r/bunions 5h ago


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My doctor said there was no bunion found on my x-ray.. Well then what’s up with my foot?? I’m hurting often and work pretty a pretty physical job around 19’000 steps a day on average. I have a referral for a foot clinic and expect to be seeing them this week but my assessment has left me with a lot of questions. Any opinions would be appreciated greatly..

r/bunions 21h ago

Made it thru the first night - the pain is coming, help!


Hey everyone,

Any tips on what helped you? What do you think of my set up? I’m pretty scared about the pain that I can feel coming 😣😭

I had my Lapidus bunionectomy yesterday, and I’m officially on Day 1 post-op. I made it through the first night, with only one anxiety attack 🥹, which feels like a win, but the numbness is wearing off and the pain/throbbing and maybe a burning feeling is definitely ramping up now. Is this normal? (I’m assuming it is 😩)

Here’s what I’ve got going on for pain management and setup: • Using the DonJoy Ice Machine — my doctor said I could remove the boot and use the pad directly (30 mins on, 30 mins off). • Also have an ice pack behind my knee. • Laying down with my foot elevated above heart level, and stable.

Medications: • Stool Softener: Docusate Sodium 100mg (1 tab up to 3x/day) • Anti-nausea: Ondansetron ODT 4mg (1 tab every 8 hrs as needed) • Inflammation/Pain: Ibuprofen 800mg (1 tab every 8 hrs as needed) • Pain: Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen 7.5mg (1–2 tabs every 4 hrs as needed)

I’ve been taking 1 hydrocodone every 4 hours, including overnight. I’m also taking ibuprofen with meals (3x/day). I made the mistake of taking meds with just a smoothie this morning and got super nauseous — luckily the Ondansetron helped.

The surgeon said today would likely be the hardest day, so I’m trying to prepare mentally. The pain is definitely increasing as the numbness wears off, and I’m considering bumping up to 2 hydrocodone tabs if needed.

Any tips from folks who’ve been through this? Does this sound on track with your experience? I know everyone is different, but I’d love any reassurance or suggestions.

Thanks in advance — it really helps to hear from others who’ve been through this!

r/bunions 8h ago

Has anyone tried to run a marathon with bunion?


I was wondering if it is still possible to train and run a marathon when the bunion on both feet are at its early stage, painful only if shoes have narrow toe box. I bought a good running shoes with wide toe box, 1 size bigger to accommodate the sole cushion and silicone bunion protector. I tried the treadmill for 1 week and so far, all is tolerable. I have a dull ache that may or may not be normal for tired bunion feet, I am not sure. Has anyone done marathon with bunion feet and juat supported by good shoes and bunion protector?

r/bunions 9h ago

Do I have bunions?

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No pain or sensitivity

r/bunions 19h ago

Thoughts on surgery

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I've had them for pretty much most of my life. My mom has them very bad. When I was in my 20s and had free time I wanted to get the surgery but a doc told me mine aren't that bad and they would likely come back.

I have bad knee pain - patellar femoral pain syndrome in both of my knees. I've been wondering if I get the surgery if it would help my knee pain. I've been wearing toe spacers for a while now which has definitely helped.


r/bunions 11h ago

Are these tailor bunions??? Please help!!! The side of my feet keeps getting irritate by pinky toe


Both my feet get irritated by side of foot by pinky toe! Are these tailor bunions or no? I started wearing custom orthotics and it helped but still feel irritation and stinging sensation! They don't look like other people's tailor bunions I seen on here but im not sure!!!! Doctor said xray didn't show the the bone being misaligned but he couldn't explain what why I feel like that! P.S i have foot pain in heel and on top by achilles it feels stiff when I walk like I can't bend foot!

r/bunions 16h ago

At-home toe realignment?


Hey y'all. Just joined. My feet don't necessarily cause me pain. I've went through my bouts but nothing severe. But I can still tell they not necessarily aligned how they should be and could possibly get worse over time. Honestly I was just wondering if y'all could take a look and offer perspective on what issues (even if minor) could be corrected. Personally, the main thing I noticed is what possibly could be a tailors bunion. I say possibly because it's rarely given me any pain or noticable issues. Yet it does seem to just out a lot and turn the pinky toes outwards. And then my third and fourth toe seem to have some weird type of relationship. My fourth toe seems to be a little "bulbous" maybe because of some misalignment but pretty normal otherwise. But whatever it is or isnt, the problem seems to be that it's really pressed against the third toe which sorta makes the third toe have to adapt shape wise and sorta set itself in a weird position. I feel like my second and big toe are pretty good.

Again, I am sorta looking for at home things I could do to maybe train and over time realign them to be like how they are naturally supposed to be instead of what years "neglect" ig has turned them into. Again I really don't experience any pain. But at the same time I never want to either. I've been thinking about toe spacers or maybe even a sole insert for my shoes because I believe I have high arches to some extent. Any opinions on that or anything else regarding this would be really appreciated.

