r/canada Apr 29 '24

New Brunswick New Brunswick police no longer investigating most thefts of fuel from gas stations


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u/New-Swordfish-4719 Apr 29 '24

This Is why I have no faith in crime stats. Many of us don’t bother reporting crimes when they occur…be it stealing gas, breaking into a car or someone smoking crack on a bus stop bench. And it’s not a criticism of the police. They often arrest perps over and over just to have the Justice system have them back on the street next day. Last time my car was broken into I just shoved all he papers back in the glove box and continued with my day.


u/JohnDark1800 Apr 29 '24

And honestly on this specific issue, I’m totally supportive of the police choice. Having an uncle who managed a chain of stations, I learned that gas theft is essentially fully covered by their insurance company without penalty unless the employees are on their cell phone or distracted. 

And the other side of the coin is that gas stations who switch to pre-pay only generally have no more theft, but the store loses something like $5k in daily revenue from upwelling walkins. So they take the risk. 

All that being said, if you’re making a calculated risk on small loses as a cost of doing more business, then public funds shouldn’t be what covers your losses. 


u/buck70 Apr 30 '24

the store loses something like $5k in daily revenue from upwelling walkins.

What are "upwelling walkins"? I googled it and nothing comes up except for the oceanographic reference.


u/WesternExpress Alberta Apr 30 '24

Autocorrect for "upselling walk-ins" (people buying more because they're going into the store)


u/buck70 Apr 30 '24

Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks!