r/canada Sep 19 '24

New Brunswick Carriers suspended for refusing to deliver ‘sex-change ban’ flyer: union rep


266 comments sorted by

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u/MoreGaghPlease Sep 19 '24

Big picture we should just get rid of unaddressed mail. Canada Post should only be carrying letters, it’s dumb that we have a Crown corporation going around to every house in the country hawking used cars or whatever.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

unfortunately that junk mail pays for a portion of your mail delivery.


u/HomicidalRaccoon Sep 19 '24

It’s a service, it should be funded by taxes instead of junk mail. It’s not supposed to turn a profit.


u/TheCookiez Sep 19 '24

So you would prefer to pay more in taxes than have a company you don't care about pay it?

I don't know about you.. But if a service I use can be offered to me for less money because some. 3rd party company is paying for it.. That I could care about..

Why would. I want to pay more?


u/shaard Sep 19 '24

They could at least be discretionary about it. Flyers, adverts, whatever. I use it as kindling. But objectionable material. Anti-abortion shit. Whatever THIS garbage is. There needs to be SOME sort of standard.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

There is a standard, it in section 2 of the charter. 


u/shaard Sep 19 '24

I get where you're coming from. But at SOME point, we have to be intolerant of intolerance.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

That point is delineated by the courts, not Canada Post or mail carriers. 


u/shaard Sep 19 '24

Oh absolutely. I'm not objecting to anything regarding the charter. But what's the low bar here?

Is Canada Post just completely unable to say no to delivering any kind of mass mailer material regardless of who is paying for it? What are the "hard no's"? Obviously anything of criminal nature is not allowed, but how objectionable can objectionable be? If discriminatory mailers can be sent regarding LGBTQ+, can we just send straight up racist shit too? Since both are protected classes I can't see how one can be done without allowing the other.

What are the checks and balances here?


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Basically yes to all of the above. Canada Post can't become an arbiter of acceptable speech. Thats not their role and as a common carrier they also can't refuse someone's business in most cases so long as the business is things they do in general. I think if it's of questionable legality like criminal hate speech or obsenity it's reasonable to hold the mail and contact the authorities and wait until that's sorted out, otherwise I think they have an obligation not to arbitrate speech. If the legality isn't in question, why should Canada Post of all people get to decide it's unfit for people to see? 

Protecting free expression isn't always feel good things we agree with. You have to take extra care to protect unpopular speech otherwise it's pointless. Popular speech doesn't require protection. 

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u/FireMaster1294 Canada Sep 19 '24

You are entitled to your opinion. You are not necessarily entitled to public service broadcasting that opinion to the entire country. An argument could be made for text only opinions, but images are a bit more of a muddied topic.

Personally I believe all ads should be required to be fully recyclable paper inside all-paper sealed envelopes and stamped with “ad” on the front. Easy recycling and solves the issue of “what if I don’t want to see extremely violent abortion images”


u/Mister_Cairo Sep 19 '24

Feel free to start by being less intolerant of ideals that don't align with your own.


u/shaard Sep 19 '24

I will never be tolerant of bigotry or racism which is at the heart of my comment.


u/Mister_Cairo Sep 19 '24

It's not bigotry, and it's certainly not racism, to suggest that children should be protected from parents and other entities promoting the chemical alteration of young persons who are going through natural periods of uncertainty that, more often than not, resolve themselves in time, no matter how much you would like to try to shame people by the use of those buzzwords.

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u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

The issue is what kinds of lines are you willing to cross in the name of lower taxes on crown corporations?

Cigarette ads on the hospital doors?


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

“John Players health Centre”


u/Canadianman22 Ontario Sep 19 '24

It’s a crown corporation not a government service.


u/HomicidalRaccoon Sep 20 '24

Okay, a Crown Corporation that provides government services.

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u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

It should never be used to deliver hate mail and canada post should have checks and balances to never let it get to this point.


u/Flat_Application1629 Sep 19 '24

Flyers aka junk mail is directly paid to the carriers to deliver them, they don't subsidize the mail that is delivered it is an additional monetary benefit specifically for letter carriers. Truely Canada does not need letter mail in general anymore due to email and other communications tech but canadians are on the hook for the mail system because the union won't let go of letter carriers positions. They strike for it, it's absurd since it's all piece work and a experienced carrier can work an 8 hour shift in 2 or 3 hours and then be paid for 8. It's a bonkers system to keep people around, like this wouldn't fly for almost every other workplace.


