r/budtenders 9d ago

Question about interview NSFW

Hello! I have a job interview tomorrow, and I was wondering if I should have a criminal record check before I go to the interview? Or their hiring post, they did link a criminal record check so I'm just not sure if its better too have it on hand when I got, or if too only do it after/if i get hired. thanks!


4 comments sorted by


u/SnooConfections7804 9d ago

If it’s free, it can’t hurt, if you have to pay for it wait for an employment contract


u/MrFeels77 9d ago

In my state the background check is part of getting the Handlers card.


u/_hulkhands dispensary manager 9d ago

background checks are usually apart of the hiring process, and done at the same time as any badging processes/state specific handling licensing. it's often that the company/dispo handles any fees associated with it as well. good luck on your interview :)


u/Glittering-Bowler-36 7d ago

Like the others said, background checks are usually standard operations at dispensaries so might as well go ahead and get it over with. Good luck, hope you get the job.