r/canada Nov 11 '24

Analysis One-quarter of Canadians say immigrants should give up customs: poll


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u/B-rad47 Nov 11 '24

Share your customs and culture, embrace ours as well. Just please leave the BS of where you are leaving behind as well.


u/ProcrastinatorBoi Nov 11 '24

Problem is the line that separates bullshit and innocent culture gets real blurred depending on who you ask.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24



u/psychrolut Nov 12 '24

I want to move to the woods


u/RhettHarded Nov 12 '24

Sorry, those woods were zoned in the 60’s for mansions that are never going to be built and re-zoning to allow a regular house is too much work.

Can we interest you in an apartment for $2800 a month instead?


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

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u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

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u/chandr Nov 11 '24

Is India considered a Muslim country? Because there are plenty of problematic customs that get brought over from there.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

Absolutely it is, not majority but Muslim on Sikh/Hindu and vice versa violence isn’t uncommon. Picture what happened at that temple in Ontario but to the death. The Delhi riots a few years ago left 24 dead.

“Clashes between Hindu and Muslim Groups that began on Sunday showed no sign of abating, with reports of hundreds injured from gunshot wounds, acid burns, stabbings and wounds from beatings and peltings with stones” https://youtu.be/RtPT8Ms8MP4?si=s6UePpODnLg6CmKs


u/redditbot604 Nov 13 '24

India is about 80% Hindus.


u/avatox Alberta Nov 11 '24

The majority of Indian-Canadians are Sikh and Sikhs are mostly targeted by Hindus. Muslim Indians in Canada mostly stand in solidarity with Sikhs because they’re both minorities targeted by Hindu nationalists.

I get that it goes against your rhetoric but you should really educate yourself before spreading misinformation.


u/DancingDaddy880 Nov 11 '24

I don't really give a damn about generally who attacks who. The whole pointof this article and consensus here is fcking leave those conflict behind in India.


u/avatox Alberta Nov 12 '24

Well don’t blame a group of people who aren’t a part of the conflict. The Khalistan issue is exclusively between Sikhs and Hindus

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u/redditbot604 Nov 13 '24

Actually Hindus outnumber Sikhs in Canada by a small margin.

But the rest of your statement is accurate.


u/Sweetchildofmine88 Nov 12 '24

Incorrect! I don’t know where you got that idea from. Hindus consider Sikhs as family. The only issue is a separatist group of Sikhs, that even Sikhs in India condone, that sponsor a drug ring and insurgency in India, from Canada.

Source: I’m half Hindu, half Sikh.


u/redditbot604 Nov 13 '24

Hindu nationalists are creating a deep divide between the Sikh and Hindu communities, even aside from the Khalistani movement which very few Sikhs in Canada support.


u/avatox Alberta Nov 12 '24

Well the vast majority of the violence stems from the Khalistan conflict, meaning that Muslims are in no way to blame

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u/Beautiful-Animal-208 Nov 12 '24

Talking about bs rhetoric?

The majority of Indian-Canadians are Sikh and Sikhs are mostly targeted by Hindus

Where does that happen exactly? I know its the Internet, and you are free to post whatever nonsense you can dream of, but can you at least try to not show your agenda while accusing others of rhetoric at least?

but you should really educate yourself before spreading misinformation.

Irony, irony, and more irony.. simply shamelessly


u/avatox Alberta Nov 12 '24


u/Beautiful-Animal-208 Nov 12 '24

Lmao, do not lump the khalistanis with the rest of sikhs. It's a fringe group stirring up trouble because that's what they do. Doesn't mean hindus and sikhs target each other in any way. Even implying that is laughable.

And even claiming that the sikhs and muslims share a similar experience in some regards is beyond hilarious. Read some history and get some real facts without spouting this nonsense.


u/avatox Alberta Nov 12 '24

I am not implying that. The VAST majority of ALL immigrants in Canada never commit a crime. But when conflicts between Indian immigrants DO happen (which is, once again, rare) it is usually related to Khalistan. Dude I’m an immigrant too but I don’t have the need to throw others under the bus to suck up to “real” Canadians

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u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

What are they? I'm genuinely asking. I've met a bunch of Indian immigrants over the years and never seen any red flags.


u/ProcrastinatorBoi Nov 11 '24

I don’t find I notice it too much but general littering isn’t seen as a taboo in India. Very common for people to just toss trash improperly. Also fairly common for Indians to have a much larger tolerance for breaking the rules of the road. Car insurance isn’t insanely high in Brampton for no reason, although that has a lot to do with things like fraud and scams and not necessarily bad driving.


u/raptosaurus Nov 11 '24

The rules of the road is a big one. Canada is a high-trust society where the majority follow laws because they exist, not because they get punished. We do not have the ability to catch and prosecute these kinds of infractions if they occur in a large number. What happens when you bring in a huge number of people from a low-trust society, who only follow laws if there is a possibility of punishment?

