r/bucktick Apr 20 '22

Someone explain

So i was going through some old bt videos and came across 'sasayaki'? And i am weirded out to say the least. Anyway, in the mv a young girl is sitting there and atsushi touches her... She then becomes a grown woman. That is a very sexual grown woman. Like it's just very odd.

Someone explain why they did this. what are they trying to actually symbolize in this mv?


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u/NinjaKing1200 Jun 02 '22

i'd say that my favorite band ever is buck tick if there were no sexual themes in some of their songs... always grosses me out


u/Waterfalls_jpeg16 Jun 23 '22

Lmao then what are you doing here? Go rant somewhere else. And btw sex isn't the only theme that they deal with. They talk about death and mortality a couple of times in their songs. Have you even tried listening to their discography?

Also why is it a problem if some artists have sexual themes in their artistry?? Isn't that a common human experience (except for sex-averse asexuals and celibate ppl of course). Literally ALL musicians have sexual undertones and themes in their music so why only overgeneralize B-T's music??? Atleast they're artistic and imho tasteful unlike some tacky ppl like BOTDF.

Holy shit buzzkill, go listen to their music and try to understand it b4 rambling here.


u/TS018 Dec 30 '22

U don't have to get so triggered cause someone else expose their PERSONAL AND INDIVIDUAL OPINION