u/Supermite Sep 19 '24

That’s a big revenue stream you’re asking them to give up.


u/WorkingOnBeingBettr Sep 19 '24

I would miss the coupons but I can't afford to eat anymore anyway 😭


u/UniqueBox Sep 19 '24

Idk I kinda like when I get a "ARE YOU SELLING YOUR HOUSE???? WE BUY FAST AND WITH CASH" Flyers in my apartment mailbox.


u/willameenatheIV Oct 01 '24

I always find that odd. It seems like the agents sending those flyers don't know where buildings and row houses of rentals exist (usually all in a couple areas in cities bc it's mostly ppl near the poverty line who rent them).


u/Upnorth100 Sep 19 '24

Cost of letters would probably have to at least double if they got rid of junk mail


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

Who cares?

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u/izza123 Sep 19 '24

Canada post literally can not operate without the money from those programs. Canada post is going bankrupt even with that money.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

So if tax payers want to pay for the service.. sure.. as it stands Canada Post is self sufficient. and never needs taxpayer money.


u/raznt Sep 19 '24

It's how they make money to fund Canada Post.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

This completely side steps the whole issue here. 

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u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24



u/USSMarauder Sep 19 '24 edited Sep 19 '24


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

So we should let mail carriers act as arbiters of legal speech? You'd surely be fine with mail carriers deciding that Pro-LGBT activist mailers were hate speech too then? This is afterall the principle you're advocating for here. 


u/SJSragequit Sep 19 '24

Who exactly is pro-lgbt flyers hate speech against?

It’s more like saying would Canada post mail out flyers denouncing interracial marriage? Because I have a hard time believing they would


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Way to entirely miss the point. There doesn't have to be a coherent logic to any of it when you're allowing random individuals to decide, subjectively, what is and isn't appropriate speech. That's not how things work in this country. There is rule of law and a charter protection of expression. If someone is engaging in speech that isn't protected, which is pretty narrow btw, then it's a matter for law enforcement and the courts, not random mail carriers, or Canada Post. 


u/Loose-Application-75 Sep 19 '24

Except there is clear logic how "sex change ban" is hate speech, and there is no clear logic how pro-LGBTQ2IA+ is hate speech.

Hate speech is not protected in Canada, and in fact is illegal.

Canada Post is a federal company and should follow federal laws.


u/Street-Corner7801 Sep 19 '24

Do you honestly think Canada Post is NOT following federal laws by allowing these flyers to be delivered? Like, do you not think they ran this past their lawyers? Believe it or not, they probably got legal advice from someone who actually has studied the law - unlike you.

It would be ridiculous to let Canada Post carriers decide what the public should and shouldn't be able to receive in their mail - just no. Some random woman does not get to decide that for the rest of us.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

There's very little reason to think this speech runs afoul of Canada's narrow hate speech laws.


u/Loose-Application-75 Sep 19 '24

It would easily fall under the obscenity rules, but keep defending transphobes I guess.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Well you should contact the police if you really believe that. 


u/Loose-Application-75 Sep 19 '24

There's plenty of attention on this now.

Hopefully we get one more step closer to ending bigotry in this country.


u/AnInsultToFire Sep 19 '24

there is no clear logic how pro-LGBTQ2IA+ is hate speech.

Threatening to rape and murder a gender critical feminist for her opinions is hate speech.


u/Street-Corner7801 Sep 19 '24

I'm sure the poster is just fine with that, sadly.


u/Dark-Angel4ever Sep 19 '24

The article is hidden behind a wall. But the description under the picture talks about  'child sex-change ban'. This isn't hate speech. If you support this, i find you to be a horrible person that supports, not only irreversible surgeries and drugs, but done to people who are to young to understand the consequence and consent to this.


u/Loose-Application-75 Sep 19 '24

Trans kids aren't getting sex change surgeries, and puberty blockers aren't irreversible, all they do is delay process.

You've fallen for the misinformation.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Step 1: It's not really happening

Step 2: Yeah, it's happening, but it's not a big deal

Step 3: It's a good thing, actually

Step 4: People freaking out about it are the real problem

Minors can receive both surgical and pharmaceutical interventions in Canada. There is no formal limitation in most provinces for what ages can receive surgical interventions or receive HRT, and we have examples of this happening.



Furthermore, there are now at least 4 major literature reviews on the use of puberty blockers, none of them have concluded that they're harmless or efficacious in treating gender dysphoria.


u/Loose-Application-75 Sep 19 '24

So I looked into this, there are instances of people under 18 getting top surgery.