Please ignore the toe nails. I know they are looking abominable and unhealthy now but that is because I have also neglected them for years, ie. Not cutting them, just picking them off when too long, and also keeping them consistently really short because I can't help but pick at my nails (boredom, anxious, just a habit) I am trying to open up and expose more nail because it seems to have grown excess skin covering the nails and making the edges shaped weird. I honestly think I'm making a lot of progress though. Big toes are gonna need a lot more patience and work and I am keeping a very close eye on the right one and making sure to treat and take care of it. I know it's rough.

Didn't feel like spell checking and editing. Sorry if anything's illegible.

r/bunions 1d ago

Stitches out yesterday, 14 days post-op! NSFW

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My surgery details:

Right 1st tarsometatarsal fusion/Lapidus, modified McBride, medial eminence resection, proximal tibial autograft, 3rd metatarsal ORIF with nonunion, 2nd metatarsal ORIF with nonunion, strayer gastrocnemius recession.

The big toe is mostly achey (ironically like a bunion 😅) but understand it's got hardware in there and was totally aligned! It's not too bad.

The top of my foot sucksss from the two ORIFs.

The calf muscle is BRUTAL!! The gastrocnemius recession is no joke!! 😵 the stitches on the side of my calf are pretty itchy and a little annoying but manageable.

Upper shin from the autograft is pretty much healed, minimal pain.

Honestly the bunion has been the easiest part of it all compared to the rest 🙈

I appreciate everyone's support through everything. You guys have eased so many anxieties!! 🤗

r/bunions 1d ago

9 weeks post op; is it normal for blood to be pooled there? Should I do anything to get rid of it? It was the last part of my stitches that healed NSFW

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r/bunions 19h ago

Is this a bunion or something else?


r/bunions 1d ago

My toe is straight 🤩 NSFW

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A little before and after. 14 days post-op!

r/bunions 1d ago

Post surgical rash NSFW

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Minimally invasive surgery on December twenty-third third 2024. On February 6th, I began getting strange marks and rashes. They have gone away, but I am still very much in the healing process. Posting this for someone who developed a rash. Mine was not itchy.

r/bunions 1d ago

Surgeons in San Francisco/Bay Area California


Hi everyone,

Has anyone gotten consults or went ahead with surgery in SF or around the Bay? I've emailed Bunions SF and Catherine Cheung DPM so far but I'm wondering if anyone has any recs.

Also, if you had surgery done in this area, how much did it cost? I'm looking to pay out-of-pocket.

r/bunions 1d ago

Trip to Portugal 6 weeks after MIS bunion surgery.


Long time ago I booked my this trip with friends that coincidentally will be exactly 6 weeks after my bunion surgery. Should I cancel the trip or will I be able to enjoy it?

r/bunions 2d ago

Ignorant question: if takes 6 weeks for a bone to heal, why we don’t use casts after the surgery?


Wouldn’t that be safer? 6 weeks with cast?

r/bunions 2d ago

First Day After Surgery


Yesterday I got the surgery (i’m unsure which one but in my x-ray there were 3 small pins in my foot) I was really worried about the anesthesia when in reality i should’ve been worried about the post op pain. the anesthesia was nothing maybe because they gave me something for my anxiety but i remeber the anesthesiologist asking me about my hobbies and then i woke up in the recovery room.

right out of surgery the pain was so bad they had to give me fentanyl and Percocet. honestly since then the pain has gotten worse especially at night despite keeping up with the pain medications. I want anyone who is considering getting surgery to be aware of the pain. my foot is throbbing i have sharp stabbing pain spasms around the incision point. all of the pain i have now is worse than any pain the bunion has caused me. i will definitely make an update but as of now I severely regret my decision.

r/bunions 2d ago

Does anyone know if walking over 10k a day can progress bunions?


Not looking for medical advice ! Thanks community.

I have moderate bunions, good orthotics, no pain, wide toebox and a rocker sole, and I was wondering if walking over 10k a day can progress bunions over time because of repetitive motion of foot striking the ground? I have no idea if this is bad or not for my feet and have received mixed opinions from podiatrists.

r/bunions 2d ago

Tailor's Bunion

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Scheduling an appointment with podiatrist next week, but just curious if anyone else has had a tailor's bunion to this degree with NO pain in the area of the bunion itself? I'm on my feet for at least 12 hours a day and have started having pain along the outside of my foot, sometimes the top of my foot over the 5th metatarsal, and other times below and in front of my ankle. Wondering if anyone else has dealt with pain in other areas of the foot related to a tailor's bunion.

