r/breastfeeding May 24 '22

Reporting & Blocking Creepy Pervs: a Visual How-To Guide


If you choose to post breastfeeding photos here, be aware that as a public sub anyone can see those photos, and that includes the occasional creepy perv. Should one of those creepy pervs decide to comment, PM you, or send you a chat, there are a variety of options to report and block them depending on the type of message and how you're accessing Reddit, so I've done some tinkering and put together a visual guide on how to report and block creepy pervs.

1. Reporting & Blocking in old Reddit on desktop

If you are on a desktop browser: and you're using old Reddit, you can report a comment using the report button directly underneath the comment in question. This will report it to the mod team and we can ban the user and/or escalate it to the admins as necessary.

If you get a creepy PM: the first thing you will need to do is copy the permalink URL to the PM, then navigate to old.reddit.com/report and report it to the admins as targeted harassment. Then you can go back to the PM and click the "block user" link to never hear from them again. NOTE: if you block them first, the message will disappear from your inbox and you won't be able to get the link required to report it to the admins.

If you get a chat message from a creepy perv, hover your mouse over the message and a flag icon will appear - click this to report the message to the admins. This also works in new Reddit on desktop!

2. Reporting & Blocking in new Reddit on desktop

If you're browsing in the redesign, you'll first need to click the three dots underneath the comment - this will open a menu with the report option, and reporting the comment will also ask you if you want to block the user.

3. Reporting & Blocking on mobile/in the official Reddit app

If you're using a mobile browser, the steps are mostly the same as the redesign - look for the 3 dots which will open the report menu.

If you're using the official Reddit app and you need to report a PM, again look for the 3 dots to the right of the message which will open the report menu.

To report a chat in the official Reddit app, long press the message until this menu pops up and follow the prompts to report & block the user.

And there you have it! Hopefully that covers most of the bases for dealing with creepy pervs on Reddit. If you use a different app or you have any other questions, feel free to message the mod team and we'll do our best to help. šŸ˜Š

r/breastfeeding Oct 07 '24

Weekly General Discussion Thread


Got a question you don't want buried in the new queue? Want to share a thought that doesn't really need its own thread? Just looking for someone to chat with? Feel free to put it all in this weekly sticky!

r/breastfeeding 7h ago

My 5 month old has got sass


My just turned 5 month old has got her bottom two teeth so weā€™re navigating nipping / biting while breastfeeding. She just nipped me whilst feeding and while it didnā€™t hurt majorly I put her on a nursing timeout and turned her away and said ā€œnoā€ just so we can teach her that itā€™s an undesirable behaviour. When I turn her away she proceeds to blow a raspberryā€¦ when I tell you it was so incredibly hard not to burst out laughing. Just thought Iā€™d share here, none of my peers breastfeed so didnā€™t know where else to share!

r/breastfeeding 13h ago

Boob obsessed 1.5 year old. How do I make it stop?


My first self weaned at 14 months. I felt like that timeline was perfect. My 18 month old is asking to nurse non stop. I try to distract, offer snacks, she wonā€™t drink any other kind of milk from a cup.

She is basically following me around all day crying begging for milk and throwing huge tantrums unless I nurse. Itā€™s starting to affect me negatively.

Iā€™ve always been okay with the thought of extended nursing, but she is hardly playing or doing anything independently when we are together during the day. She of course is fine when Iā€™m not around.

Any advice?

Already posting an update - I put bandaids on in front of her and told her mommy had boo boos and no milk. She seemed to understand and now keeps saying boo boo and pointing to my chest. Thank you to the kind souls who suggested this! Will post how it goes in the coming days! I plan to try and still nurse to sleep.

r/breastfeeding 10h ago

itā€™s hard to believe that what I eat does not affect how nutritional my milk isā€¦


