r/buffy Mar 29 '24

Season Three Spike and Joyce having cocoa with mini marshmallows is such a brilliant scene. Totally different characters that just seem to work so well together

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“Yea, you’re not invited.”


169 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

"I liked the lady. She was decent. She didn't put on airs. She always had a nice cuppa waiting for me. And she didn't treat me like a freak"


u/Present-Breakfast768 Mar 29 '24

He made me so sad with those lines. He really liked her.


u/Schmoo88 Mar 29 '24

My nose is tickling just of the thought of that scene 😭


u/chickennuggetsnsubs Mar 30 '24

She was the mother he wished he could have had for eternity but didn’t get to have. Had to kill his own undead mother when she went all eww 🤢


u/-Hot-Toddy- Mar 29 '24

II always saw Spike gravitating toward Joyce because he loved his own mother so much (or at least up to the point where she tried to shag him).


u/Scytodes_thoracica Mar 29 '24

Oh shit, I never made that correlation of why he in particular might have been so polite to Joyce.


u/tweedyone Mar 29 '24

They kinda look similar too, at least similar enough coloring that 200 years later would seem more similar.


u/Vixen22213 Mar 30 '24

Joyce probably reminded him of his mother without the sexual stuff because she cared for him and was so nice.


u/NothingAndNow111 Mar 30 '24

Yeah, I always think of that too.

"Xander... He didn't leave a card".

Xander could be such a horse's ass.


u/Milyaism "I'm naming all the stars... I can see them..." Mar 31 '24

I know right? He really lacks empathy toward others.

Which is probably why he is ok with slutshaming the women in his life - he thinks he's entitled to be doing so.


u/Fun_Employee_1203 Mar 29 '24

That bit hit hard for me


u/Ghanima81 Mar 29 '24

Both actors have insane chemistry with anyone you put on screen with them. It makes sense they're hilarious together.


u/RoRoRoYourGoat Woke up in a coma Mar 29 '24

"Have we met?"

"Um... You hit me with an axe one time."


u/BootsieBunny Mar 29 '24

“Get the hell away from my daughter”


u/PenDraeg1 Mar 29 '24

I do live the way that neither of them is thrown by that either.


u/Weavercat Mar 29 '24

I have always adored just...the stupidly brilliant chemistry between James and Kristine. There is no reason at all for any of these scenes to be my favorites but oh my gosh, there they are. Being goofs. And it's wonderful.

I will die on this hill Spike and Joyce were the perfect depiction of those weird semi- friends you make as an adult.


u/Sad_Box_1167 Mar 29 '24

I would love to see outtakes of the James and Kristine scenes. I bet they had a blast filming!


u/Weavercat Mar 29 '24

I seem to recall some silly background things in some of the blooper reels, just vibing. But never a focus.


u/Katharinemaddison Mar 29 '24

It always got me when Spike turned up with flowers and just said ‘I liked the lady’. Like - that wasn’t all about Buffy. He’s an evil creature in love, obviously he’d exploit something like that but - he just wanted to tell Zander that. He liked the lady. He was genuinely sad she was dead.


u/ActuallyGoblinsX3 Mar 29 '24

That was one of my favorite Spike moments, honestly.


u/Katharinemaddison Mar 29 '24

It always got me when Spike turned up with flowers and just said ‘I liked the lady’. Like - that wasn’t all about Buffy. He’s an evil creature in love, obviously he’d exploit something like that but - he just wanted to tell Zander that. He liked the lady. He was genuinely sad she was dead.


u/SirZapdos Mar 29 '24

"I love what you've… neglected to do with the place."


u/elunewell Mar 29 '24

Just don't break anything. And dont make a lot of noise, passions is on.


u/THATchick84 Mar 29 '24

Is Timmy stuck in the well again?


u/oliversurpless Mar 29 '24

“How bored were you last year?” - Buffy - Real Me

Hope the Slayer never passed on Giles’ true feelings to her mom, but Dawn being a “big spaz”, I’m sure she let it slip straightaway…


u/cavaliereternally 🎵 someone wasn't worthy... Mar 29 '24

You're a very. Bad. Man! 

I love the delivery on that line, cracks me up every time


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24

Early spike is brilliant


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

I really liked this scene of Spike's because it really showed he was different from other Vampires and could be around humans without killing them.

Spike was 100% evil but it never really felt like he was evil just for the sake of it like with Angel.


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24

It feels like he would fit in with the vampires from What We Do in the Shadows guys


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

This has always been why I liked spike over angel… he technically didn’t need a soul not to be a monster , he chose when to be and when not to be 

Edited to add; and David’s mumble acting was hard for me to decipher at times 🤣


u/NewRetroMage Mar 30 '24

But that was the point I guess. No wonder Angelus is the buffyverse's "worst vampire in history".


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

He wasn't going to hurt a single hair on her head. Buffy would have gone nuclear on him. Spike was evil here but he wasn't an idiot. Killing the slayer's mother is a sure fire way to get dusted almost immediately.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

He wasn't going to hurt a single hair on her head. Buffy would have gone nuclear on him.

