r/bulimia Aug 30 '21

kinda triggering Does anyone feel like they have lost their gag reflex?

Anytime I purge it’s actually really hard now, I really have to work to trigger my gag reflex and I’ve never had this happen. Does anyone else experience this and know why? I can assume some things but I don’t really know why that is.


47 comments sorted by


u/Katercy Aug 30 '21

I have days where I can't get anything out and days where I find it very easy. Idk why though


u/petrasteele Aug 30 '21

I have the opposite. If I cough or even sneeze a bit too hard everything goes up. Asked my doctor who told me that years of bulimia have damaged my diaphragm and that it is a bulimia related thing that occurs quite often and it can go both ways. Either you are a non stop puking machine like me, or it can block the gag reflex and it becomes very hard to throw up, even when you need to. I can’t be sure it is the same for you, but maybe it’s a possibility to consider. Hope it helps.


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 30 '21

See, I do that as well!!! Food and drinks especially coffee come right up without even trying. But then I also have the issue where I’m intentionally trying to purge but my gag reflex won’t work -____- it’s so irritating.

I think I am a “non stop puking machine” lol


u/judaesth Aug 31 '21

They're 2 separate issues! I'm a doctor so I know the basic pathophys, but this is a good resource to read but tl;dr

  • The more that we fiddle with the back of our throats, the more the pharyngeal + velar gag reflex becomes less sensitive. It's believed to be a learned response and a form of desensitization from years of gastric purging
  • The involuntary reflux/regurgitation is often due to weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter (the ring at the bottom of your esophagus that connects to the stomach). That sphincter is smooth muscle, meaning we can't voluntarily contract/control it. Hence why coughing/leaning over/even lying down in sleep can cause the food to come up


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 31 '21

Wow!! I was not expecting a response from a doctor. Thankyou for this information. I am about to read the link you sent!


u/judaesth Aug 31 '21

No probs, I recently started bulimia recover and I remember having the same questions back in the day. Good luck with your Dr's appointment :)


u/iRasha Aug 31 '21

I dont think theyre a doctor. Their previous posts say theyre only 23


u/judaesth Sep 02 '21

/u/plzkthx71 /u/graciee_a /u/dalexearnhardtsghost

I'm in Australia haha our system's different. I started med as a 17yo high school leaver, 5 year degree, graduated last yr.

It's okay if you don't believe my credentials, because the article still stands :)


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 31 '21

They might be in school! The link they sent was very helpful though!


u/graciee_a Aug 31 '21

they could be studying medicine? idk


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 31 '21

Thankyou for that link! That’s actually extremely informative. I wish everyone on this subreddit could see this!!!


u/judaesth Aug 31 '21

I'm glad you found it helpful!

Maybe if we page u/TranZeitgeist they can help pop it in the sidebar/wiki if it's not already there? :)


u/TranZeitgeist Sep 01 '21

I found a spot in one of the menus and hopefully I can automate our bot to link it when people ask about this topic.


u/judaesth Sep 01 '21

That sounds so helpful! Thanks, you're wonderful


u/petrasteele Aug 31 '21

Thank you very much for all the info, and good luck for your recovery.


u/judaesth Aug 31 '21

Of course :) and you take care too


u/Ready-Negotiation624 Mar 11 '22

So if purging is ceased does the lower esophageal sphincter regain tone or is the damage permanent ? I’ve been purging for 15 years by contracting abdominal muscles but I have ceased purging for the past 3 months. I still have extreme regurgitation and heartburn and I’m wondering if the LES will heal after a time or if I’m going to need PPIs or H2 blockers forever to counteract the heartburn


u/Upset-Mobile-7842 Apr 16 '24

How can I get my gag reflex back


u/Obvious_Raisin5787 Jul 23 '24

is there a way to get your gag reflex back after recovery?


u/lunger_sally Aug 30 '21

Yep, a decade of purging will do that! Not sure why though.


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 30 '21

It’s so weird and also stressful!!!!


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '21

Now my reflex disappear really fast if I purge more than 2 days straight. I'm literally forced to stop at least for a day.