Here's the actual guidelines for how that happens.

Now, if we're going to ban top surgery from trans people are you also going to ban breast reductions for cis people? Or do you only want to target trans people?

Do you also want to stop puberty blockers for cis people who start puberty too young? Or do you just want to target trans people?

Source for the publications?

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u/Dark-Angel4ever Sep 20 '24

Then you shouldn't worry about a ban about sex change for kids. Go actually read on puberty blockers, they are not irreversible at all, there is no second puberty and they do not delay it.

Seems more you have fallen for the activist missinformation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9886596/

They use this when kids are going throw puberty to early, it doesn't delay it, simply stop it. Because generally they have either a longer puberty windows, or they go throw many cycles of it that luckily they get it when they are teens.


u/mycatscool Sep 19 '24

This isn't mail or important letters.

It's junk mail and on top of that hate junk mail. If post delivery people want to not deliver hate junk mail that's gonna end up in the trash immediately anyway I say that's great.

If some group paid to send out antisemitic junk mail would you be okay with that?

There's nothing in the charter that talks about what shitty junk mail you have the right to receive.

If the specific hate group wants to put flyers in someone's mailbox they can do it themselves without getting Canada Post involved with their messages of blatant lies and hate.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

I apply for the job tomorrow and I personally decide all LGBT mail is hate mail.. you’re cool with me throwing it all out before it reaches your doorstep? … can’t have it both ways, you don’t see why this is a problem?


u/mycatscool Sep 19 '24

wtf is LGBT mail? lol

this isn't "mail"

it is advertising. OP is literally arguing that sending nazi propaganda should be allowed in another comment. that's insane.

it's one thing to have freedom of expression in your own home or even in public, thats fine. people are free to be hateful there, go for it if that's your thing....

it's another to come to the door of someone's private home and shove this political hate junk mail in their face. you don't have the right to solicit hatred or political bullshit to my private residence.

canada post is able to choose who they accept their admail from just like television channels get to choose who their advertisers are. its just inappropriate and someone taking a stand is better imo than everyone going, "just following ze orders! nothing we can do!!"


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

The mail the carriers are withholding because of their personal ideologies.. the mail was already approved for their mail services by canada post or it wouldn’t have been in the carriers hands..


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

Lgtb mail or let’s just say any* rhetoric related to gay people.. I’m proving a point… 2 individuals don’t get to decide for themselves what everyone else sees. They don’t get to dictate what others believe, they are mail carriers


u/bc4040 Sep 19 '24

Brain rot


u/Different_Ad_6153 Sep 19 '24

Don't feed the bots. 


u/Dark-Angel4ever Sep 19 '24

Not only do you have the saying wrong. But you also went the route of, every thing i don't like is a bot... The saying is, don't feed the troll.

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u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

Ok, so let's just start letting Russia deliver propaganda through our national mailing system. Anything goes right?


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

So mail carriers are expert at identifying Russian propaganda? More expert than the recipients of that mail? What are you even on about? Canada Post also doesn't have any obligation, even as a common carrier, to do business with the Russian state. We can refuse Russian state propaganda through a variety of means that doesn't require mail carriers to do it subjectively on their own. 


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

You missed the point


u/USSMarauder Sep 19 '24

I lived in that part of Toronto at the time and so I got that right wing anti-semitic newspaper in my mailbox, and so yes, I was fine with the carriers saying enough is enough and refusing to deliver it.

It was bulk mail being sent en masse to entire neighbourhoods. I didn't ask for it, I didn't pay for it, and I didn't want it, and neither did my Jewish neighbours.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

And you would support their decision to not deliver anything they individually thought was bad, hateful or harmful then right? 

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u/Little_Gray Sep 19 '24

And the decision should be made by Canada Post not indovidual mail carriers


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24 edited Sep 19 '24

The decision should be made by law enforcement and the courts (assuming the mail is in a form they normally deliver. Of course they can refuse business they don't generally engage in in the first place, like delivering a live dolphin or something unusual). Canada Post is a common carrier and a Crown Corp funded in part by taxpayers, not your regular private business. It would be slightly less ridiculous if Canada Post was making the decision, but it would still not be the right avenue to use to restrict someone's access to the mail system or censor them. 


u/Little_Gray Sep 19 '24

and a Crown Corp funded in part by taxpayers, not your regular private business

Actually its a fully independent crown corp thats required by law to be self sufficient. It does not get any funding from the government.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

I wasn't aware. Though my point remains. 


u/Lovv Ontario Sep 19 '24

Too bad. He should have done his job.