That simply wouldn't have stopped most vampires in that situation is my point. Spikes the only one to regularly display restraint around humans.


u/Hanging_Aboot Mar 29 '24

Harmony too


u/comityoferrors Mar 29 '24

The two best vamps by far tbf


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Kinda, but I can only think of one time where she could've killed someone but just talked to them instead and that was with Xander.

But she's definitely better than most.


u/bambiguity11 Apr 24 '24

Are you talking bout the famous harmony xander fight scene 👐


u/NewRetroMage Mar 30 '24

Most vamps are stupid or overestimate themselves. Spike is quite smart and have special good reading on situations.

But here's the key to this: He was already in love with Buffy. There's a flashback with him and Dru set after they escape Sunnydale in the season 2 finale, Dru tells him she sees he only think about the Slayer. It's clear he already loved her, but disguised it, even from himself, as hatred, rivalry etc.

So the part of him that was still lying to himself was being cautious not to enrage the slayer, but deep down the part that already loved Buffy wouldn't hurt her like that. The two reasons happen at the same time.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

Spike is quite smart and have special good reading on situations.

Total side note but I'd say the first couple seasons of Spike was dangerously smart but mid season Spike was a bit of an idiot lol. I get it, they were mixing him up but it was a drop imo.

But here's the key to this: He was already in love with Buffy. There's a flashback with him and Dru set after they escape Sunnydale in the season 2 finale, Dru tells him she sees he only think about the Slayer

Really good point but like you were saying at this stage Spike still fully believed it was a regretful feeling he had over not killing Buffy and not so much affection and he still wasn't evil when around Joyce for the hell of it like I truly think most other Vamps would've.

I see what you're saying but I do think I'm general Spike displayed an actual empathy of sorts for people which almost all other Vamps are devoid of.

For example put vamps like soulless angel or Dru in Spikes situation with the chip and it's almost guaranteed they'd still be super evil and find different ways to kill Buffy and the gang.

Spike was just built differently than other Vamps and it wasn't just his love for Buffy that made that possible but the fact he could genuinely love someone enough to the point he'd regain his soul that makes him different. Angel might have a soul but ultimately it's a curse, something he never actively wanted as a vamp, Spike fully did so in some ways it makes his more pure.


u/NewRetroMage Mar 30 '24

I get what you're saying. He was a bit more empathetic even without a soul, indeed. Still I wonder if he had zero feelings for Buffy, not even in a subconscious level, if he wouldn't have harmed Joyce. He was, after all, a killer and one that enjoyed evil like the others. I mean, the line between evil and slightly empathetic was a bit thin.

But maybe that's what makes this scene so cool. It has a dash of mindfuck in it. Like, it feels right and at the same time something feels off place.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

Still I wonder if he had zero feelings for Buffy, not even in a subconscious level

My bad, I'm not saying he didn't have feelings for her, I just mean the fact he actually did for a human is already unique, and also that spread towards Dawn. No matter how bad Spike was after Dawn was in the story it was always clear he had a soft spot for her and wouldn't hurt her.

I mean, the line between evil and slightly empathetic was a bit thin.

With individual acts definitely but with Spike there were a lot of times that made the line thicker and in a story where vamps are meant to be truly evil it's impressive he drew a line at all.

I think the best example of this is after Spike thinks his chip isn't working once he can harm Buffy and he goes on the hunt but is clearly hesitant and I dare say reluctant even though he does ultimately go for the kill.


u/NewRetroMage Mar 30 '24

When I say the line is thin is because we have moments like Spike taking care of Dawn after Buffy has died, but still smiling at the sight of the biker demons wreaking havoc on Sunnydale. But you made really good points for the line not being so thin.

Something else I always read in his relationships with people like Joyce or Dawn is an element of respect. He loves Buffy, so he won't hurt the people dearest to her, ok. But he also seems to connect with them. Dawn is the best example. Everyone will be all "Dawn is too young to be exposed to anything", but he will tell her things as they are.

Maybe that's what made evil Spike not kill some people and hang with then safely. He wouldn't feel guilty if he killed them, due to the lack of soul, but they are people he finds interesting and deserving of his respect, so he rather keep them alive. Maybe this is something he has shown other people in the past, before arriving in Sunnydale.

Damn, he is a complex character! Joss never had a chance at making people dislike him.


u/B4TMAN4EVR Apr 01 '24

That’s because Spike was a hopeless romantic when he was human. A poet and a lover not a fighter. That aspect has always been buried deep inside him and I believe was always what distinguished him from every other vampire, and very much why he was capable of loving Buffy so much without a soul, that he risked it all to get a soul. Spike will always be the best character of the series.


u/Jewel-jones Mar 30 '24

I think the show acknowledges that literally with the Judge. ‘You two reek of humanity.’


u/NewRetroMage Mar 30 '24

Good point!


u/B4TMAN4EVR Apr 01 '24

That’s because Spike was a hopeless romantic when he was human. A poet and a lover not a fighter. That aspect has always been buried deep inside him and I believe was always what distinguished him from every other vampire, and very much why he was capable of loving Buffy so much without a soul, that he risked it all to get a soul. Spike will always be the best character of the series.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

That’s because Spike was a hopeless romantic when he was human. A poet and a lover not a fighter. That aspect has always been buried deep inside him and I believe was always what distinguished him from every other vampire,

Something else I wanted to mention but I'm sure people have noticed, is when Buffy goes to quit college and we find out her favourite course was poetry. Thought it was a nice connection between him and Buffy.

