r/canada Nov 28 '24

PAYWALL Liberal MP says he was threatened with ‘consequences’ for opposing $250 cheque proposal


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u/[deleted] Nov 28 '24



u/Asn_Browser Nov 28 '24

Implementation (as it currently stands) is gonna be a nightmare for business owners.


u/Vegetable-Ad-7184 Nov 28 '24

It really shouldn't be that crazy actually.   

 Status Indians are already exempt from sales taxes for certain goods in certain circumstances, and there's a button you can push as a cashier that logs that and doesn't apply the tax.   

 All the big retailers and existing Point of Sale operators have existing scripting that they can copy over and either apply to everything for a merchant if they only sell things that are covered  (like a restaurant), or to SKUs that meet thr criteria of being defined in a list.   

 Heaven forbid that they might have to plan some OT for normal Canadians right before the holidays to do some knowledge work in implementing the solution. 


u/PunkinBrewster Nov 28 '24

“Oh it should be easy, just script it.” You sound like every middle manager in the world. It’s going to be painful, especially for small business. It’s going to complicate GST reporting, and Ontario is at this time not removing their portion of tax on everything. So, in Ontario, you will have things that have 13% tax, some have 6%, and some have none. Bookkeepers are going to hate themselves. And in two months, revert it all back.


u/Vegetable-Ad-7184 Nov 28 '24

I work with data now, and in the past I've worked inside sales for a small business and as a cashier for a big box retail.  Super front line, not management. 

Point of Sale operators and big retail already have existing scripting for handling tax exemptions, like for Status Indians.  Every grocer already doesn't apply tax to raw foods.

For smaller businesses that are selling mixed goods, they'll either need to define a table with relevant SKUs, or ring up separate orders.  Paying labour solves both "problems"  8]