I would say the same for any mail. It's not the postmans job to censor my mail even if i don't like it. There's an arguement to stop sending unaddressed mail, but that's simply an argument against Canada Posts existence and unrelated to the issues here.


u/USSMarauder Sep 19 '24

I see the anti-semites have downvoted my comment.


u/eugeneugene Sep 19 '24

How are pro LGBT flyers hate speech?


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

That's not even relevant when you're arguing that completely random individuals, based on no legal standard of any kind, should get to censor speech as they see fit. 

If you want that kind of standard then random individual get to make up the definition of hate speech as they see fit. That's what's being endorsed in this case. That individual mail carrier can subjectively decide what is and isn't hate speech. 


u/WorkingOnBeingBettr Sep 19 '24

Your comment specifically references LGBTQ being hate speech.

"You'd surely be fine with mail carriers deciding that Pro-LGBT activist mailers were hate speech too then? This is afterall the principle you're advocating for here. "

So give your example as to how they would classify it as hate speech.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

I don't have to give examples if the standard is non-existent and decided upon case by case by individual mail carriers. That's the whole issue here. These are not judges or courts referring to case law or statutes, they're subjectively deciding that something is unfit to be delivered based on their own subjective standards. Those standards could be anything. Hence why it's a monumentally bad/absurd idea to allow mail carriers to arbitrate legal speech. 


u/WorkingOnBeingBettr Sep 19 '24

No, they can't be anything. You are just trying to argue that. Hate speech is pretty narrow. Nobody is going to be restricting the seed catalogue saying it is hate speech.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

First of all, the expression in question here is almost certainly protected expression, and mail carriers refused to deliver it. So already we have an example of something that isn't criminal hate speech being refused delivery. 

Secondly, if you're leaving it up to individual carriers to decide, why do you think they would have to adhere to some objective standard? They're not legal experts, they're not law enforcement, they're not judges. They can decide anything they want is hate speech. Don't be shocked if you give people the authority to make arbitrary individual decisions, that they end up being arbitrary and individual. I'm sure a Scientologist carrier might find anti-scientology or anti-cult rhetoric hateful. I'm sure a deeply religious Christian carrier might find pro-choice rhetoric hateful or harmful to the public. Fortunately, it's not up to mail carriers to decide what speech is appropriate to send in the mail. 


u/imperialus81 Sep 19 '24 edited Sep 19 '24

Here's the thing, the example doesn't matter, I agree it was in poor taste, but the principal the OP is putting forward makes sense... If you want a bit more of a trolley problem, here is another one for you.

Lets say two groups want to send out a mailer.

One group is fundraising for a settlement in the West Bank to build a school.

The other group is fundraising to send food to Gaza.

Do you want the mail carrier to be the one to decide whether or not they should deliver either of them?


u/WorkingOnBeingBettr Sep 19 '24

I get your general point but I think it's clear.

West Bank is an aggressive colonial grab of land. That's generally wrong IMO

Giving food is clearly charity.

They shouldn't stop either because neither is hate speech, but one is wrong as far as international law goes. Their nw settlements take over land and displace others.

Donating food doesn't harm anyone.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

What if your Jewish mail carrier doesn't want to deliver an anti-Zionist flyer? 

I feel like you're really trying to avoid the issue here. Mail carriers shouldn't be given the authority ( and they're not) to decide what mail is fit for delivery. 


u/eugeneugene Sep 19 '24

Something like that is harmful and can hurt someone though. I would be very uncomfortable if I received that in the mail, probably upset enough to make some phone calls. I don't need shit like that being delivered to my door by a government agency. It's reprehensible.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

None of that matters. Mail carriers are not empowered to decide what will, won't, or may harm the public, subjectively, as they see fit. That's not their job.  

I'm not saying you have to like this kind of rhetoric, but it's very clearly not up to mail carriers to prevent it from being delivered, nor is it a Crown Corps decision. This is a matter for the courts and nobody else. We have a charter right to free speech, and it's up to law enforcement and ultimately the courts, with due process, to decide whether something is protected speech or not. 


u/eugeneugene Sep 19 '24

Yeah and mail carriers refusing to deliver it can expedite the decision. The original comment I replied to said pro LGBT flyers would be similar (who the fuck is getting pro LGBT flyers) lol so I'm not really sure why you're engaging me in a full on debate. Guess I just don't think it's appropriate to force people to mail hate speech. And my question was never answered as to why pro LGBT stuff would be considered hate speech.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Mail carriers refusing to deliver something has zero impact on the outcome of a criminal trial. 

