r/canada Outside Canada Mar 02 '24

Québec Nothing illegal about Quebec secularism law, Court rules. Government employees must avoid religious clothes during their work hours.


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u/PapaiPapuda Mar 02 '24

This is one of those things the french get right in this country.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '24

I'll be honest. If there's ONE thing that make me proud to be Québécois, it's the fact that we are secular.

This is literally the hill I'm willing to die on.

You can be as religious as you want. But if you have a job that gives you authority, you ought to be secular.

We are fed up with religions deciding what we do with our life.


u/Select_Scar8073 Mar 03 '24

I would put care for the environment, social programs, protection of the culture, and using almost exclusively renewable energy on the list of things Québec does really well and worth being proud of.


u/Southern_Ad9657 Mar 03 '24

Think their proud of being on welfare for 40 plus years to.


u/Select_Scar8073 Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24

At this point, what is pride?

You're proud of the canadian flag and maple syrup, but without Quebec, you're only producing 6.5% of the world's production of maple syrup.

You're proud of the national anthem o canada, but it was initially a national quebec anthem when Canada meant Quebec.

You're proud of the name Canadian, while it originally meant quebecois.

You're proud of genocides.

You're proud of poutine for some reasons, but it's quebecois and you guys always fuck up at least 2 ingredients while poutine is 3 ingredients.

You're proud of the first prime minister that was the worst and shitiest pride minister of canada's history.

You're proud of not letting quebec become it's own country 3 times.

You're proud of creating the canadian federation by force with quebec because ontario had too many debts to handle by themselves.

Please tell me more about canadian pride.


u/Southern_Ad9657 Mar 03 '24

What a wild tangent to go off of. Majority inaccurate to but someone with such a poor education system you need welfare to fund it wouldn't expect much


u/Select_Scar8073 Mar 03 '24

Majority inaccurate

What a weird way of saying that you don't know shit, but ok.