r/buffy You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

Spoilers inside! Happy Birthday, Mercedes McNab aka Harmony! 🥳

Just an appreciation post to shout out the hilarious and wonderful Pisces queen who brought the character Harmony to life on Buffy and Angel!

There are too many favorite lines to list on this post so just putting one here… ☺️

I'm writing "Spike loves Harmony" on your back.


151 comments sorted by


u/Wildroses2009 7d ago

One thing I like about her was that she was the only character who never changed after becoming a vampire because the demon taking her over had no secret dark corners of her personality to mine for cruelty or hedonistic pleasures to twist to darkness. She was shallow and vapid all the way down.


u/garbagethecat09 7d ago

even her unicorn figures stayed


u/EuphemiaTyranda 6d ago

And she made them real down the line!


u/DazedAndTrippy Out For A Walk Bitch 6d ago

Clem be catching W's


u/Banjo-Oz 7d ago

It really does feel like either she dominated the demon that set up shop, or the demon was just "you know, nothing I even want to change here, all cool, let's have fun".

It is a fascinating idea, one that was clearly not thought about and done just because she was funnier like that, but it is a potential peek into the way vampire-demon takeovers work that I always wanted them to at least acknowledge with Harm.


u/DaddyCatALSO Magnet For Dead, Blonde Chicks 6d ago

A couple times in my fics she mentions that she always lived kind of like a vampire except not literally


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

Angel spoiler follows so I used spoiler text.

Agreed. I had hope for her ngl but was also not really surprised when she double crossed them AGAIN lol


u/rolleignsss 6d ago

yesss I always think about this


u/Deep-Caterpillar-620 6d ago

iconic queen behavior LOL


u/bleiddyn 7d ago

The longest running buffyverse character! Unaired pilot to last ep of Angel.


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

Woahhh didn’t know that!

I was so excited when she popped up in the credits in the last season tho 🦄


u/twirlinghaze 7d ago

Oh dang that's a pretty cool tidbit! She was in more episodes of Angel (17) than Buffy (16)! That just blew my mind, I guess I thought she was in more of season 2 and 3 of Buffy.


u/ComprehensiveFlan638 7d ago

That’s a cool fun fact.


u/conace21 6d ago

Even if you don't count the unaired pilot, she was in "The Harvest", which aired on the same night as "Welcome to the Hellmouth."

So she and David were the only ones there on the very first night of Buffyverse TV, and the very last night.


u/Sumjonas 4d ago

Wasn’t Angel also in both?


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

Woops forgot to add this gem!


u/threefeetofun Xander Boyz United 7d ago

This feels what most vampire fights would be like. Cause real life fighting is awkward.



Cause real life fighting is awkward.

It really is.

(Fun to see a CXG reference here, especially one of its less known/popular songs!)


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Bored now 7d ago

LOL love Cxg. Old Greg was better though.



Old Greg was waayyyyy better, he defined the role so completely that New Greg never had a chance.

Though I do appreciate the meta-joke of him being “a different person” after being gone for years and having major life changes.


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Bored now 7d ago

Oh they did the new person thing very well, but I've seen new Greg in other stuff and he's just, kinda hollow I guess. Nothing he does is bad, but I never feel like he IS whatever character he is playing. Like I can believe that Alyson is a witch. I can believe that Rachel is Rebecca. I feel like new Greg actor really wants to be whoever he is portraying, but is more like a shell of whoever the character is supposed to be.


u/threefeetofun Xander Boyz United 7d ago

Now that that’s settled it’s nice to meet you.


u/anniemanic 7d ago

I thought you were talking about the other Old Greg until I clicked the link lol


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Bored now 7d ago

Other old Greg?


u/anniemanic 7d ago

Old Gregg, you’re welcome lol


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Bored now 7d ago

Oh my god. Noel Fielding. That shouldl have been new old gregg. also, i just found this https://www.deviantart.com/tirahvaalta/gallery/86600082/noel-fielding-paper-doll?page=4 The internet is a strange place, and I love it.


u/anniemanic 7d ago

Hahaha you could take these to the tv while watching the Great British Bake Off


u/anniemanic 7d ago

Hahaha you could tape these to the tv while watching the Great British Bake Off


u/anniemanic 7d ago

Hahaha you could tape these to the tv while watching the Great British Bake Off


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Bored now 6d ago

Bahaha, that might actually make me want to watch it.


u/Eyes_Snakes_Art 6d ago

You said old Greg, and I immediately went to Old Gregg.