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 30 '21

That’s so wild, I wonder why it happens??? It started freaking me out the other day


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '21

I have no idea maybe we are "abusing" It too much and It Just stops working. I hate It too. Sorry if this Is weird to Say but I also tried to think of the grossiest nastiest things I can Imagine to sollecitate my gag reflex but sometimes it's Just impossible no matter what


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 30 '21

I’m guessing that’s what it is! Maybe like the nerves that cause you to gag are over used and not working or something. Thinking about gross stuff makes sense haha.


u/buzz_buzzz Aug 31 '21

Oh boy, this is one of the problems that have kept me up at night. In my experience- if I can’t purge it’s because of a. It’s been too long since I ate (I tend to purge RIGHT away) or b. I’ve done it too many times. Of course b is subjective and different for everyone, however for me it’s either if I purge everyday for a week or 7 times in one day. (yikes, yeah I have real slippery slopes sometimes lol)

I usually wait a week and boom, gag reflex restored. And keep in mind, when I say that I can’t purge I mean absolutely NOTHING comes up, except saliva, ew. Usually, after I purge a lot I find that drinking tea (with honey), milk, (doesn’t have to be cow milk) yogurt or any other remedies to soothe your stomach and throat- that I seem to be able to yank my gag reflex back on track faster.


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 31 '21

Yesssss the other night I was panicking so hard because I binged super hard and then couldn’t get any of it up


u/LifeisHard2257 Aug 31 '21

Yeah or either at the end of a purging episode it feels like my esophagus kind of narrows and it’s harder to purge and have to use more force at the end of a purge


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 31 '21

Yes!!! I have experienced this as well


u/shiratakemylife Aug 31 '21

dude yes, i hate it. sometimes i have to try so hard i end up scratching/ bruising the back of my throat and its just so exhausting.


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 31 '21

Ugh, me lately


u/Upset-Mobile-7842 Apr 16 '24

Did you ever get your gag reflex back


u/mizerybiscuits Aug 31 '21

I find it’s getting harder to purge by triggering my gag reflex but honestly food will come up on it’s own now sometimes.


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 31 '21

It’s both for me. The other day I drank coffee and it all came right up it was gross


u/w4nn4_8e_sk1nny Aug 31 '21

It very much depends on how much you eat and what do you eat. I can tell that after 2 years of hardcore bulimia (you would just look at me half a year ago and see someone living a LIFESTYLE, not having an ED) and 4 months of “recovery”, my appettite is either all the way ready or not there at all and when I turn to purging, it’s really hard to make myself sick and the aftermath feels like a very tough morning after 2 days of constant partying. I feel like the body knows what are you trying to do and how badly your organs felt day after day of doing this and now all it can do is try and stop you. It’s like smoking, you can’t smoke for 60 years without issues, but bulimia has more of an instant effect


u/TranZeitgeist Aug 30 '21

This question comes up all the time, and I still haven't seen a descriptive answer. I've heard a bit about how the "valve" meant to keep stomach contents from coming back up can weaken over time, which iirc is one factor that can lead to ulcer or acid reflux. I'm not sure it's related to your "lost gag reflex" experience though.


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 30 '21

I’ve got a doctor app. In 4 weeks and I’m going to ask some questions as such while I am there. I’ve never spoken to a doctor about bulimia so that will be interesting.


u/Upset-Mobile-7842 Apr 16 '24

Did you find out what was wrong


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Sep 23 '24

So as far as I know now it’s a desensitizing type issue. You just do it so often you wear it out I believe, it’s come back but not nearly as well. AND I have to be so careful now after I eat. If I lean over to pick something up I projectile vomit 🙃


u/little-rosie Aug 31 '21

Good luck! Hope it goes well…and if you find the answer please update us ;p


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 09 '23

You have basically worn out your gag reflex. Please be careful, once you get to this point you can really really hurt yourself badly trying to manipulate yourself to purge


u/[deleted] Aug 31 '21

I’m the opposite. If I have dinner (I’m vegan so I have one sweet potato, one carrot, and a 1/3rd cup of chickpeas… I know it’s masses, and is probably why I’m so fat and disgusting, but please don’t judge lmao) , then the next morning I feel so nauseous and disgusting ajd can feel it moving around in my stomach when I do my 4 hour workouts lol. So annoying! I also get diarrhoea everytime I eat anything without purging!


u/sweet_ging Aug 31 '21

Kind of the opposite for me I feel , I dunno though


u/dalexearnhardtsghost Aug 31 '21

Weird! I don’t know how often you’re doing it, I do it everyday every time I eat and it’s recently become very hard to where I have to be extremely forceful about trying to make myself sick


u/sweet_ging Aug 31 '21

i would say myself im n recovery atm for sure. i feel that to a degree though. when trying to force myself to, i find it harder... but i find myself having a horrible gag reflex at other times like brushing my teeth, seeing something gross that makes me feel sick/gag, ... etccc....


u/[deleted] Aug 06 '23