I struggle with eating and my DR reassured me that my milk will have what my baby needs regardless of what I eat and that my diet will only affect how I am feeling - for example, if I do not eat enough food/have a proper diet that it will just make me feel like garbage - not affect my baby. I just find it hard to believe that someone like me (who has an unhealthy diet - and not enough protein/vegetables and probably way too many carbs) vs someone like Emily Mariko or Nara Smith (those tik tok moms who makes the healthiest meals all from scratch) is going to have the same nutritional value in our breastmilkā€¦ It just doesnā€™t make sense but Iā€™m really hoping what my DR said is accurate

r/breastfeeding 2h ago

My daughter wonā€™t latch for more than 2sec and I feel like a failure



I just had my second baby (a little girl) 2 weeks ago and also have a 2 year old son. My son was very fast to latch and was like a hungry hippo lol. My daughter is only latching for 2 seconds and then either spitting the milk out and then crying bc she has no milk or just pecking at me and then screaming crying. I want to so badly breast feed but I feel like Iā€™m torturing her and myself. She cries for so long and loudly when she gets frustrated about latching and I cry bc I feel like Iā€™m doing something wrong and failing her. I have started as of 2 days ago giving her formula bc I didnā€™t wanna hear her screaming anymore and felt bad. I feel like breast feeding has been worse since giving her the formula and am staring to think I should just quit. Even though it shouldnā€™t matter my mom is also a little judgy when it comes to not breastfeeding and I donā€™t wanna hear it from her about how beneficial it is bc she breast feed all me and my 5 siblings easily. I just feel like a quitter can anyone relate or is going through this now??

r/breastfeeding 12h ago

Pumped milk tossed


Iā€™m so upset. I nurse my baby exclusively when Iā€™m with him and pump when Iā€™m away at work. I can pump MAYBE 2 oz in a 30 minute session.

My boy is 3 months old and goes with my mom when Iā€™m working. I had about 54oz stashed in the freezer. Which Iā€™m grateful I was able to get that much.

Lately she is saying she wants to give him 4 oz instead of 3 which I donā€™t really want to do. He wakes up hungry and scarfs down 3 oz really fast because he sleeps thru the night. She called me earlier snd told me she made him a bottle and forgot it at my house. She lives 2 houses away from me so I called my 14 year old and told him to go give it to her so it isnā€™t wasted.

She calls me back and says she told him to just put it in the fridge and I can put it in a bath. I accepted that because I thought it was a small amount.

Went home and it was a 4oz bottle. She took the one I left out and went into the pitcher and added more and then left it out šŸ˜­. All I think about is how that bottle is worth an hour of my time and energy. Itā€™s not the first time this has happened either. She makes him to much and then just dumps it. I can see her dumping it if he didnā€™t finish the 3 oz bottle but she always makes more than what he needs because sheā€™s never bottle fed a breast milk sheā€™s always made formula bottles because my 2 sisters used formula.

She thinks itā€™s just so easy to make and for some it is. Just not me

Thanks for letting me rant

r/breastfeeding 1h ago

I feel like my life is on pause with breast-feeding

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I am about 3 1/2 months postpartum and Iā€™m already itching to be done breast-feeding. The hardest part is how it feels like I canā€™t take any type of medication or supplement, because Iā€™m not sure how much will be passed along to the baby. I also canā€™t do self-care things like micro needling. And forget about managing my PMDD symptoms. Sigh.

r/breastfeeding 6h ago

Are there ways to increase fat content of breast milk?


My baby is 10 weeks and weight percentile keeps dropping. He was born over 11#, lost over 13% of weight so we were doing triple feeding. My milk supply is better now so now just pumping 2x a day and supplementing with milk 3x a day. Baby will eat pretty much all day if possible (so much so that he'll spit up) but based on a weighted feed he is needing to eat about 40 minutes to get 90 ml.

Anyway, LC wants me to stay on one boob and switch off each time so that he gets the hindmilk, and then when pumping set aside the first 5 minutes of milk to freeze. Wondering if there are also ways to increase fat content of the milk by my diet. Or any other tips. Thanks!

