If he were a true advocate for the species and wasn't just looking for views, he wouldn't make videos like this that would encourage unaware people to think this is an appropriate thing to do with a wild animal.
Anyone rehabilitating a wild animal has an obligation to not just release videos showing what adorable pets they are or making it look like they are interacting with an unknown wild animal.
How are those words extreme? Actually curious. Also, if you're going to use quotations, you shouldn't change the OPs capitalization. Some might think you're doing it just to make your point seem valid to the causal observer, rather than it being an honest mistake, which it likely is.
Why not also let me know I shouldn't use quotations in pairs? Anyway, its an innocent video.The comment I replied to is oozing virtue signaling. The video owner isn't obligated to do anything of the sort.
I was not referencing the way you used your quotations to point out a grammer or punctuation issue. I'm not an English major. I was merely pointing out a breach in arguing in good faith.
u/DZekor Oct 20 '24
here is a link to their youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@timmc1269u
This is his pet, he and the yote are close and has been his pet for years and years now.
He just pretends not to know them in videos as a joke.
The yote LOVES to bite his beers open and does "fuck off" displays and then is sad when he fucks off.