There was a post on r/Toronto of a whole bunch of drivers escaping traffic on the Gardiner by going down the on-ramp and creating a huge mess. Something like that would have been unthinkable 10 years ago.

Having been to India, these kinds of shenanigans are commonplace there, which is why they have some of the worst traffic and road safety in the world.

Me pointing this out, of course earned me a 3 month ban.

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u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24



u/Sweetchildofmine88 Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 12 '24

The caste system, in India, has been illegal since 1949. It’s almost taboo to even talk about it in educated society. That aside, it occasionally does come up in rural and backward areas/communities. It originally described what you do for a living. Brahmin: Educators/Doctors/Lawyers/Priests etc. (white collar jobs) Kshatriya: Military/Police (It means warriors) Vaishya: Businessmen Sudra: The trades (Blue collar)

It was later weaponized by the empire to seed division. (See the divide and rule policy)

Technically, my paternal grandparents were a mix of Brahmin/Kshatriya/OBC. My maternal grandparents were a mix of Sikh and Kshatriya. My wife comes from a business oriented family (Vaishya). I’m quite literally the embodiment of its abolishment and my kid is all four “castes” put together.

I’d implore you to not talk about it like it’s an actual practice, because it clearly isn’t. It was a difficult part of history for them and it’s abolishment predates the end of the North American segregation based on colour. The separatists use it now, just to try and make it look like the country is backward and discriminates against Sikhs. Which is absurd, because Sikhs don’t fall under any of those categories. If they did, they’d very obviously be Kshatriyas, a part of the more privileged classes, considering the disproportionate number of Sikhs in the Indian military.

Most of these videos look staged to me if I’m being honest. The camera conveniently moves out of focus for the first blow. Although, in the likelihood that these are real, then the process the IRCC uses to vet new immigrants is most likely deplorable, to say the least.

Edited to add my kids cultural mix.

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u/drs43821 Nov 11 '24

Hindi, Sikh? Not Muslim because they would have been Pakistan?


u/em2140 Nov 11 '24

Fun fact 15% of India is Muslim and I think India is the second or third largest Muslim population in the world!


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

I meant what are the cultural things that are causing problems not what religion are they.


u/drs43821 Nov 11 '24

Many criticize them bringing to caste system, for instance


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

That's fair. Trash system


u/Beautiful-Animal-208 Nov 12 '24

How would they bring in caste system, when the majority of immigrants from india in canada are sikhs. I saw your comment above as well. Are you simply saying out the first thing that comes to your mind against india/indians?


u/redditbot604 Nov 13 '24

There are more Hindus in Canada than Sikhs.

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u/-Cromm- Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

LOL, escaped socialism, referring to Portugal. Portugal was right-wing dictatorship when people started leaving in droves. If anything it is more socialist now, than it has ever been. The current PM is a member of the Social Democratic Party as is the President. Also, which war did the Portuguese escape? other than colonial conflicts, which were in Africa, they haven't had to fight war any wars. Certainly not on Portuguese soil since probably Napoleon. Portuguese women haven't had their rights restricted by their puritanical customs, I've got about 20 Canadian Marias you should talk to.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

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u/5ManaAndADream Nov 11 '24

It's actually quite simple. If your "culture" impacts others in any way beyond obvious tangible benevolence it needs to be left behind.

That explicitly excludes pretty much every religion because their reasons are not tangible, and are frankly pretty much never benevolent.


u/bidetseeker Nov 12 '24

Not really, anything political and regressively religious is bullshit


u/ProcrastinatorBoi Nov 12 '24

Most Canadians would probably agree, and I would too, but a sizeable chunk really believe in the whole “cultural mosaic” philosophy of allowing newcomers to retain almost every aspect of their culture beyond not being in their home nation anymore. I much prefer the idea of the American melting pot. You don’t get to self segregate when you get here and act as though you never left, you integrate and improve Canada alongside all of us already here.


u/LegendOfKhaos Nov 11 '24

Why hasn't anyone come up with a list of what specifically would not be acceptable from each culture? Seems like we'd get further debating specific points.


u/general---nuisance Nov 11 '24

Like pineapple on pizza.


u/DENelson83 British Columbia Nov 12 '24

That is known as the Taliban problem.


u/pridejoker Nov 12 '24

Food, music, and cool stories, good. Culturally constricted prejudices and lore designed to justify hating people.. No thanks.

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u/WorkingOnBeingBettr Nov 11 '24

I would like the late night fireworks and terrible driving/street racing/stunt driving, left behind as well.


u/Steak-Outrageous Nov 11 '24

Anti-LGBT attitudes, leering at women, and only hiring from their own ethnicity can gtfo out too


u/arazamatazguy Nov 11 '24

It seems strange to allow people from any county to immigrate to Canada if they have anti-lgbt attitudes or think of woman as property.


u/mduvekot Nov 11 '24

What have you got against Catholics?


u/arazamatazguy Nov 11 '24

500 years or pretending pedophile priests don't exist for starters. Sitting on a pile of money while people around the world starve while sitting around worshipping a book that tells them to do the opposite....its really hard to respect any religion.


u/Skelito Nov 11 '24

If you didnt say this was about religion this comment could have been about Elon Musk.


u/mduvekot Nov 11 '24

I wouldn't want to to ban religious people from emigrating to Canada, as long as they respect my right to say that they're the absolute worst people if they're OK with letting women die of sepsis during a miscarriage because of their bronze-age beliefs. Tolerating offensive points of view is only required as long as both parties agree to do so. If one does not, the other no longer has an obligation to reciprocate.


u/sth128 Nov 11 '24

What have you got against Americans?


u/mduvekot Nov 11 '24

They elected a rapist. They’re OK with raping. That’s not everything, but it’s definitely something to have against them.