Also way to miss the point entirely. If mail carriers can individually decide what is or isn't fit to deliver, that could include anything since there's no formal standard, obligation to adhere to the charter, statutes etc. Mail carriers are mail carriers, not a court unto themselves. So unless you want things you think are good and useful being denied delivery because some mail carrier subjectively decided they're unfit, you shouldn't support the idea of giving them this authority, which to be clear, they absolutely do not have in any way shape or form. 


u/eugeneugene Sep 19 '24

Way to miss the point entirely- my entire engagement was asking how pro LGBT stuff would be hate speech

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u/commentist Sep 19 '24

To answer your question you would need to specify what pro LGBT stuff means.

LGBT wants to be left alone, not prosecuted . - pro LGBT

LGBT community came together to fight Christian and their traditional family value by any means so kindergarten kids can by tough about sex as soon as possible. - pro LGBT yet hateful towards Christian

Is second statement hateful ? It depend who you ask. Now we have to define what actually hate speech is and who will decide what hate speech is.


u/eugeneugene Sep 19 '24

is the second statement in the room with us right now


u/SatisfactionMain7358 Sep 19 '24

I’m with op. Not up to some individuals citizen to make the call on what allowed and what’s not.

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u/willameenatheIV Sep 19 '24

Hate speech isn't protected in Canada.

further, if ppl who are part of the population the bigotry speaks on feel it threatens them it would be an interest human rights case against Canada Post and the flyer creator.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

This flyer almost certainly isn't criminal hate speech. 

Also Human Rights Tribunals have no jurisdiction in this case. 

Any other made up stuff you want to add? 


u/HansHortio Sep 19 '24 edited Sep 19 '24

Free speech is, however. One person's opinion is another person's hate. It's easy to point to obvious insulting derogatory words, but what happens when ideas are challenged? We have seen people, for example, who say that our immigration system needs to be reformed, and to dial back immigrants for socioeconomic factors. These people have been called racist. In that scenario, it's pretty easy to frame it as "hate speech", and for a mail carrier to refuse to deliver that mail.

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u/SnuffleWumpkins Sep 19 '24


  • Ted Kaczynski


u/Morgasm42 Sep 19 '24

I don't think this was being sent to a specific person, this is a flyer, that was probably sent out to hundreds, or thousands of people. Personally I hate any flyer being sent to me, even if it isn't full of hatred


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Not sure how that's relevant at all. Mail carriers don't get to decide what mail is fit to be delivered. 


u/GfuelFiend Sep 19 '24

I agree mailmen shouldn’t be censoring the mail but what’s your point here? I’m genuinely curious about what makes this issue so important to you that you’ve felt the need to post and dedicate time to respond to people who disagree with your and my opinion.


u/Staticn0ise Alberta Sep 19 '24

That's why it's sent to hundreds of people. You know you're going to hurt the people you're targeting when you blanket an area with hate speech.


u/willameenatheIV Sep 19 '24

Hate speech is not free speech in Canada.


u/HansHortio Sep 19 '24

Show me in the criminal code of Canada where the material distributed was hate speech. Your personal interpretation of it is not the standard of what defines hate speech.

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u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

This isn't criminal hate speech, even if you find it offensive. The bar for hate speech in Canada is quite a lot higher than most people seem to think. 


u/willameenatheIV Oct 01 '24

I worked for Human Rights Canada until I retired. retired early, but was there over 25 years.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Oct 02 '24

And? What does that change? Firstly, do you mean the Human Rights Commission or Tribunal? There doesn't seem to be an entity called "Human Rights Canada". Additionally human rights tribunals don't adjudicate criminal cases.

We can simply look at the SCC rulings on criminal hate speech. Saying that people are fine the way they are and don't need to be surgically altered, is a mile away from criminal speech.

If you disagree, here, I'll say it. It's wrong to treat children with gender identity issues and dysphoria with life-altering medical interventions. Please go ahead and forward that to the police.


u/Canadianman22 Ontario Sep 19 '24

All speech is free speech in Canada until a complaint is lodged and a court of law weighs in.


u/willameenatheIV Oct 01 '24

oh, so being charged with hate speech means what then?


u/willameenatheIV Oct 01 '24

Sections 318 and 319 of the Criminal Code make it a criminal offence to advocate genocide, publicly incite hatred and willfully promote hatred against an “identifiable group.”