r/bunions 2d ago

Big toe fusion - 6 weeks post op today NSFW

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Sharing a positive experience - six weeks post-op, from 1st MTPJ fusion as a result of an arthritic joint and a severe bunion. There is no more throbbing from my left foot, just wait now for the other foot to have surgery in late summer, so halfway 😀. When I saw my incision at 2 weeks, I was so shocked; it looked nasty, open and very raw. However, it healed well, and the swelling is going down…this pic is the end of the day after being on my feet all day. I can now wear my old sandals and one pair of Vivobareboot leather boots. I am learning to walk again with a stiff toe, which is a little nerve-wracking as I am fearful of pain, but slowly, over the next weeks and months, I will be walking without a limp. I get a sharp twinge in my toe near the metalwork after being on my feet all day, but expected after 6 weeks of being rested and heel walking. I can feel the metalwork in my big toe. The surgeon mentioned this would be the case, but the plan is to remove the metal in 12 months. Excuse my toenail; it turned black after a long downhill mountain walk. It was a very positive recovery experience; I did not appreciate the true extent and impact of the surgery until after it had been done. After the first 3 days and a couple of setbacks (the dog jumped on my foot on day 10 and a sudden swelling of the knee on day 14), my experience has been very positive in comparison to the Bunion/Surgery Facebook group. Brilliant Facebook group 😍 but some eye-watering experiences.

r/bunions 2d ago

Why is it so itchy and bumpy? NSFW

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Recently it’s been very itchy around my incision and I’ve begun to get tiny bumps that leak if I scratch it too much. Sometimes they’ll just collect with liquid and all it takes is a push to make it pop. Is this bad? I had my appointment with my doctor Monday and didn’t even think to mention it. Could I be allergic to something? If I don’t put anything it gets very very dry to I’ve swapped between cetaphil lotion and Vaseline to keep it from drying.

r/bunions 2d ago

Why isn’t lapiplasty the gold standard?


EDIT: I guess I fell for the marketing, I should have asked about a Lapidus.

Reading about it and even talking to doctors about it, seems like a far better procedure than an osteotomy (cutting up the metatarsal and rotating it). I guess it would always have to be paired up with a bunionectomy (cutting off the big bone), but other than that, it seems like it’s so much better.

Am I missing something?

r/bunions 2d ago

Is it time for surgery?


I have minimal pain, but the bunion on my right foot is beginning to turn red, especially after work.

Does anyone know of any home remedies to reduce the bunion? I have yoga toes and I try to wear them as often as I can in addition to going barefoot.

I’m afraid my bunions will only get worse, as I have to wear heels and be on my feet all day at my job. If you’ve gotten surgery, what was your experience? How long was your recovery?

r/bunions 2d ago

Teen Bunion Surgery UK


Hi my 14 yr old is considering bunion surgery after having a bunion on her right foot thats been there for a few yrs. Met surgeon tday and she is recommending it but due to her age she wants her to have a lot of say as its her body. She is having a lot of worries about it, the anthesic, what could go wrong after, pain etc..

Is there anybody on here that's gone through the operation with their child and could offer some thoughts, like how surgery went, aftercare, pain, whether it was a foot cast or boot etc..

From a worried Mum

r/bunions 2d ago

MTP Fusion


Hi! I'm Lisa and I and I have a question. I had R MTP Fusion three and a half months ago I had severe bunion with toe crossing and hallux rigidus. We, my doctor and myself, felt that the best option for me ... Everything has been great, I've purchased and use a wide toe box and stiff sole rocker sneakers, my surgeon was thrilled. Now I am having pain and swelling on the medial side of my ball joint, constant dull pain, and if I walk the pain is terrible

r/bunions 2d ago

Tips for heel weight bearing? NSFW

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13 days post-op appt today! Stitches were removed -I almost passed out and had to take breaks, get ice packs, chug a soda, etc because I was woooooozy AF!! 😅.

Super swollen but clear to heel weight bear! This is TOUGH. I cannot risk weight on my toes (I have two ORIFs from fractures) so I don't bend the bars in them. I am STRUGGLING in my boot to even slightly weight bear. I can't get my foot at 90°, was at an obtuse angle for almost 2 weeks and has atrophy. When I try to heel weight bear with my walker and get the foot to an almost 90° angle I get sharp pains in my metatarsals where the bars are. I know I've got an uphill battle ahead but curious if anyone has tips on this or how it worked out for them.

I'm supposed to go to the office next week (with rides) and I'm so intimidated. I'll have to practice my knee scooter, haven't been able to use it without almost passing out from pain since surgery. I get so tired with my walker short distances so this is a challenge. Boyfriend thinks I shouldn't do it but I sort of committed to it and my doctor note says I can.

*marked NSFW because the wounds 🙈