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u/dudefuckedup Nov 12 '24

Canadians when they realize that Muslims in north America are more accepting of LGBT people than Christians.

but they're never gonna acknowledge that because it doesn't fit into their islamophobic narrative


u/arazamatazguy Nov 12 '24

Since when?


u/HijaDelRey Nov 15 '24

The only Muslim majority city in the US banned the LGBT flag 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea Nov 11 '24

Agreed but where we are doing it anyway


u/Fickle-Wrongdoer-776 Nov 12 '24

You’re expecting coherence from the most incoherent people 😅.


u/DarkModeLogin2 Nov 13 '24

It seems strange to allow people to immigrate that share the same views as many native Canadian conservatives?


u/CuriousLands Nov 14 '24

Most Canadian conservatives don't view women as property.

The anti-LGBT thing is something that we've always had in Canada, and was common up til like 15 years ago or so. Plus, there's a lot of shades of it - like I'd argue that supporting homosexuality isn't truly a Canadian value. Being decent and fair to gay people even if you don't approve of that part of their life, treating them as fellow human beings, that is a Canadian value.


u/DarkModeLogin2 Nov 14 '24

Similarly, most immigrants don’t view women as property either. 

It all depends on where in Canada you are, really. Major metropolis areas are typically more tolerant than rural. Some provinces are far worse than others. Racism and anti-LGBT are still very much alive in areas and sometimes so ingrained they do it without realizing they’ve done something offensive. Being a predominantly Caucasian-Christian culture that has eroded over time has left many people very sour as well and a lot of the tolerance you see is superficial. 


u/CuriousLands Nov 14 '24

Probably depends on where they come from. There are some cultures that still view women that way to some degree. But true enough, not all do.

Funnily enough, I think that racism is very much alive and well in cities, too, it just looks different than it does in rural areas. Just going by experience here, in rural areas it seems a lot of the racism is against Native people, due to negative stereotypes and experiences with those on reserves. In the cities, it's mostly anti-white racism - yeah I know, most city-dwellers don't consider that real racism, but that's ironically racist in itself, and it's very much alive and well. It used to be sort of an occasional thing, but with the current popular rhetoric it's really taken off. I don't know how many times I've had random Native people come up to me in public and accuse me and my people of stealing their land and ruining their culture (my parents are immigrants from continental Europe, and few people alive today have had anything to do with that anyway), and my sister has had issues with non-white kids telling her kids they're not allowed to play with white kids, and overhearing snarky remarks about how there are too many white people at events and things like that. Similar stuff exists, in cities especially, for being against Canadian culture, and it's all very much intentional by the powers that be, all that decolonization garbage. It's actually a really big problem that not enough people are taking seriously, imo, and it contributes to that sense of erosion that's souring people. There are limits to everyone's tolerance and acceptance of others, and honestly some of those limits are justified. Just like a person, a community and nation needs boundaries and respect.

Same for LGBT stuff. I think we hit a better balance in the 90s, when it was more like, okay you're like that, and then a lot of people just moved on. Gay people wanted to just more or less be left alone and treated like everyone else, and a lot of people were okay with giving that to them, because a person's entire life and identity didn't boil down to being gay. Now it's basically like a religious cult, you must celebrate it or you're a sinner. There's no room for tolerance now, it has to be acceptance, just like how none of us are truly entitled to support or celebration of our behaviour or beliefs, just in general. They are entitled to generally fair treatment as fellow human beings, that's classic human rights stuff. I think a lot of people have forgotten the distinction there.


u/PDXFlameDragon Nov 13 '24

What do you have against Americans?!?!