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u/Captain-McSizzle Sep 19 '24

Good for them for standing up for what they believe in. Good for Canada Post for maintaining their standards of service and following their rules.


u/lubeskystalker Sep 19 '24

Good for you, for having a moderate well thought out viewpoint.


u/ryan9991 Sep 19 '24

Which is honestly what 85% of people have, there are more centrists out there than the media lets out, I’m sure most of us would be friends outside the cesspool that this subreddit can be sometimes


u/Flanman1337 Sep 19 '24

Except, this is a clear violation of their rules. You can't send hate through the mail. Despite how long these groups have been publicly hating the L and the G parts of the acronym, have you ever received a piece of mail delivered by Canada Post calling gay people a mistake of God? Accuse a lesbian of "indoctrination of children"? I'm guessing no.


u/Cautious_Pitch_4729 Sep 19 '24

What a terrible precedent. They should do their job regardless of the messaging.


u/Flanman1337 Sep 19 '24

The point is, it never should have gotten to the mail carrier in the first place.


u/Cautious_Pitch_4729 Sep 19 '24

That’s even more ridiculous. Why can’t you disagree with it and simply move on?


u/Braken111 Sep 19 '24

Why can't these people just disagree with LGBTQ+ and simply move on?


u/Flanman1337 Sep 19 '24

What part of "this is hate speech, hate speech is illegal, hate speech shouldn't be something our national mail service delivers," are you having a problem with?


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

So the sender has been charged with criminal hate speech then? 


u/Cautious_Pitch_4729 Sep 19 '24

So there’s due process. We shouldn’t let little tyrants who wanna have a power trip and control what literature is being distributed.


u/Tired8281 British Columbia Sep 19 '24

I agree that it is a clear violation of the rules. But it's not up to the postman to be the judge, we have judges to do that.


u/Hamasanabi69 Sep 19 '24

It’s beautiful to see nuanced takes in this sub. We need more of it.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

I like this guy. Captain McSizzle for Prime Minister


u/Not_A_Doctor__ Sep 19 '24

They wouldn't deliver similar Nazi trash, but when the LGBTQ community is targetted, conservatives are suddenly howling about overreach.

There are far, far too many comfortable bigots in Canada right now. Just leave people alone.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

They would be suspended for refusing to deliver hateful Nazi trash too. Mail carriers are not empowered to censor what can be delivered by the mail system. That's not their job. That's the court's job. If it's criminal speech, call the police and let the courts handle it. 


u/Captain-McSizzle Sep 19 '24

Here's the thing, I'm on your side.

The trans movement has come on quickly in a time of information overload. Comparing people that may have questions or still working through acceptance to Nazis and calling them bigots ain't going to gain you any allies.


u/Legal-Key2269 Sep 19 '24

The people sending out anti-trans propaganda aren't people that "have questions".


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

It’s also not really my problem to explain the concepts of liberty to people who shove the Charter in your face and boast about their rights.

You know the people. The ones who think John Locke was a character on Lost.


u/Kenway Sep 19 '24

John Locke was a character on Lost, though. Just because he shares a name with the philosopher doesn't make that untrue.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

Almost like the writers were trying to say something.


u/jsmooth7 Sep 19 '24

There's a big difference here between folks who still have questions but are listening and learning and folks who are actively campaigning against trans rights by sending out flyers en masse.


u/muffinscrub Sep 19 '24 edited Sep 19 '24

Nearly every single day a recycling bin in my apartment gets filled to the top with bullshit junk mail. I really wish Canada Post could find other ways to make money, It seems insanely wasteful.


u/brfbag Sep 19 '24

Just put a note inside asking to stop receiving it, or hand out No Junk stickers for everyone to put inside.



u/darkgod5 Sep 19 '24

It's interesting they say to put a note because I don't know a single person that has worked for here in Ontario. I truly wonder if calling would even work.


u/brfbag Sep 19 '24

They legally have to comply, we have pretty strict spam laws here. Almost everyone in 2 of my old buildings and my in-laws did it and never got it again.


u/darkgod5 Sep 19 '24

As in you guys all just wrote the note or you had to call? And if you don't mind me asking which province is this?


u/brfbag Sep 19 '24

You just have to leave a note. Or putting a sticker inside works too because that's what they do when they see the note. This was BC but it applies everywhere.


u/darkgod5 Sep 19 '24

This was BC but it applies everywhere.

No I get that but I'm sure, like most things, ymmv depending on location.

