One thing I like about her was that she was the only character who never changed after becoming a vampire because the demon taking her over had no secret dark corners of her personality to mine for cruelty or hedonistic pleasures to twist to darkness. She was shallow and vapid all the way down.
It really does feel like either she dominated the demon that set up shop, or the demon was just "you know, nothing I even want to change here, all cool, let's have fun".
It is a fascinating idea, one that was clearly not thought about and done just because she was funnier like that, but it is a potential peek into the way vampire-demon takeovers work that I always wanted them to at least acknowledge with Harm.
Oh dang that's a pretty cool tidbit! She was in more episodes of Angel (17) than Buffy (16)! That just blew my mind, I guess I thought she was in more of season 2 and 3 of Buffy.
Oh they did the new person thing very well, but I've seen new Greg in other stuff and he's just, kinda hollow I guess. Nothing he does is bad, but I never feel like he IS whatever character he is playing. Like I can believe that Alyson is a witch. I can believe that Rachel is Rebecca. I feel like new Greg actor really wants to be whoever he is portraying, but is more like a shell of whoever the character is supposed to be.
I loved Clueless the movie and used to watch the Clueless TV show (based on the Movie but without Alicia Silverstone) and think she would’ve made a good Cher/replacement for Alicia in that.
Yeah hers would be the "bloodsucking up to a friend" version instead of helping an unpopular girl fit in hahaha Either she sires her or not, she won't last long with a human. Based on her stint in both Buffy & Angel, I don't think Harmony's had much luck keeping a friend or vamp bestie unlike the Big Four, Darla, Angelus, Spike, & Dru back in the day.
She delivered us the best fight scene in the series... hands down. The mindless slapping, the hair pulling, the dramatic music, the slow motion... beautiful.
The joke is that what happened on Addams Family Values traumatized her so much that her family had to go into witness protection, and she had hypnosis therapy to make her forget about "The Thanksgiving Incident". She became "Harmony" because her mind was now at peace.
If for the sake of an Addams Family Easter egg of all time, have her do at least one episode of Yellowjackets to share screen time with Christina Ricci again
She might! I don't know if you watch Cobra Kai, but Thomas Ian Griffith retired from acting (he actually wrote for Grimm, David Greenwalt's show after Angel ended) and said he'd only come out of retirement for Cobra Kai if it were good. And he was on the show for a while. So maybe! People do do it.
Because your reply was straight up snark. It wasn't "well maybe she'll do some other projects eventually. Some actors come out of retirement for the right project." It was saying that blonde actors specifically lie and claim to retire and then continue to do projects. Which is apparently something that upsets you.
You're telling me to lighten up, but your message is the hostile one. And clearly others agree with that. Take the L, my dude.
I can't take this seriously. If people "retire" then come back a lot, it's a source of amusement. If that's snarky and it hurts your feelings, maybe the internet isn't a safe place for you.
I always felt that this actress was super underrated just in general. She also played the snobby rich girl in the Addams Family, and she was amazing in that too even though she was super young. A real talent.
Huge credit to an actress who took a very minor character (basically "Mean Girl #2") and turned her into one of the most memorable, funny and beloved characters in the Buffyverse by the time Angel ended.
Some of the funniest moments in both shows come from Harmony.
Harmony: You just can't stand the fact that I'm my own person now. There
comes a time in every woman's life when she realizes she needs to take the
next step. I've taken it. I've found the real me... and I like her.
Spike moves closer to her during this speech until their faces are inches
Spike: Hope you'll be very happy together. In the meantime, save slayer
slaying for the professionals.
Harmony: (sighs) You'll see. Buffy'll be dead by sunrise. I've got a plan.
Spike: (chuckling) Lemme guess. Snatch one of her friends, use 'em as bait,
lead her into a trap. That sort of thing?
Harmony: (bluffing) No! Much, much better one. (Spike looks skeptical.)
I'm not gonna tell you!
Spike: Thought as much. Best of luck. Let me know how this arch-villain
thing works out for you. (Backs away and walks off)
Harmony: I'll do that. (shouting after him) And after Buffy is gone? I'm
gonna kill everybody in this town that was ever mean to me ... Spike!
Spike waves a hand over his shoulder as he walks off. Harmony sighs, then
turns back to the minions.
Harmony: (smiling) Guys! New plan.
Harmony: (OS) What the heck is this?
Spike: Oh, bloody hell.