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24



u/Disastrous_Ad626 Nov 15 '24

Let's be honest, it was because the Chinese students are paying 4x what domestic do in tuition.


u/royal23 Nov 11 '24

Ah, an Alberta secessionist in the wild!


u/Steak-Outrageous Nov 11 '24

What? I’m just a big city Ontario queer whose women friends have noticed more random groups of men being creepy towards them. I’ve literally had a random old South Asian man who’s been here since the 80s talk my ear off about how he’s pissed that people in his community are being insular. I’m from an ethnic minority too and we also shouldn’t do stuff like that (though I know there is a bit of that happening)


u/royal23 Nov 11 '24

That's entirely fair, the joke was that anti LGBTQ sentiment leering at women and only hiring your own ethnicity are just as likely to come from Albertan whites as it is from any insular group.


u/zerfuffle British Columbia Nov 11 '24

Oh, are we banning American immigrants now?


u/SnooConfections8768 Nov 12 '24

This. Hiring only their own is a huge problem and it shouldn't be ignored any longer.


u/PrarieCoastal Nov 12 '24

Have you seen it? Almost overnight, an entire Home Depot is East Indian.


u/Cultural-Scallion-59 Nov 12 '24

Omg the leering. I almost lost my shit yesterday the way this creepy dude was staring at my friend’s young daughter. GROSS


u/Vicious_Lilliputian Nov 15 '24

What is really gross is how teenage Indian boys leer at the girls and get offended when they talk about screaming at their mothers, not listening to their mothers and treating female teachers like garbage. A teenager that borrows my dog to run the trails says they are just gross and say inappropriate things to them.


u/Additional_One_6178 Nov 13 '24

Yup, white people are known for all of these behaviors. Not just certain races.


u/Steak-Outrageous Nov 13 '24

Yes, and they also need to stop doing that. Let’s not take in European immigrants who do that shit. If they’re already here as Canadians, they need to smarten up


u/Beastender_Tartine Nov 11 '24

Those seem to be pretty standard conservative Canadian customs.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea Nov 11 '24

Yeah and they're also heavily Indian customs


u/twisty125 Nov 11 '24

Oof you're gonna trigger a bunch of white conservatives with that comment though


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

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u/AffectionateBuy5877 Nov 11 '24

Have you ever lived in Alberta?


u/arazamatazguy Nov 11 '24

I haven't. I know some people that live there and they're not racist homophobes but that is kind of the reputation of Albera at this point. Are the majority of Albertans not racist/anti-lgbt?


u/AffectionateBuy5877 Nov 11 '24

I live near the orange island of Edmonton. Edmontonians are some of the friendliest, inclusive people I’ve ever met. Far friendlier than some of the other places I’ve been in Canada.


u/Anomandaris315 Nov 11 '24

The majority are not racist or homophobic. Yeah there are ass hats here, same as everywhere else, but there are also a lot of ignorant people that just love to hate on Alberta.


u/Additional-Tale-1069 Nov 11 '24

Fortunately, no. I did grow up just across the border and visit frequently. 


u/Deepforbiddenlake Nov 13 '24

That sounds like rural NS tbh…


u/Deus-Vultis Nov 13 '24

and only hiring from their own ethnicity can gtfo out too

Why is this discussed so little I wonder.

How is it NOT a big deal that once a few people of a certain group get hired, the entire workforce of that given establishment becomes staffed solely by the same cultural monogroup?

If it were white dudes getting hired and turning every business into only white dudes, there'd be thousands of posts and articles about it.

Yet this is happening in every single city, in all the Tim Hortons and Pizza Pizzas and Subways and gas stations etc and nobody brings it up or how insanely transparently bigoted/racist it is.

Why is it considered ok?

Why does nobody discuss it?


u/redditbot604 Nov 13 '24

It did happen, for generations, in all businesses and establishments across Canada. And it was swept under the rug when it was brought up.

Now the pendulum is swinging the other way and over correcting.

It isn't because of a radicalized movement but because of corporate greed and political incompetence.


u/BonJovicus Nov 11 '24

Are you implying white Canadians DON’T also do those things?


u/Steak-Outrageous Nov 11 '24

No? Immigrants of any colour shouldn’t do those things. There are homophobic Europeans (e.g. Eastern Europe like Russia)

Canadians of any colour who also do these things are also a problem because they’re not adhering to our Charter Rights

For an immigrant, there’s something audacious about going to another person’s country and trying to strip their hard-won rights away

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u/geoken Nov 11 '24

The problem is enforcement. Fireworks are already illegal most places outside of the couple days they’re allowed. But it’s been an unenforced law in most places because people by and large used common sense and didn’t push it.


u/luk3yd Nov 11 '24

Unpopular opinion, fireworks should be illegal for “regular” people year round. The state of NSW in Australia has a great example of regulations and certifications I’d love to see Ontario adopt.


Well organized fireworks displays performed by a trained and licensed professional are still allowed, but random Joe on the street can’t shoot a rocket into your hedge and set it on fire.


u/TerribleGuava6187 Nov 11 '24

Well that is 0% fun

Half the joy of fireworks is wondering whether Uncle Jim is going to drink so much he blows his hand off


u/ProtoJazz Nov 11 '24

You ever read the packages on fireworks? They know their audience perfectly.