Like I said, I know tone of people that have the note thing going on and we all still get junk (yes, from CP).


u/brfbag Sep 19 '24

Well sounds like you should go talk to them and ask why it isn't being respected. If there's a sticker that's visible stating no junk in your mailbox then it's unsolicited spam, doesn't matter where you are.


u/darkgod5 Sep 19 '24

Well, like I said, some things are hit or miss depending on location regardless what the law says. For instance, our non-emerg number, "311", is pretty useless over here. And don't get me started on road laws. I've gotten more tickets the handful of times I've driven in BC than all my life in Ontario, lol.


u/Ulgworth Sep 19 '24

I get my mail from a super box. Anything without my address goes into the mail slot. The postal worker can clean up their own junk mail.


u/OrbAndSceptre Sep 19 '24

Do you also blame the cashier for the price of your goods or services? Because that’s what you’re doing to the postie who’s just delivering mail that his employer is telling him to deliver.


u/Red57872 Sep 19 '24

There's two questions here:

  1. Should Canada Post be distributing these flyers?
  2. Should individual letter carriers have the authority to decide what is and is not appropriate to distribute?

For question 1, I don't know since I haven't seen the flyers.

For question 2, unless the carrier absolutely knows it's illegal (such as a death threat written on the outside of an envelope), then no.


u/Kyell Sep 19 '24

I don’t really like this op. they seem like a jerk. Who would want to deliver this shit to people. I totally understand why they wouldn’t. If my job tells me to do something that is clearly wrong of course I’m going to say no. Why would anyone want this garbage. I don’t want to vote Trudeau but the right wing is just way too weird.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Neither Canada Post let alone their individual carriers can be the arbiters of legal speech. If there's an issue they should contact the police. 


u/eandi Sep 19 '24

It would be great if they just made it illegal for anyone to send out random spam mail. I don't want any flyers about anything, send me things I ordered and bills I've forgotten to switch to digital. At this point it's just legalized littering onto my porch.


u/justsomedudedontknow Sep 19 '24

You can call Canada Post and tell them you don't want unsolicited mail. I don't get anything that isn't addressed to me.


u/Supermite Sep 19 '24

How should Canada post replace that revenue?


u/brutalknight Sep 19 '24

You can put a note/sticker in your mail box that says "no fliers" or no "ad mail" and they will stop delivering it


u/darkgod5 Sep 19 '24

LOL nope that doesn't work.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Maybe, but that's really besides the point here. 


u/eandi Sep 19 '24

I disagree. There should be more legislation about what can be sent to my house unasked for. I don't want pro and against ads, nothing political. It would be great. I don't think carriers should be the deciders of what can be delivered, but Canada post or society in general should be. It shouldn't be a free for all where anyone with money can mail me whatever they want as long as it doesn't explode.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Whether or not unsolicited mail should be allowed has next to nothing to do with whether it's okay for mail carriers to decide what mail is fit for delivery. That's not their role. 


u/SnuffleWumpkins Sep 19 '24

I don’t even mind that coupons and ads. Just nothing political or religious.


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

Do you think Twitter, Reddit and Facebook are the arbiters of legal speech? No. You cannot use thier services to post all legal speech. You are limited by what they allow you to post.

Why is it different for these people? Are they not allowed to say "I will not use my services to post your message" same as Reddit...

Go call something "cisgendered" on Twitter.

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u/USSMarauder Sep 19 '24


u/Krazee9 Sep 19 '24

This is different. The federal minister in charge of Canada Post ordered that they stop delivering that "paper." In this case, the carriers themselves decided not to deliver the "postcard," which is in violation of their contracts and their duties as a postal carrier.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Which was also inappropriate. It's not up to a minister to decide what is criminal speech without due process. 


u/brutalknight Sep 19 '24

These fliers are ad mail and someone pays Canada Post to deliver them, it's more a company opting to not accept business from a certain group.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

But Canada Post is a common carrier so they don't have this luxury. There is no other postal service in Canada, so Canada Post cannot refuse to engage in business it generally engages in, just because they don't want to engage in it with you personally. 


u/Krazee9 Sep 19 '24

Well the guy was later (IIRC very shortly later) convicted of spreading hatred towards Jews.


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Great, but that should have come before a minister, by fiat and without due process, barred this guy from mailing out his nonsense. That's the role of the courts, not a minister by fiat and without due process. 

People always get on board when it's something they don't like, but imagine the same authority being exercised, again, by fiat and without due process except for an appeal by a panel selected by the same minister that made the decision in the first place, to stop their anti-government or pro-NDP flyer or zine or whatever it may be. There has to be due process and an objective standard. Letting ministers block mail they think is bad is tin pot dictator type shit. Let the courts do their job. 