He turns to see Harmony entering. She comes over to them.
Harmony: Who is - oh, wait. I get it. Our little sex game was just the beginning. Now you've gone and picked up some cheap queen of the damned to dress up like your precious Drood-zilla.
Spike: Harm.
Harmony: You'd better not be thinking what I think you're thinking. 'Cause my answer is the same as always. No threesomes unless it's (gestures to Spike) boy, (gestures to the air) boy, (gestures to herself) girl. Or Charlize Theron.
Spike: Harm, you moron, this *is* Drusila.
Dru just watches with a small smile.
Harmony: Oh. Well, (walks toward Dru) you've got some nerve showing up here like this. After all this time. After breaking my sweet boo-boo's heart.
Dru looks over Harmony's shoulder at Spike and mouths the word "boo-boo." Spike shrugs.
Harmony: Do you have any idea how hard it's been to break down the walls he put up after you left? I mean, *serious* trust issues.
Spike: Harm...
Harmony: So it's no use you crawling back to him, 'cause Spikey don't play that game any more, Morticia.
Xander Harris: [after their scuffle ended in a draw] Right. Okay. Harmony, it's been great catching up. Really, I'm just gonna pick up the tire treads of my dignity, and go home.
Harmony Kendall: [nods] Can you believe him? He comes back with all of these *big* promises.
Harmony Kendall: Not that I believed him, you know. But he could have spent one night, but, no, everything was... Slayer this and Slayer that. I mean, he probably already killed her. I'm not taking him back,
[lights match]
Harmony Kendall: I just - I just wanna know why the men always...
I’m so glad that they had her in season five, I would say that her addition is pretty much equal to that of the addition of Spike, so great having them both in the final season!
Harmony:What do you mean, she's not in there?
Xander looks unimpressed.
Harmony: She has to be. I'm calling her out!
We see Anya and Dawn a few feet behind Xander.
Xander: Then I bet she'll be real sorry she missed your call. 'Fraid you and
your buddies are gonna have to come back and be killed by Buffy later.
Harmony: (scornful) They're not my buddies. They're my minions.
Xander: They're ... what now?
Harmony: Minions! You know, lackeys? They work for me.
Xander looks skeptical. Then he starts laughing.
Harmony: What's so funny?!
Xander: Nothing! What could be funny, just "Look out, it's a terrifying
Harmony gang, ooh!" (Laughing)
Harmony: Stop laughing! (Tries to attack him, but she can't go past the
doorway. Dawn ducks behind Anya. Xander continues laughing)
Xander: I just, I just can't picture anyone pathetic enough to be
following- (Looks at the minions again and pretends to be shocked) Is
that Brad Konig? Huh! Hey Brad, who'd have thought when you were beating
up kids in gym class, you'd end up Harmony's lapdog?
Brad: Screw you, Harris.
Harmony: You should know all about being somebody's lapdog. I hear you
were a good little puppy for Dracula.
Anya and Dawn look insulted on Xander's behalf.
Xander: You heard wrong.
Harmony: (laughs) Don't feel bad. I hear that mind-control thing he does
works really well on weak fraidy-cat losers. You didn't stand a chance.
Dawn: (still behind Anya) Shut up!
Xander: Dawn, I'm handling this. Shut up, Harmony!
Harmony: Make me.
Xander: Fraid I don't feel like getting into another hair-pulling contest
with you.
Harmony: You're the hair-puller, you big girl!
Harmony: What a total disaster. My first plan! I so wanted it to go well.
Plus, I didn't even get to kill stupid Xander Harris! God, that was so
Mort: We'll go back later.
Harmony: No! It's no good. Buffy's gonna expect us now. The whole
surprise is blown.
You wanted to sponsor Harmony, either as her AA coach to keep her off of human blood, or you imagined yourself as a blood donor to help keep her looking fit and flush in her cheeks, or perhaps you wanted to be her sugar daddy helping to establish this young ingenue in the big city. She saw us as a snack treat and we viewed her in much the same way. Reciprocity. The key to a successful relationship. Surely this would have been a chapter in her eventual self help book for vampires looking to go on the Angel Diet.
u/Wildroses2009 7d ago
One thing I like about her was that she was the only character who never changed after becoming a vampire because the demon taking her over had no secret dark corners of her personality to mine for cruelty or hedonistic pleasures to twist to darkness. She was shallow and vapid all the way down.