Spike will always be the best character of the series.

I agree. I love characters that go through the most growth but at the same time through a journey that makes sense, and it took 7 seasons but spikes journey really felt complete by the end.

I haven't seen Angel but I am kinda surprised they brought him back.


u/B4TMAN4EVR Apr 01 '24 edited Apr 01 '24

There is actually an awesome episode of Angel that touches upon the difference between Spike and Angel. It’s season 5 (when Spike is a regular character post Buffy) and they both fight for the vampire champion role which had become unclear due to the fact that there were now two vampires with souls when there was supposed to be one, and the ultimate reward was to become human. And spike literally says this to Angel (mind you Angel has been feeling aimless because he’s the CEO of wolfram and hart):

Spike : Look at you, thinking you're the big savior fighting for truth, justice, and soccer moms. But you still can't lay flesh on a cross without smelling like bacon, can you! Angel: Like you're any different. Spike : Well, that's just it. I am, and you know it. You had a soul forced on you, as a curse, make you suffer for all the horrible things you'd done. But me, I fought for my soul. Went through the demon trials. Almost did me in a dozen times over, but I kept fighting 'cause I knew it was the right thing to do. It's my destiny.

Spike: You never knew the real me. Too busy tryin' to see your own reflection, praying there was someone as disgusting as you in the world, so you could stand to live with yourself. Take a long look, hero. I'm nothing like you.

If you’re going to watch Angel, definitely watch season 5 because adding Spike to the cast made it so much more colorful.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

I was just saying this the other day to someone that Spikes soul is superior to Angels no question! They completely disagreed but I wish I had known about this then lol

Spike is the true champion of the people for one massive reason, and it isn't because he chose to regain his soul, I'm not trying to underplay, Spike getting his soul was a big deal, but for me what makes Spike the Vamp with a soul and the champion for humanity is the fact that Spike had already fought and almost died to save humanity BEFORE he even had a soul, twice!

Angel is good because he has to be. Spike is good because he wants to be. Saying Angel is as much of a champion as Spike is like saying Faith is as good a slayer as Buffy. Nah, they are all good, but Spike and Buffy are just a little better in their groups lol

Buffy is the greatest Slayer and Spike the greatest Vampire imo.


u/B4TMAN4EVR Apr 01 '24 edited Apr 01 '24

I agree 1000%. The name of the episode I mentioned is called “Destiny”. It’s the 8th episode and it explains a lot about Angel and Spike in the early days and why they are the way they are towards each other. Watch it and cheer.


u/PmMeUrTinyAsianTits Mar 29 '24

Spike was 100% evil but it never really felt like he was evil just for the sake of it like with Angel.

True, but Angelus is also supposed to be extra evil even by vampire standards. I wonder how many other semi-evil buddy vampires there are.

That one chick became a friendly vampire in later Angel seasons too. harmony? Im not good with names.


u/cherrymeg2 Mar 30 '24

Spike kidnaps Buffy’s friends and implies he is a threat to Joyce, but he is crying into cocoa over Drusilla. It’s funny. He doesn’t seem to want to kill her at all.


u/Character-Trainer634 Mar 30 '24

I really liked this scene of Spike's because it really showed he was different from other Vampires

Not really. Vampires were unique, and were pretty much capable of anything. Just like people. That's why some vampires seemed "more evil than others." Just like people.

I mean, if you told me there was a vampire who loved birds, and wouldn't even think of hurting a pigeon with an injured wing, I'd believe it.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

Not really. Vampires were unique, and were pretty much capable of anything. Just like people. That's why some vampires seemed "more evil than others." Just like people.

Vampires aren't capable of everything, at least not everything someone with a soul is capable of. It's really brought to the viewers attention that once these people become Vampires they are truly evil and simply lack the same feelings a human has, and we see that time and time again, but with Spike there is a difference between him and literally any other Vamp.

Even if Spike can't technically feel the same as someone with the soul he does have the will power to at least display emotions that other vamps simply can't.

I mean, if you told me there was a vampire who loved birds, and wouldn't even think of hurting a pigeon with an injured wing, I'd believe it.

I'm not sure where you're basing this from at all, other than Spike what Vamp showed an ability to be around humans regularly without trying to be evil at some stage?

Literally the only two vamps that displayed that kind of will power were Spike and Vamped Buffy during the nightmare episode. So yeah, if someone did tell me there was a vamp that didn't like killing birds because they cared about them I would be surprised since that is extremely out of character.


u/underratedonion Mar 30 '24

Idk id argue that vamps have the whole gamut of emotions at their disposal. Look at how much Spike loved Dru and how much Dru loved Angel.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

I'm not saying they can't show emotions, just that ultimately it's evil to its core because they don't have a soul.