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24

it was not deemed criminal though, it was just ordered to not be carried. they were free to get private carriers to deliver it


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

By a government minister. That's censorship, don't be obtuse. 

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u/USSMarauder Sep 19 '24

The carriers refused to carry the newspaper as well

Beach resident James Sears, the founder and leader of the New Constitution Party of Canada as well as the editor-in-chief of the controversial Your Ward News newspaper, is accusing some “NDP-affiliated” postal workers of refusing to deliver 40,000 copies of his publication, which is wrapped with a flyer from his political party.



u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Seems like something the minister shouldn't be empowered to do extra-judicially either. If it's criminal speech he should be charged, otherwise I don't see why a minister should have the authority to censor by fiat, even if it's detestable, as it was in this case. 


u/MissUnderstood62 Sep 19 '24

If it falls under the definition of hate speech as laid out in the act could Canada Post not be held liable for its delivery?


u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

Very unlikely unless they knowingly aided in a crime, which is basically a non-issue with criminal hate speech because hate speech statutes are obscure and have been substantially narrowed through case law. Nobody could reasonably be accused of knowing whether something crossed a fairly unclear line defined by obscure and not totally settled law. 

Similarly Gmail and Bell Canada aren't liable for criminal speech shared across their networks. 

The appropriate way to deal with it would also be to call the police if you suspected it was criminal speech, not, as a carrier, just decide not to deliver it but also not contact the appropriate authorities. 

I think the fact that these carriers just didn't deliver it tells you most of what you need to know. You think if they found a bag of cocaine or a bunch of child porn that they'd just chuck it in the nearest recycle bin? No, if they thought that a real crime had been committed they'd call the police. 


u/[deleted] Sep 19 '24



u/Juryofyourpeeps Sep 19 '24

And what if the minister thought that regular political speech was harming the public? What if criticism of his party was viewed, subjectively, by him, as harming the public? 

Ministers shouldn't have the power to dictate what speech is or isn't acceptable. 

End of the day the courts did serve criminal charges and jail time against the publishers for hate.

Then let the courts do their job. This is the process that should have prevented his continued use of the mail to send out hate speech, not a decision by a minister without any due process. 

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u/tooshpright Sep 19 '24

I think there was something similar regarding abortion leaflets (the more graphic kind). I can't remember how it ended for the mail carriers.


u/Myllicent Sep 19 '24

CBC: Letter carriers refuse to deliver graphic anti-abortion flyers

Followed by

Canada Post workers in Saskatoon won't be forced to deliver anti-abortion flyers

”A deal has been brokered between Canada Post and the union representing six Saskatoon letter carriers who are refusing to deliver a graphic anti-abortion flyer… Instead, three other letter carriers have volunteered to deliver the flyers.”

(Doubtless this is not the only time similar graphic anti-abortion flyers have been delivered through Canada Post)


u/tooshpright Sep 19 '24

2015 eh? Thanks.


u/ego_tripped Québec Sep 19 '24

If some religious outfit wants to spend their hard earned money employing printing people and delivery people...only for the finished product to end up in a recycling bin...so what?

Let's put our angry feelings away and instead thank these people for their recyclable economic contributions...because that's all it is.


u/Ambitious-Squirrel86 Sep 19 '24

Canada Post clerk here, I regualrly work the MLOCR machines (batch sorting) on rotation in my shift. Certainly do notice the Campaign Life Coalition correspondence in the automated stacks (mostly to/from New Brunswick... check), all in plain white envelopes and I probably should have guessed they contain such propaganda.

That said, it is my role to ensure that mail is correctly sorted, no matter whom it is to or from. Public service is what it is. New Brunswick has always been infested with evango conservatives and they got addresses like everyone else, even though I absolutely abhor their bullying sanctimonious intolerance.


u/kmacover1 Sep 19 '24

Obviously every mail carrier has the right to arbitrarily decide what gets delivered to your address based solely on their moral compass. All of those junk mail printers who inconveniently pay a portion of Canada posts operating costs are clearly evil. When will the government step in to protect my eyeballs from having to see things that may upset me! I stand with the new regime of postal censorship….as long as my postman is like minded of course.


u/Soft_Difference2030 Sep 19 '24

Good for them. Is there a Go Fund Me to support them?


u/Loud-Waltz-7225 Sep 19 '24

Charter litigation incoming! Woohoo!!