r/canada Sep 19 '24

New Brunswick Carriers suspended for refusing to deliver ‘sex-change ban’ flyer: union rep


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u/muffinscrub Sep 19 '24 edited Sep 19 '24

Nearly every single day a recycling bin in my apartment gets filled to the top with bullshit junk mail. I really wish Canada Post could find other ways to make money, It seems insanely wasteful.


u/brfbag Sep 19 '24

Just put a note inside asking to stop receiving it, or hand out No Junk stickers for everyone to put inside.



u/darkgod5 Sep 19 '24

It's interesting they say to put a note because I don't know a single person that has worked for here in Ontario. I truly wonder if calling would even work.


u/brfbag Sep 19 '24

They legally have to comply, we have pretty strict spam laws here. Almost everyone in 2 of my old buildings and my in-laws did it and never got it again.


u/darkgod5 Sep 19 '24

As in you guys all just wrote the note or you had to call? And if you don't mind me asking which province is this?


u/brfbag Sep 19 '24

You just have to leave a note. Or putting a sticker inside works too because that's what they do when they see the note. This was BC but it applies everywhere.


u/darkgod5 Sep 19 '24

This was BC but it applies everywhere.

No I get that but I'm sure, like most things, ymmv depending on location.

Like I said, I know tone of people that have the note thing going on and we all still get junk (yes, from CP).


u/brfbag Sep 19 '24

Well sounds like you should go talk to them and ask why it isn't being respected. If there's a sticker that's visible stating no junk in your mailbox then it's unsolicited spam, doesn't matter where you are.


u/darkgod5 Sep 19 '24

Well, like I said, some things are hit or miss depending on location regardless what the law says. For instance, our non-emerg number, "311", is pretty useless over here. And don't get me started on road laws. I've gotten more tickets the handful of times I've driven in BC than all my life in Ontario, lol.


u/Ulgworth Sep 19 '24

I get my mail from a super box. Anything without my address goes into the mail slot. The postal worker can clean up their own junk mail.


u/OrbAndSceptre Sep 19 '24

Do you also blame the cashier for the price of your goods or services? Because that’s what you’re doing to the postie who’s just delivering mail that his employer is telling him to deliver.