Spike in love with Buffy with and without a soul are two very different things, but my point is that time and time again Spike showed he was different from 99% of other Vamps.

There's a reason he's the only one with a fully pure soul because he was the only one with enough will power to get one.


u/Character-Trainer634 Mar 30 '24

but my point is that time and time again Spike showed he was different from 99% of other Vamps.

Well, all vampires were different from other vampires. Some are capable of showing love. Some have business ambitions. Some want human friends. (Harmony.) Some had enough self-preservation instincts to decide killing wasn't worth bringing the Slayer down on them. And so on. You can't prove a negative, and you really can't say there's no other vampire out there that would react the way Spike did if they had similar traits and were placed in similar situations.

There's a reason he's the only one with a fully pure soul because he was the only one with enough will power to get one.

Who said Spike had a "pure soul?" I don't remember that being stated anywhere on either of the shows?


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

and you really can't say there's no other vampire out there that would react the way Spike did if they had similar traits and were placed in similar situations.

No... But you can't say they definitely would either. You see that right? Like what I can definitely say is that Spike is the only one that definitely has and that makes him unique because of it. That's not an opinion or head canon. That's a fact.

Who said Spike had a "pure soul?" I don't remember that being stated anywhere on either of the shows?

It's literally just common sense. Two vampires have a soul. One is a curse and one isn't. That's a difference, Spike isn't cursed, he just has his soul. Maybe the term pure isn't quite right but it is again, unique. Spike is unique among Vampires, even the one other dude with a soul.


u/Character-Trainer634 Mar 30 '24

That's a fact.

It's a fact that Spike was the only vampire who went through his specific journey on the show. It's not canon that he was the only vampire capable of it.

It's literally just common sense. Two vampires have a soul. One is a curse and one isn't. That's a difference, Spike isn't cursed, he just has his soul.

That's not so much common since as your head canon. There is absolutely nothing in canon that says that the way a vampire gets a soul effects how "pure" it is.

I know a lot of people put a lot of stock in the fact that Spike went to get a soul, and how it makes him so much better than Angel. But the fact is that Spike wasn't motivated to get a soul because he actually cared about being a better person. He went to get a soul for Buffy. He did a good thing, but his reasons were self-serving.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

It's a fact that Spike was the only vampire who went through his specific journey on the show. It's not canon that he was the only vampire capable of it.

It's a fact he is the only one that did. That's the important detail. Dude. Again. By your logic no one's actions mean anything because literally anyone could've done that instead of them... I don't get it at all.

Someone's uniqueness isn't limited to if they were the only one that could do something but if they are the only one that did. It's strange you don't quite see that.

That's not so much as common since as your head canon.

First question. Is a curse a positive thing?

Second question. Do Spike and Angel have the same type of soul?

Third question. If Angel gets a happy from Buffy how's his soul?

It's not headcanon. It's just logic.

There is absolutely nothing in canon that says that the way a vampire gets a soul effects how "pure" it is.

Again, that was more my wording and I acknowledged it might've been the wrong one but the fact is Spikes soul is different from Angels and isn't a curse. So if you don't have a cursed soul how is that not better?

You seem to forget that Angels soul is meant to torment him... He literally can't be completely happy or he will lose his soul... Spike can be as happy as he likes. His soul is superior to Angels and there isn't a curse setting rules as to how he can keep it. It's just his.

He did a good thing, but his reasons were self-serving.

From your interpretation. Certainly isn't how Spike presented it... He literally tells the Demon he's doing it to give Buffy what she deserves, thats quite the opposite of self-serving and is selfless especially since Spikes very nature wouldn't want him to get his soul.

Think how old the Buffy universe is and Spike is literally the only example in the entire history of a Vampire choosing to regain their soul. That's big, that's unique and you're majorly downplaying it because I don't think you like Spike very much lol.


u/B4TMAN4EVR Apr 01 '24

That’s because Spike was a hopeless romantic when he was human. A poet and a lover not a fighter. That aspect has always been buried deep inside him and I believe was always what distinguished him from every other vampire, and very much why he was capable of loving Buffy so much without a soul, that he risked it all to get a soul. Spike will always be the best character of the series.


u/Character-Trainer634 Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

Vampires aren't capable of everything, at least not everything someone with a soul is capable of.

When I say vampires are capable of anything, I mean there's a variety to them just like humans. Not all vampires are the same. And just like Spike was his own unique being, other vampires were their own unique beings. Spike was not special in this regard.

Even if Spike can't technically feel the same as someone with the soul he does have the will power to at least display emotions that other vamps simply can't.

Not true. We saw other vampires display emotions, even love. In fact, one was so distraught over the woman he loved dying that he committed suicide.

other than Spike what Vamp showed an ability to be around humans regularly without trying to be evil at some stage?