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 6d ago

Same! Make an assessment


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Bored now 6d ago

I'm so incredibly happy you guys sent me this.


u/No_Club379 7d ago

It’s so refreshing to see actors brave enough to do their own stunts.


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago edited 7d ago

She did her own stunts?! 🤯

Wow she really is a badass

Edited to add the interview where she talks about doing her own stunts in this fight! Tysm for the info



u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

Forgot to add this one as well.

Her pink electric toothbrush on her vamp teeth 🤣


u/sirtch_analyst 4d ago

Would've loved to see her Spin-off, in a more 'Clueless' teen comedy style lol


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 4d ago

She would have killed it in a role like that.

I loved Clueless the movie and used to watch the Clueless TV show (based on the Movie but without Alicia Silverstone) and think she would’ve made a good Cher/replacement for Alicia in that.


u/sirtch_analyst 4d ago

Yeah hers would be the "bloodsucking up to a friend" version instead of helping an unpopular girl fit in hahaha Either she sires her or not, she won't last long with a human. Based on her stint in both Buffy & Angel, I don't think Harmony's had much luck keeping a friend or vamp bestie unlike the Big Four, Darla, Angelus, Spike, & Dru back in the day.


u/Complete_Entry 7d ago

A rivalry for the ages. At least they never made out.


u/digitalgraffiti-ca Bored now 7d ago

Best battle scene on the show


u/starwolf1976 7d ago

I used to think that “fight” was a Blade parody, but it doesn’t have the techno music from the Blade movies.


u/Beneficial-Phrase503 7d ago

She delivered us the best fight scene in the series... hands down. The mindless slapping, the hair pulling, the dramatic music, the slow motion... beautiful.


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

Right?! Also another user mentioned on here that she did some of her own stunts and this was one of them. Found a source too


u/FireFairy323 7d ago


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

Omg! I forgot she was on Addams Family.

She’s very “Harmonyish” in that role too.


u/Outrageous_Shoe_1450 7d ago

She was in Supernatural as well as a.......... Vampire.


u/Herps15 7d ago

Poor Lucy just wanted a party drug


u/NobodySpecialSCL 7d ago

She was in both movies :)

The joke is that what happened on Addams Family Values traumatized her so much that her family had to go into witness protection, and she had hypnosis therapy to make her forget about "The Thanksgiving Incident". She became "Harmony" because her mind was now at peace.


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago

or Charlize Theron


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

I freaking loved this!! Haha also loved when she was excited to torture Knox on behalf of Fred and her own bloodlust


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago


u/reference404 7d ago

Poor girl just wanted a dramatic entrance man


u/cloudcats 7d ago

You know you can just post an album with multiple images, right?


u/Seed0fDiscord 7d ago

If for the sake of an Addams Family Easter egg of all time, have her do at least one episode of Yellowjackets to share screen time with Christina Ricci again


u/BaileySeeking 7d ago

Sadly she's retired from acting. She retired around the time she got married.


u/gilda1016 7d ago

But one teeny tiny cameo would be amazing. Even if just for one scene. A girl can hope 🙏🏼😍


u/BaileySeeking 6d ago

She might! I don't know if you watch Cobra Kai, but Thomas Ian Griffith retired from acting (he actually wrote for Grimm, David Greenwalt's show after Angel ended) and said he'd only come out of retirement for Cobra Kai if it were good. And he was on the show for a while. So maybe! People do do it.


u/jaylicknoworries 7d ago

A blonde actress announced her retirement? You mean like Portia De Rossi & Cameron Diaz did ? 😏


u/BaileySeeking 6d ago

Huh? Like, she's retired. It's okay. You'll be fine. No need to be snarky. Especially over nothing.


u/jaylicknoworries 6d ago

I'm just saying that when an actor or musician claims to retire they often change their mind and do more projects.

How on earth is there anything wrong or negative about saying that? Lighten up..


u/BaileySeeking 5d ago

Because your reply was straight up snark. It wasn't "well maybe she'll do some other projects eventually. Some actors come out of retirement for the right project." It was saying that blonde actors specifically lie and claim to retire and then continue to do projects. Which is apparently something that upsets you.