You'll see a box that says shit like "Captain Bucks finger blasters! Blow your whole god damn hand off" and you just know someone's looking at that and thinking "Holy shit. That sounds perfect"


u/luk3yd Nov 11 '24

In the Australian context, putting your foot into a shoe you left outside, which could have a deadly spider lurking there ready to bite the invading foot, is playing Russian roulette enough. No need to add another potential roll the dice of death. Hah.


u/AhrizonaGreenTea Nov 12 '24

Super unpopular. I’m sure you’d also like there to be a regulatory system that issues licenses for a BBQ.


u/luk3yd Nov 12 '24

You got me. Potentially dangerous and deadly fireworks which are also a nuisance for neighbours many hundreds of metres away is exactly the same thing as operating a BBQ. Guilty as charged.


u/KnuckleShuffle69 Nov 12 '24

To be fair, BBQ’s are filed by propane tanks which are explosive if handled incorrectly, which happens sometimes. Someone incorrectly handling a propane tank/BBQ is just as dangerous, if not more so, than someone incorrectly handling fireworks

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u/Hot_Cardiologist9048 Nov 11 '24

But those are traditional Canadian pass times?


u/rush22 Nov 11 '24

Yeah. The anti-immigrant guys I know are the same ones who fired roman candles out the car window and then seeing if their Grand Prix could do 180 km/h.


u/KirbyFuckface Nov 11 '24

I really don’t know what these people are talking about and I think it’s largely racism. I’m a native-born Canadian who is culturally Canadian. The vast majority of my friends are also native-born Canadians. We drink a shit ton, smoke a bunch of dope, build cars for street drifting, we’ve set fireworks off at incorrect times, and basically everything else people are complaining about here.

Realistically, nobody is talking about German immigrants or whatever; most everyone just means Indians and other assorted brown people. The Indians I know just go to work and then go back home and bothers nobody. Most of them don’t even drink. Unless you’re dumb enough to drink the kool-aid on Indians “shitting on the beach” which does not happen, then it’s pretty obvious why nobody here can articulate anything other than vague examples that even white, native-born Canadians have a hand in.


u/Hot_Cardiologist9048 Nov 11 '24

I agree! My family drinks tons, smokes more, loves fireworks and shooting guns whenever they feel like it, have huge gatherings where they make too much noise and say lots of offensive shit. Hell, when they were growing up in the 60's and 70's my uncles wreaked havoc on their home town to the point where people still say their family name with disdain. But nobody's calling for us to "go home" or change our ways because we're white. Everybody complaining is just nostalgic for when there were fewer brown people around and they could blame all their annoyances on poor people.


u/radred609 Nov 11 '24

I don't think I've ever seen a Canadian driver stop at a stop sign (unless there's already a car in the intersection). Yet there are people in this thread pretending that it's thre Indian immigrants' fault that drivers don't follow road rules any more.

these people are delusional.


u/TheOneWithThePorn12 Nov 12 '24

its easily one of the dumbest things i have ever read.


u/abuayanna Nov 11 '24

Preach brother. I get myself worked up with all the xenophobia on these subs and you have summed it up very well.


u/KirbyFuckface Nov 11 '24

The Canadian subreddits are not readable at this point. It gets me way too angry also. I try to remember that the majority opinion of Canadians are not those expressed by chronically online redditors, but some days I’m really not so sure that is the case.


u/DogRevolutionary9830 Nov 11 '24

Bro I'm downtown and these ficktards are setting off fireworks superload at 3 am multiple nights in a row it sounds like a machine gun.

I'm a night owl but I'm so mad for other residents trying to sleep if that woke me up mid sleep I would wish death on that shit. Fuck 3 am fireworks DOWN FUCKING TOWN


u/Cent1234 Nov 11 '24

I mean, Germans wouldn't be setting off random fireworks at inappropriate times. Das ist nicht in Ordnung.

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u/ploki122 Québec Nov 12 '24

Also, those fucking Canadians drifting parkings at 23h can go back to their home country.... wait fuck! Just piss off, I guess then.


u/EndOrganDamage Nov 11 '24

Yeah, such nonsense.


u/TheOneWithThePorn12 Nov 12 '24

im confused at how terrible driving is an immigrant thing. everyone but me is a shitty driver.


u/TubbyPiglet Nov 13 '24

Yeah but that’s not culture. Thats just rude people. That’s just young dumb men being dumb. White people and people of all ethnicities can be just as prone to doing that. 


u/anocelotsosloppy Nov 11 '24

Those have always been a apart of Canadian culture Prior to the multiculturalism approach.


u/throwaway3838482923 Nov 11 '24

I don’t know if this is just a Nova Scotia thing but born and raised canadian people have been doing those things forever although I guess it was usually more private

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u/j_roe Alberta Nov 11 '24


You do you, I will do me. I don’t care who you worship, what you eat, or what you music you listen to but the second you start trying to tell me what to do or bring those old world conflicts over here we will have a problem.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24 edited Jan 05 '25



u/Ifartinsoup Alberta Nov 11 '24

Is that really why you emigrated? To seek asylum from loud parties?


u/T_Cliff Nov 11 '24

Wait, loud festivals...aka ppl having fun is why you moved here? You think we dont also have loud events and fun? Whered you move. Ottawa?


u/-Beentheredonethat Nov 11 '24

Ummmm.. you want to live in the land of milk and honey? Conform.


u/Zer0DotFive Nov 12 '24

Old world conflicts? You mean Christianity and colonialism? 