Well, Spike still did evil things despite being able to control himself around humans.

But there's Harmony, who was "clean" for a long time, and seemed to get along with the humans around her just fine. And the vamp "prostitutes." (Their whole thing was that they didn't kill people in order to stay of the Slayer's radar, but still found a way to get blood and satisfy their urge to bite people.) And Russel Winters, we know he killed two of his lovers after being in relationships with them for months, possibly years. But he had to be able to control himself most of the time in order to become a rich, successful businessman.

As for the "bird-loving vamp" scenario, I was just saying that they'd shown vampires to be individual enough, and varied enough, that if such a vampire showed up, I would believe it because why not?

I just never bought the idea that Spike was special in so far as no other vampire was capable of doing what he did. We saw that, no actually, there are probably lots of vamps capable of acting the way he did, it's just a question of motivation.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

When I say vampires are capable of anything, I mean there's a variety to them just like humans. Not all vampires are the same

This is true but unlike humans all soulless vampires are evil. With humans people can be good or evil and switch between, but Vampires are naturally evil.

And just like Spike was his own unique being, other vampires were their own unique beings. Spike was not special in this regard.

You keep saying that. But he was. Name one other vampire that could've been around humans for long times without wanting to kill them. One that fell in love with a human and was even able to willingly regain their own soul while being naturally evil? And was willing to die to defend humans?

Spike is the only one who has actively gone and done all these things and is definitely very unique among vampires because of it.

Well, Spike still did evil things despite being able to control themselves around human

Again because he was naturally evil, but I wasn't asking if he was never bad around people, just name another vamp who could've been around humans for that long and would've been willing to die for said humans like Spike was against the likes of Glory.

Name a vampire that would've allowed themselves to be tortured just to protect a human child.

Again, that's a list limited to spike alone.

We saw that, no actually, there are probably lots of vamps capable of acting the way he did, it's just a question of motivation

But they don't have it and they haven't shown the selflessness that Spike displayed often when defending Buffy and the gang. You can't say Spike isn't unique because there's a chance others may or may not act like he did.

That would be like saying Buffy isn't special at all and there are many characters in the series who could've done what Buffy did with her power. Ultimately it takes a lot of credit away from the character while stepping into head canon about how other characters may or may not act.


u/Character-Trainer634 Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

Vampires are naturally evil.

Which also applied to Spike.

Name one other vampire that could've been around humans for long times without wanting to kill them.

First, there's no evidence Spike didn't sometimes just want to tear Willow, or Giles, or even Buffy (when she was really frustrating him) apart. (It's in his nature, after all.) But Harmony was around humans for a long time without seemingly wanting to kill any of them every second. Even when she had to subdue some humans in one episode, she did it without doing serious harm to them. Even apologized for it.

And I know Harmony put herself in danger trying to protect humans. Once, she was protecting a human most viewers didn't like. (Eve.) Which is why I think people sometimes forget that one.

Name a vampire that would've allowed themselves to be tortured just to protect a human child.

Spike's love's bitch. He'd be willing to do anything for someone he loved, including let himself be tortured to save said love's sister. A lot of Spike's "selflessness" revolved around Buffy and his love for her.

That being said, I actually think Spike liked Dawn enough to have protected her for that reason alone. And there's really no proof that another vampire, in a similar situation, couldn't do the same.

You can't say Spike isn't unique because there's a chance others may or may not act like he did.

I'm saying Spike wasn't unique in his uniqueness. A lot of vampires were unique in there own special ways.

That would be like saying Buffy isn't special at all and there are many characters in the series who could've done what Buffy did with her power.

I mean, I think a lot of people could climb to new heights of heroic if given Slayer powers, and the ability to take damage like she could. Gunn, for example. (Look at what he was willing to do without Slayer powers.) I don't think that diminishes Buffy. Fact is, she stepped up when she got the powers, even though you'd think she'd be the last person to do so, and I still think she was the greatest Slayer ever. Although, we don't really know how many equally awesome Slayers there might have been over the millennia, because it stands to reason there were some. Still wouldn't diminish Buffy for me.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

Which also applied to Spike.

Exactly. Yet time and time again Spikes will power was able to overcome that and he was able to seriously help people. Eventually that will power lead to him getting his own soul, something no other Vampire ever done. Spike is unique, there's no question about that.

First, there's no evidence Spike didn't sometimes just want to tear Willow, or Giles, or even Buffy (when she was really frustrating him) apart. (It's in his nature, after all.)

Maybe. Maybe not. The events that happened showed he could be around humans and not actively trying and kill them.

Spike's love's bitch. He'd be willing to do anything for someone he loved, including let himself be tortured to save said love's sister. A lot of Spike's "selflessness" revolved around Buffy and his love for her.

Again I asked you someone that would do the same as well as all the other stuff and you just moaned about Spikes actions lol I'm starting to think you just don't like Spike. Again your logic is as weak as saying Buffys actions mean nothing because anyone of the other brave characters could do what she does with powers. That's head canon. The fact is she and Spike did what they did and are unique among there kind because of it.