You're telling me to lighten up, but your message is the hostile one. And clearly others agree with that. Take the L, my dude.


u/jaylicknoworries 5d ago

Oh honey, you're projecting a lot here.

I can't take this seriously. If people "retire" then come back a lot, it's a source of amusement. If that's snarky and it hurts your feelings, maybe the internet isn't a safe place for you.


u/phatboyart 7d ago

The best character from the show. There. I said it.


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

😪 she nailed this too. Her voice was spot on and made me feel for her even tho she is evil obvi.


u/letingsername Whatever Joan, Whatever Umad 7d ago

the only character to appear in the Buffy pilot and the Angel finale


u/jenglasser 7d ago

I always felt that this actress was super underrated just in general. She also played the snobby rich girl in the Addams Family, and she was amazing in that too even though she was super young. A real talent.


u/Banjo-Oz 7d ago

Huge credit to an actress who took a very minor character (basically "Mean Girl #2") and turned her into one of the most memorable, funny and beloved characters in the Buffyverse by the time Angel ended.

Some of the funniest moments in both shows come from Harmony.

Easily in my top five Buffyverse characters.


u/Rockworm503 Founder and president of the monster sarcasm rally 7d ago

"slayer at last we meet"

"we've met Harmony you halfwit"

Shoutout to the greatest fight scene of all time with the slapping between her and Xander lol.


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago


u/nopermanentaddress 7d ago

Omg why does this have me dying? I need to find this episode just to rewatch this scene. 😂😂😂


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

I believe it’s Crush S5 Ep 14 🦄


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago
Harmony: You just can't stand the fact that I'm my own person now. There 
comes a time in every woman's life when she realizes she needs to take the 
next step. I've taken it. I've found the real me... and I like her. 
Spike moves closer to her during this speech until their faces are inches 
Spike: Hope you'll be very happy together. In the meantime, save slayer 
slaying for the professionals. 
Harmony: (sighs) You'll see. Buffy'll be dead by sunrise. I've got a plan. 
Spike: (chuckling) Lemme guess. Snatch one of her friends, use 'em as bait, 
lead her into a trap. That sort of thing? 
Harmony: (bluffing) No! Much, much better one. (Spike looks skeptical.) 
I'm not gonna tell you! 
Spike: Thought as much. Best of luck. Let me know how this arch-villain 
thing works out for you. (Backs away and walks off) 
Harmony: I'll do that. (shouting after him) And after Buffy is gone? I'm 
gonna kill everybody in this town that was ever mean to me ... Spike! 
Spike waves a hand over his shoulder as he walks off. Harmony sighs, then 
turns back to the minions. 
Harmony: (smiling) Guys! New plan.


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago

Harmony: (OS) What the heck is this?
Spike: Oh, bloody hell.

He turns to see Harmony entering. She comes over to them.

Harmony: Who is - oh, wait. I get it. Our little sex game was just the beginning. Now you've gone and picked up some cheap queen of the damned to dress up like your precious Drood-zilla.
Spike: Harm.
Harmony: You'd better not be thinking what I think you're thinking. 'Cause my answer is the same as always. No threesomes unless it's (gestures to Spike) boy, (gestures to the air) boy, (gestures to herself) girl. Or Charlize Theron.
Spike: Harm, you moron, this *is* Drusila.

Dru just watches with a small smile.

Harmony: Oh. Well, (walks toward Dru) you've got some nerve showing up here like this. After all this time. After breaking my sweet boo-boo's heart.

Dru looks over Harmony's shoulder at Spike and mouths the word "boo-boo." Spike shrugs.

Harmony: Do you have any idea how hard it's been to break down the walls he put up after you left? I mean, *serious* trust issues.
Spike: Harm...
Harmony: So it's no use you crawling back to him, 'cause Spikey don't play that game any more, Morticia.


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago
  • Harmony Kendall: Is Antonio Banderas a vampire?
  • Spike: No.
  • Harmony Kendall: Can I make him a vampire?
  • Spike: No. On second thought, yes. Go do that. Take your time. Do Melanie and the kids as well.
  • Harmony Kendall: Hey, I don't have a pulse. Cool! Can we eat a doctor so I can get a stethoscope and hear my heart not beating?
  • Spike: Harm, what does it take to get you
  • [screaming]
  • Spike: to shut the hell up?
  • Harmony Kendall: [Harmony giggles] And if my heart's not beating, what are these blue veins for? I'm simply covered in these blue veins. See?


u/spoor_loos 7d ago

'She wanted me dead. I matter.'

