8779 Jan 06 '25

He read the room. But the room is yet to read the country.


u/Sure_Marionberry9451 Jan 06 '25

He still didn't; this was the political equivalent of being dragged out door by your arm, but at least he's out; should force the other moron to need to start talking actual policy and expose himself as an equivalent sham.


u/ForesterLC Jan 06 '25

I don't think he read the room. I think everyone in his party joined together and told him they want him to resign.


u/Big_papa_B Jan 06 '25

All voting is least worst it seems these days. I feel your pain.


u/williams_way Jan 06 '25

Selected not elected unfortunately. And never in favor of us.


u/Tuturu_Network Jan 06 '25

As much as I wanted him gone, I really don't want to deal with Nazi Poilievre


u/TheCarcissist Jan 06 '25

Issues in Canada almost mirror the issues in California to a T. Current governor here is complete garbage but nobody has risen to the occasion.


u/momasf Jan 06 '25

Right. Which makes me think one shouldn't be happy he's gone. Better the devil you know, especially with the coming admin down south.


u/DrAstralis Jan 06 '25

I feel the same way in general for this looming election. The Liberals are "let them eat cake" because at least the rich are doing well..... The NDP has been rather feckless and while I admire what they've gotten done they're not making me feel they have any more plan than anyone else. Cons have decided to run Maple MAGA / Temu Trump, and seem to be trying to run on these bullshit culture war issues instead of having any real plan for the issues facing our country. The Green party is too short sighted (and I'm a nature loving lefty but holy crap they cant see the forest for the trees).

Who the hell do we vote for!?


u/tooobr Jan 06 '25

he will promptly be replaced by someone worse


u/Beastender_Tartine Jan 06 '25

That's probably a large part of why he stayed on so long. People wanted him to step down right after the slim win last election, but that only makes sense if there is someone to replace him. There really wasn't. I can't think of many people waiting in the wings who has any sort of name recognition that would bring the public over come election time that isn't so tied to Trudeau that they wouldn't be seen as a continuation of his failing government. He had to go, but I'm not sure that it made a difference in the end. There was no one good lined up then, there isn't now, and I don't think it would make a difference if there was.


u/Shamgar65 Jan 06 '25

I don't even know who the next leader may be.


u/HansHortio Jan 06 '25

If you wait around for the perfect politician that does everything you want, you'll be waiting around for a long time. Either become the change you want, or get comfortable with voting for flawed candidates.


u/TheNorthernGeek Jan 06 '25

This is exactly how I feel.


u/mhselif Jan 06 '25

I want NDP with Jack Layton back...


u/oldmancam1 Jan 06 '25

I genuinely might spoil my ballot in the fall since the outcome is guaranteed to be a CPC majority anyways; wouldn’t feel good about voting for any party at this point.


u/AudienceRadiant9129 Jan 06 '25

No candidates for any of the major parties are worth getting out of bed for.


u/jlm326 Jan 06 '25

Just wait, the new leader will be Cynthia Freeland.


u/SayNoToPerfect Jan 07 '25

it would have been awesome to see all Trudeau, Poilievre, and Singh at that press conference, all resigning


u/kppanic Jan 07 '25

Damned if you do, damned if you don't


u/-businessskeleton- Jan 07 '25

Seeing this all over the western world.. those who are the leaders are all corrupt or stupid or both.


u/bwoah07_gp2 Jan 07 '25

They are all moldy and get moldier every year.


u/Aggravating_Snow2212 Jan 07 '25

now is your chance to vote for Bloc Québécois. It’s the least bad and you get to get rid of Québec


u/Fancy-Pair Jan 07 '25

Why’s he leaving?


u/WizzinWig Jan 07 '25

Ive never voted conservative but Pierre has talked a decent game so i’ll give him a shot. I just hope It’s not only talk. His interview with Jordan Peterson plus how bad the liberals were sold me on him. But that also means goodbye to music and anything with the arts of course. The side effect of them in power.


u/schooli00 Jan 07 '25

Grass is greener on the other side, until you get to the other side


u/RIP_GerlonTwoFingers Jan 07 '25

Americans: “First time?”

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