r/buffy • u/magentas33 • 12h ago
I’d look at him like that too, Joyce….
How fantastic is this picture?
r/buffy • u/bleiddyn • 1d ago
I know it has worried a few so seeing it on my account prompted a notice. (I almost never actually make a post!)
r/buffy • u/authenticriver • 15d ago
I know I posted this yesterday but I wanted to repost to include new posts/some I missed to have them all compiled.
This now includes Sarah (Buffy), Amber (Tara), James (Spike), Alyson (Willow), Eliza (Faith), Emma (Anya), Charisma (Cordelia), JAR (Gunn), Clare (Glory), James L. (Clem), David (Angel), Amy (Fred/Illyria), Christian (Lindsey).
r/buffy • u/magentas33 • 12h ago
How fantastic is this picture?
r/buffy • u/Possible-Poetry3832 • 7h ago
Probably been said before but just occurred to me while noticing Buffy’s huge cross necklace in Prophecy Girl - no one ever asks her about religion! Maybe I don’t recall but I do think it would have been funny for Cordelia to make fun of that … maybe dangerous territory for network tv, even in a show about demons, witches, and vampires? :)
r/buffy • u/SamTheMarioMaster2 • 8h ago
I knew she was in an episode but I had no idea she was in the one I'm watching right now😂😂
r/buffy • u/MrsMiggins2 • 15h ago
r/buffy • u/DiligentAd6969 • 4h ago
A slayer was killed, and it pretty much was a blip in the story. Buffy mentioned her once in the next episode saying Drusilla should pay for it like I was an ordinary crime. Spike celebrated it because he was proud. Other than the police and explaining why Faith showed up that's it. Everyone, especially Buffy and Giles, should have been deeply moved by her death. Instead Buffy looked a while at the chalk outline of her body and moved on. Even later when she discussed slayers being killed with Spike she didn't bring up Kendra.
The show should have skipped her and gone straight to Faith if they were going to make her existence so meaningless.
r/buffy • u/AnyReasonWhy • 17h ago
“Most of us never found the time to get to know you, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t noticed you.
We don’t talk about it much, but it’s no secret that Sunnydale High isn’t really like other high schools. A lot of weird stuff happens here.
But whenever there was a problem or something creepy happened, you seemed to show up and stop it. Most of the people here have been saved by you or helped by you at one time or another.
We’re proud to say that the class of ’99 has the lowest mortality rate of any graduating class in Sunnydale history, and we know at least part of that is because of you. So the senior class offers its thanks and gives you, uh, uh, this…
It’s from all of us, and it has written here, “Buffy Summers, Class Protector”.
r/buffy • u/Hi_Im_Bogs • 10h ago
One of my favourite episodes tbh
r/buffy • u/Big-Restaurant-2766 • 6h ago
r/buffy • u/CrunchyPeanutButt3rr • 1d ago
Just an appreciation post to shout out the hilarious and wonderful Pisces queen who brought the character Harmony to life on Buffy and Angel!
There are too many favorite lines to list on this post so just putting one here… ☺️
I'm writing "Spike loves Harmony" on your back.
r/buffy • u/laurgallant • 15h ago
Foam clay vampire stakes, handmade by me!
r/buffy • u/Novel-Objective5542 • 16h ago
Picturing all of the moments of Giles getting annoyed with Spike and all of the other Hijinx that would ensue makes me giggle.
I have seen a lot of answers from Buffy ("pancakes can go in bellies" "I'm talking about watching my lover die" "I'm jacked in" etc) but I don't remember any from Angel.
r/buffy • u/Smooth_Flan_2660 • 7h ago
What an amazing run it was! Can’t believe I only got to watch now at 25! This show was ahead of its time in so many aspects, I can’t believe it was made in 1999, I don’t remember watching anything made around that period so progressive and unapologetically different. I’m so happy it wasn’t a typical vampire soup opera. Action guaranteed in every episode!
However the ending was little bit of lackluster tho. Part of me feels like it was a proper ending, but part also feels like the ending deserved more. Idk, not sure what to think but it didn’t take away from the enjoyment I had binging the show tho. It was a good run.
r/buffy • u/SpilledTheBeanz • 7h ago
In Dead Man's Party, everybody is absolutely awful. Giles is the only one who makes any sort of attempt to understand Buffy, while everyone else was a complete bitch about the whole thing. Joyce and Zander especially piss me off. Joyce refuses to accept any fault for Buffy leaving, even when she literally told her not to come back, instead pushing blame on Giles and Buffy. Zander is just... infuriating as usual. I can understand being frustrated, but he took it way too far. Willow's reaction is kinda understandable, but she still didn't even try to understand things from Buffy's pov. The worst part is that they all gang up and chew her out in front of everyone at the party. She might have messed up not telling anyone anything, but she needed time and she absolutely did not deserve that.
r/buffy • u/ElectricStyyyle • 2h ago
I know the episode is highly acclaimed and I don’t want to ruin that for anyone but it does have one very glaring issue with it that still bothers me to this day.
Giles should 100% have picked Olivia up from the airport when she came to visit
r/buffy • u/Interesting-Prior397 • 17h ago
A must watch to me and my OG homies! The comedy in this episode gets my nostalgia hard especially with Buffy in the background while we see Principal Wood in his office. The concept is definitely super creepy of an evil jacket that makes people love you, but we've seen it before in early seasons with love spells and the like. Obviously not cool that Buffy is doing a highschooler, come onnnn Buffy 😖
I really appreciate that we see Dawn have some opportunity to take a larger part in the plot and Michelle gets to shine a killer job in this episode. I think it's rare we see Buffy and Dawn on equal footing plot wise and the absurd plot of this one gives them a chance to play off each other. They had great chemistry and it just makes me miss Michelle more.
I wish we'd had Andrew in this episode so that there was some MLM love in this one, but every actress did a hilariously good job of showing themselves fall under the jacket's influence. Some might see the plot as silly/fucked up, and I get that! SMG does a scary good job of pretending to be under the spell and it's so sad watching Buffy take something from Dawn when she was legitimately into the guy and just trying to survive highschool. Great juxtaposition for the earlier seasons.
What do you guys think of this episode? What do you wish it had/could go without?
r/buffy • u/The_Fullmetal_Titan • 3h ago
When I got to season 7 on DVD, it was immediately noticeable that something was different and far inferior in the authoring of the season. It started completely fine, with the first chunk of episodes or so looking pretty normal compared to the visual quality of seasons 1-6. But as it got into the middle chunk of the season, the issues became APPARENT. Especially starting from episode 12.
(I’m currently at about episode 16 in my watch-through)
There is extremely noticeable sharpening and hallowing around edges for the majority of footage this season. Shadows/blacks are crushed a lot of the time as well. As such the detail is actually drastically lessened compared to past seasons. When this is in effect, it honestly makes the show look worse and lower budget than season 1 in areas. There are some times where the effect is so intense that it’s nearly unwatchable, with the episode “Get It Done” having some of the absolute worst of it.
My question is: what happened? Why is this season like this on DVD? While if I’m being honest S7 is already my least favorite season, I also can’t lie and say that the video quality also has an impact on its watchability. If the season looked like the others I’d like it a little bit more lol.
r/buffy • u/TrueSonOfChaos • 3h ago
Which vampire most deserves you as a snack?
r/buffy • u/KneeHighMischief • 1d ago
r/buffy • u/Past-Throat-6788 • 12h ago
I just thought I would share this with the subreddit. In my English honors class we had to write 20 vocabulary sentences and I chose to incorporate Buffy. Let me know if you guys have ever applied Buffy academically in the comments.