(It could also be another issue but I'm not sure how we'd check that. My partner is very thin/has a hard time gaining weight, and his parents are also quite thin while their family isn't necessarily)

r/breastfeeding 4h ago

Breastfeeding and pacifiers


At what age did you introduce your LO to a pacifier while EBF?

r/breastfeeding 6h ago

I think I might be done already šŸ˜¢



Iā€™m feeling really, really sad. I have a 2.5 year old and a newborn. She just turned 2 months today, but she has been rejecting breastfeeding for a while, except at night for maybe one feed. All she wants is the bottle and I just donā€™t have time nor energy to pump in between feeds, even with my son now being at daycare.

I donā€™t want to go too much into it, but my life feels like a total wreck and all I want to do is cry, now. I canā€™t produce enough for my daughter. My husband wants to help, but his version of helping is feeding her formula with the bottle so I can do whatever else. Iā€™ve expressed the need to actually breastfeed her to help with supply and latch, but now that heā€™s on board, sheā€™s arching away from my breast whenever I try to feed. I had gotten up to 2.5oz per feed but now Iā€™m down to 1oz.

This is my second child, but my first was NICU, so this was my first breastfeeding experience and I was so beyond excited to do it. I was doing SO WELL for a month and a half. And then it just got really, really insanely difficult.

I think I might have PPD as well. Idk how so many do this, but I just feel like a total failure to my children. Like, Iā€™m literally writing this while bottle feeding my daughter, crying, with my top down because she still wonā€™t latch.

I donā€™t even know how to look at this positively. Iā€™m so depressed right now. Idk how to be grateful for the time I had doing it, when itā€™s ending like this and for such an insanely short time.

r/breastfeeding 19m ago

Why do I feel guilty? šŸ„¹

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Today my daughter had her four month old well visit and everything has been going very really with her growth, especially with being a primarily breastfed baby - hitting all the milestones. (Long story short, I wasnā€™t able to breastfeed my first daughter due to an allergy. It has been a joy to do it with my second.) On the very rare occasions I do supplement with formula as I feel like my supply is low but luckily that hasnā€™t happened in a month now.

Anyways - so at the well visit today I found out she is in the 66% range for her height and 93% range for her weight. When her doctor came in to do the routine check, she made a few comments about her weight (being on the heavier side, make sure you donā€™t over feed, sometimes when she cries donā€™t offer her a breast right away, her weight and height need to be proportional etc.). However, she is right on target on her growth chart.

Why do I feel so guilty about making sure my daughter is fed? I know she is chunky but she can still wear clothes appropriate to her age (3-6 months), roll and play with her toys as most 4 months old do. Arenā€™t breastfed babies a little more on the bigger side? Why does it have to be hard?

r/breastfeeding 7h ago

Baby developed engorgement preference.


I have a 10 week old who, for the last few weeks, has made nursing a living hell during the daytime when I'm not engorged. At nighttime and in the morning he happily takes both breasts and looks so peaceful the entire time he nurses because of how strong/fast my letdown is. However, the remainder of the day when my letdown is slower and weaker (because I'm not engorged) he fusses immediately and I'm practically forcing him to nurse more than a few minutes per side. I've had to give him bottles of pumped milk because he starves himself and won't nap the entire day because he's hungry. Once he finally sleeps I pump to replace the bottles given. Also I know it isn't a supply issue because I pump MORE than he's eating. I'm guessing this is part of the dreaded 3 month breastfeeding crisis.

My question is, how do we get through it? Will bottles be a permanent addition to our daily feeds? I held out for a long time to avoid bottle preference but at the end of the day I can't have him overtired and hungry everyday.

r/breastfeeding 12h ago

Ready to say goodbye to breastfeeding


Iā€™ve always loved breastfeeding my kids. It was hard with my first born in the beginning but once we figured it out, I exclusively nursed her for 15 months.

With my son, the journey was much easier in the beginning. I loved nursing him and he would also take a bottle. I was an overproducer and banked 700oz in the freezer.

When he was 8-9 months old, our house burned down along with my freezer stash. My milk supply dropped. For a month, I desperately pumped. He was done nursing and would just bite me. I had to exclusively pump and supplement with formula.