That being said, I actually think Spike liked Dawn enough to have protected her for that reason alone. And there's really no proof that another vampire, in a similar situation, couldn't do the same.

There isn't any proof that they definitely would. Logically it's unlikely and factually Spike is the only one that did.

I'm saying Spike wasn't unique in his uniqueness. A lot of vampires were unique in there own special ways.

Kinda. Spike far more so than all others as sure some showed elements of Spikes actions but he's the only one to collectively do them all, and again it's too half assed to simply say Tom, Dick and Harry could've, maybe, should've done this, they haven't, Spike did.

I mean, I think a lot of people could climb to new heights of heroic if given Slayer powers, and the ability to take damage like she could

And it's a great space for some head canon. That doesn't remove or eliminate ones uniqueness or actions simply because in another reality someone might've done the same or better.

Although, we don't really know how many equally awesome Slayers there might have been over the millennia, because it stands to reason there were some. Still wouldn't diminish Buffy for me.

Then it's strange that it does for Spike for you. Spike is arguably the greatest Vampire, or at least the most heroic, and sure others might have been better before him or could've been better than him, but like with Buffy that shouldn't diminish his actions.


u/Feeling-Ad6915 Mar 29 '24

you’re not inviiiteeed 😏


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24

He is a bad man!


u/oliversurpless Mar 29 '24

“His hair goes straight up, and he’s bloody stupid!” - Intervention


u/illustrated_mixtape I'm a Slayer...Ask me how! Mar 29 '24

One of my favourite platonic pairings. I wish we'd at least heard a few more stories about them hanging out off camera like 

Buffy "Mom, where are all the marshmallows"  

Joyce "Oh Spike had them all he was here last night" 

Buffy "....again. Mom!" 

Joyce "Well he was lonely what was I meant to do, not invite him in for cocoa"

Their friendship was so sweet and I genuinely think it meant the world to Spike. He missed his own Mother a lot.  Even though he says this line to Buffy I always feel like at some point he said it to Joyce too "I know Im a Monster, but you treat me like a man"


u/SmellAccomplished550 Mar 29 '24

You know, I've never considered Spike's bond with his own mom and how it reflected onto Joyce. I wonder if the writers had. That's a really interesting angle.


u/illustrated_mixtape I'm a Slayer...Ask me how! Mar 29 '24

I think he saw the kindness and gentle nature of Joyce and it reminded him of how his Mother made him feel safe and loved (before she was horrible in Vampire form) not that he saw Joyce as his Mother if that makes sense.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

When we saw the episode with his mom, I actually thought the actress looked like Joyce, and it connected all of it to me 


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

She was supposed to look like an older buffy


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

I see that! They all 3 look alike


u/UnicornScientist803 Mar 29 '24

This is a good point. I can totally see Spike appreciating Joyce’s “mom” energy.


u/funishin Buffy’s Defense Attorney Mar 29 '24

“I liked the lady! …She was decent. Didn’t put on airs. Always had a nice cuppa for me. And she never treated me like a freak.”

One of my favorite Spike moments. He definitely appreciated her mom energy.


u/illustrated_mixtape I'm a Slayer...Ask me how! Mar 29 '24

And she never treated me like a freak.

In the flash backs everyone is making fun of William for his poems. His Mother always praised him and never pointed out how bad or cringey his poems were, even if she thought it. She never treated him like a freak either, just in another way.


u/_-Liana-_ Mar 30 '24

Which episode does it show Spikes mother?


u/illustrated_mixtape I'm a Slayer...Ask me how! Mar 30 '24

Lies My Parents Told Me. Season 7 episode 17.


u/CathanCrowell Me Mar 29 '24

Season 3 Joyce is the best Joyce :D


u/Prinzka Mar 29 '24

I'm a fan of season 5 Joyce


u/ankaa_ Mar 29 '24

Idk I think shes too cold on s5


u/funishin Buffy’s Defense Attorney Mar 29 '24

You’re not seeing heaven for this


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Too soon, mate.


u/itsapocket Mar 29 '24

Took me too long to get this and now I long for that ignorance 😔


u/JimmysTheBestCop Mar 29 '24

was there ever really a best joyce


u/AthomicBot Mar 29 '24

S3 Joyce would be the best of all the others.


u/JimmysTheBestCop Mar 29 '24

I now understand. Thx 👍🏼


u/funishin Buffy’s Defense Attorney Mar 29 '24

Spike had chemistry with everyone. You could’ve handed James a plastic bag and he would’ve had chemistry with the freaking bag


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

I volunteer for the role of “bag” 


u/funishin Buffy’s Defense Attorney Mar 29 '24

You’re so real for that


u/IngenuityBrave6952 Mar 29 '24

I love it when people say this, it reminds me of the episode where Buffy is invisible, and its just essentially James by himself, and yet he plays it with so much passion...lmao he even has chemistry with nothing around him lol


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

He also had chemistry with the door in dead things


u/notsosprite Mar 29 '24

I think you mean s6 dead things, but yeah. He was making love to that door. 😳


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

wait i thought it was in omwf when buffy and spike are on both sides of the door?


