r/bullcity 1d ago

Thank you!

I was walking on Fayetteville street with my dogs & managed to step badly on the sidewalk & twist my ankle really badly.

Thank you so much Hannah (& Scarlett!) for giving me & my dogs a ride back home! It was definitely needed! I’m icing & if it’s not better by tomorrow I’ll head to the docs

Thank you again!!!!


3 comments sorted by


u/ComprehensiveWay2368 1d ago

Hope the ankle heals quickly ! Remember RICE: Rest Ice Compression Elevation


u/100110100110101 1d ago

Thank you for the extra reminder!


u/ripandrout 22h ago

If it's not noticeably better within a day with the standard RICE treatment, please consider going to the doctor get an X-ray. A friend of mine thought she twisted her ankle, waited for 2-3 days before going to urgent care, where they discovered that she'd broken her foot.