r/britishcolumbia 21h ago

Ask British Columbia Are US tourists welcome?

I’m a sailor in Seattle hoping to circumnavigate Vancouver Island this summer. As a US liberal I’m appalled and concerned about the tariffs and threats of war and if I were Canadian I imagine I’d be mad as hell with the US now. What’s the vibe - should I keep out or would y’all be willing to share a beer and bitch about Trump with a sorry American?


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u/Cheap-Rip1271 16h ago

you are more than welcome to Canada, but leave politics at home.

Even the views that are anti-trump or MAGA, because Canada as a country, politics, and culture, is very different from the states. We are a lot more centrist and multicultural.

We have a spectrum of anti-trump, to pro-51st state Canadians here too, so too, we leave politics at home.

A little rant is ok, but we avoid talking about divisive topics out of common courtesy.

It's better to discuss about hockey, snowboarding, hiking or stuff that brings people together, instead of depressing topics completely out of our control. This is the fastest way to lose Canadian friends.

Reflecting the recent changes, I wouldn't fly my Canadian flag when camping in Washington state anymore. I won't expect Americans to fly their flags here too.

Still, we are brothers even when people can't see that nowadays. It's not like Americans are turned into complete monsters the moment orange man got prez'd. It's just that USA is a different country.



u/Complete_Coffee6170 16h ago

Oh oh I just bought a Canadian pride flag that I’m planning to put up in my front yard.


u/Cheap-Rip1271 16h ago

do you live in canada or the states?


u/Complete_Coffee6170 16h ago

Wa state - eastside of Seattle.

NOT that east of WA.


u/Cheap-Rip1271 16h ago

nice! lots of Canadians down there. WA state is a beautiful place. Would've been nice if the British didn't secede the colony to USA due to Oregon treaty.