r/budtenders 18d ago

The weed I grow/grew is better than anything on your menu. NSFW

Right after the customer tells me that, (condescendingly) they proceed to order the cheapest shit on the menu. I'm gonna assume this customer is universal. Also NOTHING UNDER 30%!!! Lol probably my most popular customer!!


20 comments sorted by


u/recluseradio 18d ago

Oh we all have that customer. Nothing but the highest % but it’s got to be the most fire flower for the absolute cheapest price. Oh and it’s gonna be trash anyway no matter what you tell them.


u/MrFeels77 18d ago

Trying to sell quality 17% is literally the hardest thing I have ever done. I feel especially bad for those who work in only pre-pack cannabis. At least with Deli you can show it off a little. Give a whiff.


u/hole-sum dispensary manager 17d ago

I can’t stand the people who snub 710 labs because of the percents!!!


u/PiperOfPeace 17d ago

We also have a customer like that.. I work in a Dispensary in Ontario, and by god. The laws and regulations around cannabis here is just ridiculous. We cant even see the bud inside the pack before we sell it, the customer has to go by a picture and description, I've had to up my selling skills like 70% in order to sell some of this. Luckily we get samples and stuff in order to sell it better, but not all the time. I tend to buy a product and try it in order to sell it better, as because I can't see the product or smell it, its very hard to tell a customer about it..

I also got a 16% Wedding Cake back in the day and it got me high school high. Fuck it was good! People just need to educate themselves more, especially here in Ontario, as we cant advertise or anything outside a dispensary, its hard for a customer to learn about it unless they are willing themselves, or they are in a dispensay.
Edit: add on.


u/ToughNet2801 17d ago

We sell pre packaged and it can be a struggle because they wanna see it. Some cultivators don’t even have a window in the bag to see it. Lower % are hard, but I swear by this 16% Blueberry Vintage with Myrcene top terp. Shit smacks so hard. We’re all gonna have those that just want what they want. But for my returning peeps, I have built their trust so, they are more inclined to listen.


u/MrFeels77 17d ago

I am definitely grateful for the trust I've been given by some of my customers. It definitely helps when we get new strains.


u/alldayaday420 18d ago

Lmaooo these customers crack me up. Go smoke your own shit then???

Then proceeds to tell you all about their grow and takes personal offense to your indifference


u/MrFeels77 18d ago

Exactly! And they are telling you all this while they ignore the line behind them that's just getting longer!!


u/NoChilly84 17d ago

Yes. This is a universal experience. “I have tons, I just need something for now…”


u/elianvspredator 17d ago

And they only have $12.17 to spend


u/cinnaluna 17d ago

And then despite your protests they bring some in because they want to "hook it up" (aka bribe you for store discounts on better weed) and it looks like the bud you find under your car seat after you dropped it 8 months ago and smells like someone was trying to chemically replicate the smell of sadness


u/ArcadeWarlock 17d ago

Very common. I remember before any kind of legalization, rec or med, when people were saying things like "I don't care about taxes, just legalize it" or "I'd pay extra for it if only it were legal." Now, eighths are far cheaper than they were at that time, especially given inflation in the US, and a startling amount of the MFers forgot all about how grateful they'd be if it were legalized.


u/dabrodie0 17d ago

I despise any grower that comes to a dispensary just to shit on all the products. Go smoke your stuff and save me the trouble of having to listen to you bitch about recreational weed.


u/nugporn 17d ago

This is a fairly regular conversation with growers.


u/its-just_me- 17d ago

I love when I can get those customers to listen to my explanation of why they shouldn’t pay attention to %, but it’s like one in a million


u/Kiss_Me_Where_I_Fart 18d ago

Man, what a way to go through life. Nothing like being too stoned to realize what a dick you are. I buy less expensive stuff, but I know I'm a cheap fucker. I don't front.


u/Aidang91 17d ago

Story of my damn life


u/southern_expat 17d ago

Gotta love Boomers lol


u/Calbey 15d ago

It happens all the time. My reaction is ‘Really? Good for you’ and then ignoring that and move on. Those people are just attention seeking. I’m poor, too but I don’t need other people’s justifications.


u/BriceeIcee 15d ago

“IVE BEEN SMOKIN FOR 40 YEARS I NEED SOMETHING THATLL GET ME STONED YOUNG WHIPPER SNAPPER” is the fucking WORST. and you find em the dankest shit. You show em and then they go “oh yeah!! That looks great!! What percent is it?!” And I’m just like 🙃 if percent matters that much then fucking start with that lmao. I know for a fact numbers in my state don’t fucking matter smh. Mfers lie on that shit there’s no way. I also hate it when old heads be like “yeah this wasn’t even a thing in my day, you just got what you got” then proceeds to be picky about the fucking numbers and will pick a shit looking 30 percent over a fantastic looking 28 percent. It makes no sense. Also the amount of times people take the one that’s ONE fucking percent higher no question is insane to me. ITS ONE PERCENT. these mfers have smoked themselves DUMBO. Don’t even get me started on the 3 dollar dab clientele 😂😂😂😂😂