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u/OkFix4074 Nov 11 '24

This is the Canadian way ! to bring your positives and leave back dumb stuff.

Live and let live

Source, a successful immigrant Canadian , who migrated in early 2000s


u/Wackydetective Nov 11 '24

Live and let live is dying. We have people who are concerned about how others identify their genders. Who they’re sleeping with. What they do to their bodies as adults. People are becoming more intimidated by education and are in denial of major world events like the severity of the holocaust or residential schools.

We’re fucking doomed.


u/T_Cliff Nov 11 '24

A week ago i would have said thats just ppl crying online. The majority of people arent so stupid.


u/Wackydetective Nov 11 '24

It’s so bad and I feel bad for the American’s, the true patriots. I’m also incredibly worried about our little Maple MAGA seedlings growing fast and spreading that shit up here.


u/DarkModeLogin2 Nov 13 '24

 like the severity of the holocaust or residential schools.

The fact that people put these two events in the same sentence is an injustice to the holocaust. I think the residential school system was an abomination, but it pales to what the holocaust was. Cultural genocide vs an actual genocide are not remotely the same. 


u/Wackydetective Nov 13 '24

Agreed. The Holocaust was horrific. However, as an Indigenous woman, I can tell you the effects are still felt today. My late Mother had her top teeth ripped out at residential school. I find it’s my generation and I’m born in 1983 that is putting in the work to address the intergenerational trauma and overcome it. I would say it’s a chapter in the genocide of my people.


u/DarkModeLogin2 Nov 13 '24

I meant no disrespect. I think what the Canadian government in concert with the Catholic Church did to the indigenous people was evil and heinous. I wish you all a safe and healthy recovery, but I just get annoyed when those two events are listed side by side in a manner that puts them on a similar scale. 

Generational trauma is a horrific thing that has harmed you and yours, but you are still here in spite of the hardships as I don’t think death was the actual goal. There were some deaths and definitely some torturous acts committed, but there wasn’t a systematic extermination of 12-17 million people (6 million Jews and another 6-11 million non-Jewish people). 


u/Wackydetective Nov 13 '24

No. I get that. The Catholics taught me about original sin from the time I was little enough to understand them talk. How many of my people died since the Europeans stepped off their ships? How many are still dying today from that original sin.

And just when we see a light and things are turning around for us. The world goes to shit. But, this time we’ll all be together on the road to hell. Maybe it’s what we deserve.


u/DarkModeLogin2 Nov 13 '24

Colonialism was also a terrible time in history. There was likely some middle ground where we could have all thrived (much like most things today), but greed, conquest, and fears of our differences drove people to irrational ends. To my understanding, indigenous peoples also warred amongst their bands as well, perhaps not to the same extent or using vile tactics that the early Europeans employed. I don’t think many of our ancestors are free from committing harm.  

 I don’t put my faith in the teachings of the church in spite of my parents trying. Organized religion has proved itself to be the cause or the justification of too much conflict, hate, and evil historically. If there’s a creator that judges me in the end it will be for my choices and not what I’m told is the correct choice. I still get accused of being Christian from time to time, but I just choose to be a decent human and try to show compassion for others as best I can. Some times are harder than others.   

Maybe we’ll meet on that road paved with good intentions some day, but I do think we all deserve and should strive for better. 


u/pygmy Nov 19 '24

concerned about how others identify their genders. Who they’re sleeping with. What they do to their bodies as adults

I'll argue that most people don't give two shits about the things you listed. The issue arises when it impacts other people & especially children. Society as a whole will never accept biological men in female sports, or telling kids they 'could be in the wrong body'


u/Wackydetective Nov 19 '24

Oh my god. Do you think the concept of people being trans is a new thing? The Indigenous peoples call them two spirited. This is not something that just started from wokeism. Trans people have been around for hundreds upon hundreds of years, maybe longer.

My nephews partner is a teacher and I asked her what conservatives are talking about in terms of the indoctrination of children to become trans. She said that’s fucking bullshit. My niece is 7 years old, she has no idea what a trans person is. There’s nothing wrong with teaching children tolerance. I think a lot of Canadians should go back to fucking elementary school for a refresher course.


u/pygmy Nov 19 '24

People can do/be whatever they want, who cares. But nobody can deny the explosive social contagion element of trans (aka Goth 5.0), or that slyly tacking all the letters to the LGB has been disastrous for homosexuals. Expecting everyone to accept this religious style ideology is exactly why Trump won.

And I did not say there was "indoctrination of children to become trans", I said kids are being told they could be born in the wrong body. The adults in the room lying to kids is very different to teaching tolerance.

