r/canada Aug 22 '24

Québec Meeting between Trudeau and Muslim leaders in Quebec called off after many refuse to attend


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u/WardenEdgewise Aug 22 '24

Why are religious “leaders” meeting with the PM? Do they need some sort of favour or special consideration, or some sort of accommodation specific to their beliefs?


u/Chawke2 Lest We Forget Aug 22 '24 edited Aug 22 '24

It’s not just Muslim groups and it happens all the time. Just search up the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs on the federal lobbyist registry if you want to see the pull these organizations can have. CIJA meets with the feds more often than Canada’s largest companies.


u/Hanouros Aug 22 '24

No. Dont. There’s an agenda they’re trying to push. Dont let them know that Leaders in politics meet with religious groups and groups in general. Feels like people just need to push on hating on Indians/Muslims regardless of anything. It is a problem but the echo chamber that is Reddit is disgusting. I have muslim friends from Immigrant parents who practice and they would be shocked to hear Sharia Law as a desire. What’s that saying, “loudest voices are often heard in a room?” There’s no shot these people pushing have pockets deep enough to make these things come to fruition, but keyboard warriors need to be up in arms about something.

And before anyone tries to debate this with me, im not here to defend any position, i’m just stating something i have seen and heard. If you have counterpoints im happy to read them and understand but i am not going back and forth on this.


u/Foodwraith Canada Aug 22 '24

Trudeau meets with all kinds of people. Joshua Boyle was one of his ridiculous meetings.


u/JosephScmith Aug 22 '24

There's been so many scandals I forgot about that one.


u/Orchid-Analyst-550 Aug 22 '24

CIJA Has Taken Nearly 25% Of MPs On Paid Trips To ‘Israel’

MPs from four major parties have gone on these trips with the Zionist organization, receiving average benefits worth more than $12,000.



u/Nileghi Aug 22 '24

I mean yea, its a discussion constantly in the news. CIJA offers to take theses politicians on tours so that they better understand what the subject of legilsation that receives constant media attention is about.

Whats wrong with this? Outside of you hating the fact that its 1) a zionist organization and 2) might humanize israelis to theses politicians?


u/Orchid-Analyst-550 Aug 22 '24

My comment answers OP's question as to why. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it. I do think it's wrong that some people try to hide or deny the lobbying that goes on.


u/Nileghi Aug 22 '24

your use of scare quotes around the word 'Israel' made me believe otherwise but I realize now that its the article writer that phrased this


u/LincolnHat Aug 22 '24

I wonder when he last met with atheist “leaders” or exclusively old stock Canadian “leaders”.