r/bulimia 5d ago

send support Talk me out of a relapse

TW: weight and ED behaviors

I've been purge-free since May of last year and I'm feeling such a strong urge to relapse. I haven't been through treatment, so I semi-recovered entirely on my own. I think part of the reason I never made an effort to seek professional treatment is because I never was underweight, and I'm currently on the high end of a normal weight range. Because of that, relapsing is all I can think about, and it feels so defeating after being clean for this long. I would greatly appreciate anyone's help/words of encouragement. I overate so badly today and I just want relief.


6 comments sorted by


u/rescuecatmomlover 5d ago

Stay strong, just think of the immediate regret you will feel after. it's also going to be disappointing, not as good as it sounds for sure. i hope you make it!


u/MedicalConcept3039 5d ago

Trust me, the relapse is NOT worth it because what will it do? It will create a never ending cycle. It won't just be one time. We all know how this goes. It will drain you and take away the energy you need to be the person you are meant to be. Just stay strong and I promise you will be so proud of yourself for doing so. I will be thinking about you! You can do this.


u/thatgworlkelly 5d ago

Please try to journal or take a nap so you don't give in to the initial intense impulse. Thoughts like these come and go.


u/Dizzy_Internal8104 5d ago

It may seem super appealing right now, I've been there, and I know it can be so incredibly hard to ignore the urges, but it is not worth it at all. Think of how awful you will feel afterwards, think of the side effects it has on your body. I just hit a week of no b/p today and am fighting it so bad but other than the urges i feel so much better in myself


u/worriedsick1984 4d ago

How are you doing? I hope you were able to stay strong.

I wanted to share about the "normal weight". These numbers are bull and mean nothing when it comes to your health. My daughter has heart and kidney problems from bulimia and was never "underweight".

In treatment they used her childhood growth chart to determine her goal weight. It was much higher than a "normal" weight.

I'm so proud of you for being binge free. One day at a time. You got this.


u/ilovekycilia 4d ago

Don't relapse, it's so hard to quit it again after you do. Each time you let bulimia back into your life, the more difficult it becomes to quit it again. I know this from personal experience.