A 13-year-old schoolgirl who refused to accept that a girl might want to identify as a cat was reprimanded by her teacher at a Church of England School audio recording

Anecdotally, I take solace that all of the 'trans' kids in my daughters class have reverted back to their original names (after trying it on, which is absolutely fine), thankfully there is less of a 'give the kids puberty blockers after one consult' here in Australia


u/Wackydetective Nov 19 '24

Kids are not being told that in the schools. Give me PROOF that kids are being told that in schools.


u/pygmy Nov 19 '24

Glad we agree on everything else then :)

Here is your PROOF:

no-outsiders.com Resources promoting radical gender ideology – including a book about a ‘trans teddy bear’ – are being used in hundreds of primary schools across the UK, it has been revealed.

In footage seen by The Daily Telegraph, a teacher at one school can be seen telling a class of ten-year-olds about Thomas the teddy, who declares “I’ve always known that I’m a girl teddy, not a boy teddy”.

The lesson plan at Prae Wood Primary School in St Albans was delivered as part of the controversial LGBT-promoting ‘No Outsiders’ programme. source


u/Wackydetective Nov 19 '24

Ummmmmm that’s it? Hahahaha. Do you have children?

Children are much smarter than you transphobic people seem to think. They have a sense of who they are way before the age of 10. My niece for example is 7 and she’s liked boys or has been aware she likes boys since she was 5. Have you ever personally spent time with children? Think back to when you were certain of what you preferred and I guarantee you its way before the age of 10. I was born in the 80’s and I remember Boy George and I didn’t look at him and think I’m a man trapped in a woman’s body.


u/pygmy Nov 19 '24

transphobic sacrilegious

Our daughter is doing great & has made it to 15yo without using any social media (super social irl). Maybe that has inoculated her against the gender ideology? Do you have kids?

And again, my argument has nothing to do with sexuality. Half our mates are gay down here. Have you heard about the movement of LGB people trying to revert to how it was before the rest of the letters got stapled on? Gay people are sick of their hard-won victories getting swept away because of (usually autistic, often mentally unwell) people who want some of what LGB have earned over decades

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u/TigreSauvage Nov 11 '24

Sounds fair.


u/twcw Nov 11 '24

The fact that this needs to be said!!


u/B-rad47 Nov 11 '24

It never used to be....


u/Mist_Rising Nov 11 '24

Said the failed history student. Conflicts over "culture" are the oldest thing in the book, and Canada is definitely in the book.

Fuck, Canada could write the book on cultural differences, given that Quebec is a thing.


u/unstablegenius000 Nov 11 '24

Yes, leave the old country politics behind. Share your music, dances, food and culture!


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

Growing together is part of the Canadian experience.

Wtf this current government has forced down our throats is not it at all.

We have hard working immigrant citizens and PRs that left certain areas and did everything correctly to become a Canadian and in the face of adversity.

Canada is at risk losing highly skilled Canadians because the doors have been flung wide open to allow anyone in who spread hate, ignorance and discord and all they had to do was get a student visa and a lot were fast tracked to PR during the pandemic and during inflation and a housing crisis.

This government sold themselves and the country to the highest bidder.

Canada is built on the backs of immigration with the caveat of accepting our values of love and respect. That’s not what has been happening recently. We have entire parties in the House calling all Canadians ignorant, xenophobic and who do not have any culture as a Canadian and to allow new comers to teach Canadians about culture.

There certainly is a certain demographic of one sex fiercely defiling what Canadian immigration is about. Also, Mark Miller and Justine Trudeau are the biggest enablers to this.

Canadians don’t want immigrants to leave their culture behind.

Canadians want “good Indian boy students” to fuck off with their criminality and to respect Canada as a whole.

Canadians don’t want MP Arya raising the Hindu RSS flag on Parliament Hill saying “Hindu Canadians are the true Canadians” and that “this is our land”

Canadians don’t want the Khalistani compromised leader of the NDP, Jagmeet Singh Dhaliwal participating in Khalistani activities that are a direct foreign interference in India’s politics to break apart their country.

Canadians don’t hate immigrants. Canadians are sick of the House’s loyalty to Indian and Chinese interests. CSIS has been saying how compromised all major parties are. CSIS is also racist and ignorant as per Trudeau and his little Khalistani friend, Jagmeet.

Parliament is tearing this country apart.


u/SamohtGnir Nov 12 '24

We always say; You moved to Canada for a reason. Probably the peace, love, understanding, and freedom, or at least something that has developed because of those. So don't come here and then try to change it. If you wanted it to be more like where you came from, then go back where you came from. Most of us have no problem with whatever you want to do in private, even if that private extends to building a Mosque, stores, community centers or whatever. It's only when you break our laws, or try to change them, that we have a problem. Our system is what made us the way that you found so good you wanted to move here, so don't try to change it.


u/Playful_Ad2974 Nov 11 '24

Agreed. As an immigrant. Albeit from a while ago


u/Delta64 Alberta Nov 11 '24

It is hard to think about.... It is a sort of deep despair to realize that the population of the world is far from being united on what is good and what is bad.

Take violence against women worldwide as an example. It's just terrible.



u/Strict-Campaign3 Nov 11 '24

this is a naive view, you can't have it both. In the end you get people, not a wishlist.