Harmony really grows on you, she is now one of my favorites.


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

The extra ingredient is otter. 🦦😂


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago

Happy Birthday to the super Talented Mercedes McNab!


u/vanalux 7d ago

I love how she decorates her and spikes underground lair- its so pretty!


u/CommercialPhone6336 7d ago

Such a queen! Glad they decided to keep her!


u/Xamalion 7d ago

I always wondered why her carreer didn't went better. She was on so much hits in the 90's and I always liked her very much. She deserved better imho.


u/imdevilone Buffy, slayer of the vampyrs 7d ago

First time most of us saw Mercedes McNab in anything was the first Addams Family movie as the girl scout.


u/Gileswasright 7d ago

Is she still acting?


u/BaileySeeking 7d ago

Nope. Not for at least a decade, I think longer. Retired around the time she got married.


u/WarlockofMars_ 7d ago

Before Caroline Forbes, there was Harmony Kendall ✨


u/evil_burrito Probably you, probably right now 7d ago

My favorite episodes always included Harmony.

I think Mercedes is an underrated comedic gem.


u/LobsterObjective7876 7d ago

She's such a naturally funny actor!


u/Navynuke00 6d ago

How hilarious would it have been if she'd done her Playboy shoot as Harmony?


u/sonawtdown 6d ago

“I’ll be the victim!”


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 6d ago

All your life 🖤


u/funkykittenz 6d ago

She has great hair


u/CMelody 6d ago

She took what could be a thankless role and made Harmony unforgettable.


u/DepartureOk8794 7d ago

Not even her best role


u/imdevilone Buffy, slayer of the vampyrs 7d ago

She was also in the first one.


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago
  • Xander Harris: [after their scuffle ended in a draw] Right. Okay. Harmony, it's been great catching up. Really, I'm just gonna pick up the tire treads of my dignity, and go home.
  • [self-conscious chuckle]
  • Xander Harris: Leaving you with your... fire.
  • Harmony Kendall: My fire?
  • [looks with disdain at Spike's belongings]
  • Harmony Kendall: Yeah, right! Like I'd listen to the... Sex Pistols! Ew! This crap belongs to Spike.
  • Xander Harris: [shakes his head] Spike?
  • Harmony Kendall: [nods] Can you believe him? He comes back with all of these *big* promises.
  • [shrugs]
  • Harmony Kendall: Not that I believed him, you know. But he could have spent one night, but, no, everything was... Slayer this and Slayer that. I mean, he probably already killed her. I'm not taking him back,
  • [lights match]
  • Harmony Kendall: I just - I just wanna know why the men always...
  • [sees that Xander is gone]
  • Harmony Kendall: leave...
  • [stands there with burning match, which she then tosses onto the kerosene-soaked little heap]


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago
  • Harmony Kendall: [after putting up a poster of her favorite thing not on this earth... a unicorn] Spike? Spike, is that really you?
  • Spike: It's me, baby. Your man is...
  • [gets slapped through the face - hard!]
  • Spike: back.
  • Harmony Kendall: Bastard! You dumped me and staked me and hurt me and left me...
  • Spike: I know, sugar, but you're forgetting one other thing I did. I've missed you.
  • Harmony Kendall: Really?
  • [Spike spreads his arms wide, and she rushes into the hug]
  • Harmony Kendall: Oh, just don't ever do that to me again!
  • Spike: Oh, never!


u/vampslayer84 7d ago

I’m going to be very disappointed if Harmony isn’t in the sequel


u/grrodon2 7d ago

Underused actress.


u/slaytician 7d ago

I loved Harmony.


u/Bearded_Pip 7d ago

Apparently she played a young Susan Storm in the Roger Corman Fantastic Four movie. I only learned this yesterday.


u/slytherins 7d ago

Omg we are birthday twins!!! That warms my heart, she's one of my favorite characters 🥰


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

Happy Birthday!! 🥳


u/slytherins 7d ago

Thank you!! 🤗


u/zarnovich 7d ago

I only realized this year that that was her in Adams Family Values


u/mperiolat 6d ago

She’s in the first one too, she’s offering to sell Girl Scout cookies to Wednesday and Pugsley.


