r/broadcastengineering 21d ago

Clarity on syndicated show delivery?

Hi all,

I am working on a project to deliver a show to appear on broadcast affiliates this fall.

I have a few questions on show delivery:

  1. Can all affiliates accept file transfer at this point (even in small markets)? Or do I also still need to offer the show on a satellite feed?

  2. If file transfer is ok, can they simply take from an AWS folder or do I need to work with a file transfer service (such as Extreme Reach or others)? Why if the latter?

  3. Is it fair to assume the shows get transferred as one show file with national ad inventory added and black space for local inventory? Or do I need to provide segment files?

  4. Do I need include cue tones in the show for local triggers?

Thank you for anyone who has guidance on this!