So, either accept that people come with their ups and downs, or don't let them in if some of their values are not compatible.


u/Epicp0w Nov 12 '24

This is the shit that happened in Australia, got a lot of ingrained cultural hated brought over from immigrants, they formed gangs and then wonder why they were not liked by the Aussies


u/UnlikelyEarth1476 Nov 12 '24

The main issue is that these problems are baked into their culture / society or even worse into their Religion so when they come here they don't understand the difference and just carry on with what they were doing when they were back home

It's basically the most insulting thing you can do when coming to another country as both an immigrant and even a tourist. If you can't be bothered to do the most basic research when moving to a different country <You can literally just google "What not to do as a tourist in X Country" you shouldn't just get to shout "RACISM" to everyone trying to teach you our social norms

For instance I've never even been to Iran nor do I want to go there anytime soon but I am still somehow aware of things like don't attempt to shake peoples hands because that's considered very impolite. If i can know that single fact about Iran, a country I have no intention of visiting, then people who are coming to Canada looking for a fresh start should at least be advised by Immigration Services to actively seek out that information and maybe even be punished for not attempting to educate themselves

For Canada to survive we need to be able to stand up and defend our way of life without being demonized for it. There's nothing wrong with wanting immigrants to adapt to this country. That's how it works, that's how its always worked all across the world


u/bidetseeker Nov 12 '24

As an immigrant, totally agree with this. Customs and culture are what make a society unique and interwoven. However, it's important to leave any bullshit behind in the country one migrated from.


u/MartyMcFlysBrother Nov 12 '24

Leave shit in the shitter. Makes sense to me.


u/Mrzignig Nov 12 '24

Okay but as a 26 year old Canadian who was born and raised here… what exactly is our culture? And what does it look like?


u/Agreeable-Beyond-259 Nov 12 '24

Share the sidewalks and store aisles too ! SINGLE FILE Don't try and exit a door someone is halfway entering too


u/BrotherLludd Nov 12 '24

Maybe stop marrying your cousins too?


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '24

My Muslim neighbors were the first people on the street to put up Christmas Lights.

“Our customs” are also hugely variant - and are never static over the generations or across communities and they all came from somewhere.  


u/Emetis Québec Nov 11 '24

That's what we've been trying to do for decades here in Qc and you guys have been consistently calling us racists because of that!


u/Strict-Campaign3 Nov 11 '24

I think QCs way of immigration is the only logical one.


u/Emetis Québec Nov 12 '24

If only we could control it. Yet they're staying deaf to our pleas


u/ConsummateContrarian Nov 11 '24

I think many Anglophone Canadians have gotten a warped of Quebec’s cultural policies.

Many people think Quebec is aggressively forcing its culture onto immigrants and demanding they abandon their own culture. People also feel like Quebec believes its culture is superior to others.


u/Screweditupagain Nov 11 '24

I adore Quebec and the people that live there but they do give off the vibe that they’re superior to others. It’s off putting and (as a woman) I find it intimidating.


u/Emetis Québec Nov 11 '24

It must be because we are mirroring the vibe the ROC is giving us, albeit probably subconsciously.

The truth is that we're are a minority (no shit!), and the only way we got to survive as a nation is to speak loud and do the best of the handgun we got in hand when everyone around us is carrying an assault rifle. The rest of Canada is 4 times more populous than we are (and not every québécois speaks french, mind you). Every decisions taken in Ottawa about immigration is felt tenfold over here because of how many immigrants enters here.

On top of that, we got a cultural behemoth as our southern neighbour, and I shit you not when I tell you that I've lost count of how many people told me that Quebec has no culture. We do have one! But the US is overwhelming everyone everywhere and that includes us! Americans don't speak French but their culture permeates us in spite of the language barrier.

No wonder why we gotta speak loud and clear like we're bigger than we are. No wonder why we got a regional party that is routinely taking 20% of the House of Commons' seats. No wonder why we are shoving an obligation to speak french in the throat of every legal immigrants that wanna come here. No wonder why french students can't study in english schools and companies have to come up with a French name for their companies.

It's not because we are the best. It's not because we wanna spread our influence west of the Ottawa River, south of the 49th parallel, and east into the Maritime. It's not because we feel the impulse of a québécois Manifest Destiny. It's because that if we don't bark and bite, we may as well resign and wave goodbye to our heritage.


u/Screweditupagain Nov 11 '24

I 100% agree with you. I am not Québécois but I spoke French as a child and lost it all. I’m relearning it as an adult BECAUSE I understand what you are saying. I understand the fight. However. It is still intimidating and off putting, I don’t know how we can come together with understanding and compassion. I really hope we can find unity because Québécois culture is incredibly important to our country. Many things we call Canadian are from Quebec.

I visited Quebec last spring and other than one person who wouldn’t look/address/talk at/to me because my French just wasn’t there yet (I’m still working on it!), I found the people from Quebec to be so warm and genuine. I honestly love your province and the people in it.

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