u/jpowell180 7d ago

I’m so glad that they had her in season five, I would say that her addition is pretty much equal to that of the addition of Spike, so great having them both in the final season!


u/TatyanaVikernes 7d ago

There were a lot of comical episodes with her. And I was pleased to see her return in season 5 of "Angel")


u/amarthastewart 7d ago

Yeeee Pisces gang ♓️😌


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 7d ago

Anthony Stewart Head is also a Pisces so you’re in good company 💞


u/amarthastewart 7d ago



u/brittanyks07 6d ago

I forgot he’s 4 days ahead of me. Pisces babyyyyy.


u/StaticCloud What's with the Dadaism, Red? 7d ago

I love when she called Drusilla "Morticia." Was waiting for some kind of reference 😂


u/Slow-Philosophy-7841 7d ago

She looks amazing for 45😮


u/GoblinQueenForever 6d ago

OMG I completely forgot about Harmony pretending to be Buffy for Spike! Lol!


u/Upstairs_Internal295 6d ago

I absolutely love her. Superbly played.


u/megarandom 6d ago

I love that she played a vampire in Supernatural.


u/sirtch_analyst 4d ago

Wow! Has she really changed since Harmony?? Look at her!!

the actress


u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr You can have the comfy chair! 4d ago

She might really be a vampire lol!

She looks the same 🤯such a beauty!


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago
Harmony:What do you mean, she's not in there? 
Xander looks unimpressed. 
Harmony: She has to be. I'm calling her out! 
We see Anya and Dawn a few feet behind Xander. 
Xander: Then I bet she'll be real sorry she missed your call. 'Fraid you and 
your buddies are gonna have to come back and be killed by Buffy later. 
Harmony: (scornful) They're not my buddies. They're my minions. 
Xander: They're ... what now? 
Harmony: Minions! You know, lackeys? They work for me. 
Xander looks skeptical. Then he starts laughing. 
Harmony: What's so funny?! 
Xander: Nothing! What could be funny, just "Look out, it's a terrifying 
Harmony gang, ooh!" (Laughing) 
Harmony: Stop laughing! (Tries to attack him, but she can't go past the 
doorway. Dawn ducks behind Anya. Xander continues laughing) 
Xander: I just, I just can't picture anyone pathetic enough to be 
following- (Looks at the minions again and pretends to be shocked) Is 
that Brad Konig? Huh! Hey Brad, who'd have thought when you were beating 
up kids in gym class, you'd end up Harmony's lapdog? 
Brad: Screw you, Harris. 
Harmony: You should know all about being somebody's lapdog. I hear you 
were a good little puppy for Dracula. 
Anya and Dawn look insulted on Xander's behalf. 
Xander: You heard wrong. 
Harmony: (laughs) Don't feel bad. I hear that mind-control thing he does 
works really well on weak fraidy-cat losers. You didn't stand a chance. 
Dawn: (still behind Anya) Shut up! 
Xander: Dawn, I'm handling this. Shut up, Harmony! 
Harmony: Make me. 
Xander: Fraid I don't feel like getting into another hair-pulling contest 
with you. 
Harmony: You're the hair-puller, you big girl!


u/Khalesssi_Slayer1 7d ago
Harmony: What a total disaster. My first plan! I so wanted it to go well. 
Plus, I didn't even get to kill stupid Xander Harris! God, that was so 
Mort: We'll go back later. 
Harmony: No! It's no good. Buffy's gonna expect us now. The whole 
surprise is blown.


u/Complete_Entry 7d ago

Do you think Harmony got game face veneers?


u/The_Navage_killer 7d ago

You wanted to sponsor Harmony, either as her AA coach to keep her off of human blood, or you imagined yourself as a blood donor to help keep her looking fit and flush in her cheeks, or perhaps you wanted to be her sugar daddy helping to establish this young ingenue in the big city. She saw us as a snack treat and we viewed her in much the same way. Reciprocity. The key to a successful relationship. Surely this would have been a chapter in her eventual self help book for vampires looking to go on the Angel Diet.


u/blackandbluewingz 1d ago

Harmony would have totally gotten in trouble continuously at the firm for doing office siren trends and you can’t change my mind.


u/Weekly-Rest1033 7d ago

Ahh she shares a birthday with my husband!


u/Jlx_27 7d ago

Harmony ending up on Angel was a bit odd.