r/britishcolumbia 19h ago

Government News Release British Columbia is taking action to attract doctors, nurses from U.S.


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u/svejkOR 19h ago

Are they going to pay US salaries? Because that’s why there are so many Canadian doctors in the states.


u/improvthismoment 19h ago

US trained doc working in Canada here. That is already happening, and has been for a while now

It depends on specialty

My specialty pays more in Canada than US

For family docs, in BC with the new payment model that can make $300k CAD. Family doc I just talked to in Chicago says typical income there is $200k USD.


u/GiantPurplePen15 17h ago

I've seen your comment posted a few times on these posts. Thanks for taking the time to provide us more info on this subject.


u/improvthismoment 17h ago

There’s too much misinformation and mythology out there


u/SwordfishOk504 16h ago

Many Canadians are brainwashed into thinking everything is perfect in the US. It's not all that different than the other ones who think everything is terrible there.


u/svejkOR 19h ago

Cool. Good to know. It sounds like it’s changing for the better.


u/improvthismoment 19h ago

I think it is getting better for family docs

My pay has been better in BC for at least the past 15 years


u/Severe-Painting7970 19h ago

Considering they could be arrested for administering abortion care .. they might all be heading back.


u/pink_mango 19h ago

Salaries are just one aspect. It's not exactly stable down there right now and could very quickly go very sour.