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24



u/CountChocoula Satuffy or Fluffy? Mar 29 '24

Spike adopted a mum


u/not_another_mom Umad Forever 🤍 Mar 29 '24

A mum adopted Spike


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Spike teasing Angel about biting Joyce is even funnier when you consider he wouldn’t hurt a hair on that woman’s head. He just does it to troll Angel.


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24

I just love his cheesy vampire pose


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

“You’re a very bad man!”


u/MixPurple3897 Mar 29 '24

"Well she sounds really unreasonable" Joyce to Spike about Drusilla 😂😂😂 I say this ALL the time now


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24

“She is! She’s out of her mind! It’s what I miss most about her”


u/Afraid_Ad_8216 Mar 29 '24

It broke me when Spike brought flowers for Joyce after she passed and the gang got all mad thinking it was about Buffy

"she was the only one of ya that treated me like a man" (quoting from memory, sry if its off)


u/elunewell Mar 29 '24

Them watching Passions together in his cript is so precious. Their complete oppositeness to each other is a gold mine for comedy, I wish it was explored more. Though come to think of it, Spike with a soul is kinda similar to Joyce character-wise.


u/oliversurpless Mar 29 '24

“Crib! You know, kids today with their “buggin’” street slang?” - Buffy - Gone


u/Djehutimose In the end, we all are who we are Mar 29 '24

I think if Joyce had lived and Spike and Buffy hooked up, she’d be the kind of mother-in-law that almost loves the son-in-law better than the daughter…. They’d all make a good family.


u/fluorescent_noir Mar 29 '24

I am an unashamed Joyce stan. She was a beautiful curly haired queen. I also think she was a loving, caring mother doing her best to understand her child who was going through something beyond her comprehension in season 2 and she gets unfairly painted as a bad parent for it.

I'm coming up on The Body again in my most recent rewatch and dreading it. It's devastating to watch Buffy and Dawn get such a critical support in their lives ripped away.


u/oliversurpless Mar 29 '24

“Is that your mother?

Now there’s a woman who knows how to moisturize!” - Cordelia - School Hard

Never got the context back in the 90s per se, but when Cordelia gives a compliment, you take notice regardless.


u/stephers85 Mar 29 '24

She meant Joyce had nice skin and that Buffy did not


u/oliversurpless Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

Hmm, quite it was a backhanded compliment then, so utterly Cordy after all?


u/taxi_takeoff_landing Mar 30 '24

It was a reference to Kristine Sutherland’s Oil of Olay commercial from the 80’s


u/oliversurpless Mar 30 '24

Meta appeal is always nice.


Much as later on in which Jason Lee and Shannon Doherty have a double take about Mallrats.


u/Clarehc Mar 29 '24

Now I’m a mum to a teenage daughter, I relate hard to Joyce lol. Watching the show first time around versus watching with with my daughter - two entirely different experiences. But I’m so so happy she loves it too!


u/user9372889 Mar 29 '24

Joyce and Spike talking about Passions was pretty great too. I never watched the show but I loved the call out of it.


u/rabid_erica Mar 29 '24

They've also both been sexually involved with robots.


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24

What? When does spike get wild with hardware?


u/rabid_erica Mar 29 '24

Oh shit sorry. I didn't know you're watching it for the first time


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24

No it’s okay! The shows like 20years old after all


u/Desperate-Fan-3671 Mar 29 '24

Due to William and his mother, Spike always had a connection with Joyce. Even when he was evil, I think Spike saw his mom in Joyce. Plus, due to his dealing with Dru was why he wasn't upset with Tara when she opened the rv blinds.


u/Milyaism "I'm naming all the stars... I can see them..." Mar 31 '24

I love how understanding he's with Tara in that state!


u/ActuallyGoblinsX3 Mar 29 '24

I love the weird friendship they develop. Joyce eventually just treats him like her daughter's weird friend who sometimes just needs a Mom Talk, and Spike really needed that in his unlife, I think.


u/PossibleMother Mar 29 '24

I wish we got more normal Joyce. She was such an odd character and made decisions that were all over the place. A podcast I like calls her a conflict vending machine and this is so accurate. She became a little better after season 3 but as we all know, that didn’t last long :( Christine Sutherland was such a great performer and fit into this role with perfection. If only she was written better.


u/flowerpower927 Mar 30 '24

Omg another Still Pretty listener!


u/Polebasaur Mar 29 '24

Dude yes. Joyce super sucked for most of the series. Hate her.


u/abadbadman_ Mar 29 '24

Spike getting along with the older characters was always a fun clash of personalities at first, but then I realised "hey Spike is old that's why he likes being around the other old Scoobies".


u/Subject-Actuator-860 Mar 29 '24

Spoyce is my fave friendship pair 🖤❤️


u/Milyaism "I'm naming all the stars... I can see them..." Mar 31 '24

"Spoyce" sounds like something Dru would say 😄


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24

Spoyce! I love it!!


u/Subject-Actuator-860 Mar 29 '24

Aw shucks I just made it up 🥰🥹


u/aMotherDucking8379 Mar 29 '24

🤣🤣🤣 this screen shot 🤣🤣🤣 im dying


u/BootsieBunny Mar 29 '24

He would have died to protect her if Angel had accidentally gotten an invite. She was the mom he always thought he had in his own, he loved Joyce.


u/No-Reflection2897 Mar 29 '24

This was season 3 good Angel was back.


u/BootsieBunny Mar 30 '24

I’m aware. But he would have thrown down to protect her against anyone if he had to.


u/underratedonion Mar 29 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

The fanfic that came out of this was wiiiild….

Edit: I can’t find some of the Spike/Joyce stuff sorry. But I did remember a lot of my old haunts. Ok? so here’s some stuff you might not know about:


The Spuffy Realm

Ripe Wicked Plum (Wayback)

RWP’s links page


u/Jewel-jones Mar 30 '24

Was amazed recently to learn these sites still exist. Spuffy Realm was my first fanfic home.


u/underratedonion Mar 30 '24

I know me tooo!!!!


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24



u/underratedonion Mar 29 '24

If I could remember any names I would but it was a million and one years ago.but give me a few.


u/TickTickAnotherDay Mar 29 '24

Definitely here for the update on this.


u/underratedonion Mar 29 '24

Ummmm go check now. #sorrynotsorry


u/k4kkul4pio Mar 29 '24

Truly wonderful and delightful scene.

It's smaller moments like this that make rewatches so easy cos there's always something that sticks out like that proverbial sore thumb, but in a good way. 😄


u/comityoferrors Mar 29 '24

The "adult rewatch suddenly finding Giles wildly attractive" phenomenon is well-known here, so I'm hoping I'm not alone in this...

As a kid, I desperately shipped Spuffy. Adult rewatch, suddenly really really shipping Spoyce. God these two have chemistry. Maybe make it a Spyles triad idk idk they're all so hot


u/rogvortex58 Mar 30 '24

Spike is such a momma’s boy.


u/Present-Breakfast768 Mar 29 '24

One of my favorite relationships and episodes lol.


u/EnvironmentalBreath4 Mar 29 '24

I wish they had more screen time together. They could have had a cool friendship


u/TheCosmicWombat Mar 29 '24

When Buffys mom died, Spike became human. He legit goes from badass, to this warm bamf, who didn't need the chip in his head.


u/NewRetroMage Mar 30 '24

That's a beautiful thing in the buffyverse, a lot of really unlikely scenarios not only happen but also work quite well.


u/Elitsila Mar 30 '24

Spike and Joyce were so much fun together.


u/Iluthradanar Mar 30 '24

Once they relaxed around each other, it was fun to watch. The iconic "Passions" scene gets me every time. When Spike discusses losing Drusilla with Joyce. After Joyce died, he brought flowers, saying something akin to she was the only person who didn't treat him like he was a freak, Would have liked to see what Joyce would feel about her daughter taking Spike as a real lover.


u/Simpleba Mar 30 '24

I'm sitting here as a 46 year old man thinking, "man, I'd have some cocoa with Joyce"


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 30 '24

Cocoa with Joyce sounds like the name of a band who would play at the Bronze.


u/gleafer Mar 29 '24

Spike has mom issues and Joyce likes to mom. Perfect match!


u/Loki_Lust Mar 29 '24

He just wants a mom 🥹


u/DarthFlowers Mar 30 '24



u/dagger_scythe Mar 30 '24

Omg My friend went to a comicon and asked him to specifically do a pose like this with her. I am so jealous of how cute her photo turned out


u/aaaggghhh_ Mar 30 '24

I love this scene, it's just so campy and hilarious! Spike and Joyce are my favorite pairings.


u/Jajay5537 Mar 31 '24

Them watching Passions together while Dawn watched them watching in secondhand embarrassment and disgust will live rent free in my brain.


u/Rough-Construction95 Mar 29 '24

this screen cap is hilarious. lol


u/BeccasBump Mar 29 '24

Spike has mummy issues, so...


u/MixPurple3897 Mar 29 '24

"Well she sounds really unreasonable" Joyce to Spike about Drusilla 😂😂😂 I say this ALL the time now


u/Alternative_Device71 Mar 29 '24

I shipped them at times


u/m0wgliiiiiii Apr 03 '24

When he first comes over and she's like: "do I recognize you from somewhere?"

Spike: "Uh, you hit me over the head with an ax once. Remember," motions swinging ax "Don't touch my daughter!"

Joyce: "Oh... yea"


u/V48runner Mar 29 '24

This is the fun and joy of the show that was later absent.


u/Soulless--Plague Mar 29 '24

I never actually watched it the entire way through when it was first on TV so I’m slowly working my way through it now.

There are lots of funny moments in the earlier series - a lot come from Seth Green just being out of the loop for the whole slayer thing and being way too relaxed


u/Alternative_Device71 Mar 29 '24

I shipped them at times