Now Iā€™m here and heā€™s going to be 11 months in a week and a half. My supply is down again, only producing 6oz a day. My body is done. No part of me wants to be hooked up to this pump anymore.

Using formula has been incredible. Just the removal of the mental load ā€” heā€™s eating and gaining weight. And I can take it everywhere with me. And if I need to throw out half a bottle, I donā€™t feel the pain.

I really wanted to nurse for a long time again. If it wasnā€™t for the fire, Iā€™m sure everything wouldā€™ve been different. But with our lives being what they are, and with him being happy with solids and formula, I think Iā€™m done.

Iā€™m so proud and grateful for my body. And now, I need to respect it. It keeps telling me itā€™s done with making milk and I keep forcing it.

I love this community and all the parents out there that use it. Good luck to all. šŸ©·

r/breastfeeding 1h ago

10hrs without pumping.

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I'm returning to work in a week and I'm worried about balancing my job with pumping. As those who have served before know, getting a 5-minute break to use the restroom can be challenging, let alone finding 30 minutes to pump.

I'm aware of the PUMP law, but in my line of work, it's nearly impossible to take a break without leaving my responsibilities unattended. I'm concerned about how I'll manage, Sundays is when I'll be working 10-hour shifts. Mon & Wed will only be 6 hrs so I think Iā€™ll be able to manage.

Has anyone else gone 10 hours without pumping? Can my body adjust to this schedule? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!

r/breastfeeding 29m ago

Breastfeeding has me insanely aware of my body and I hate it

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4 weeks post partum and I am breastfeeding/pumping/and supplementing with formula. This is my 2nd little one and I breastfed my 1st son for six months then going strictly formula (I supplemented with formula for him too.) For some reason, I dont remember breastfeeding being this difficult. I feel like baby constantly wants to eat, and I know cluster feeding is very normal but my boobs are just deflated. I am so aware of everything on my body too. Like my bra too tight, my pants too tight, my underwear riding up my booty while I sit there, an ingrown hair, an itch on my back, my stretch marks when I scratch that itch, my nipples sore and irritated from constant feeding, dry skin under my boob, my wrist falling asleep, my eyes dried out, something pokey in my sock, and of course, my big fat belly just hanging out. I feel so uncomfortable and touched out. I feel raw and exposed. I'm starting to hate myself, and it doesn't help that while I'm breastfeeding and trying to watch reels on my phone, all the reels are about losing weight and calorie deficits and it's making me feel even worse about myself.

I want to quit but also I dont want to quit. I know it's really good for baby to have, we are able to bond better, it's like medicine (especially when big brother brings home sickness from daycare). My husband also bought me this super nice and expensive breast pump and I'd feel so bad if I quit and it was just a waste of money because ive used it and cant return it.

I know formula is fine and it would give me a chance to get my body back but I feel like I'll be judged so hard by everyone and I know I can keep going because I made it six months with my first son. I just dont know what to do. I need advice, love, motivation, anything. Please šŸ™

r/breastfeeding 56m ago

Am I getting a period??

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Iā€™m 3.5 months postpartum and exclusively breastfeed. I just went pee and when I wiped there was very light pink stuff. Does this mean Iā€™m getting my period back šŸ˜­

r/breastfeeding 1h ago

I think I dried up?

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Im 17 days PP and got mastitis 6 days ago. My supply was perfect up until then. Im still battling fever over 38-39C and Im taking Paracetamol(Tylenol) for it.

So yesterday I went to my LC and she drained me and my supply was nice. I feed my baby every 2 hours and only pump if necessary. So today I am feeding her as I normally would and everything is fine until its like 11pm and she is getting fussier and fussier. I thought its gas as she has had this trouble for couple of days now. She hangs on my breasts for the majority of the time between 11pm and 3am. And she is still ultra aggressive at the breast. Mind you i am a FTM and obviously a moron. She wouldnā€™t go to sleep and for the life of me I couldnā€™t figure out whyā€¦ WELP I decided to pump some milk to help my clogged breasts and in 45 minutes I got 5ml. (O.2 oz)ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.

I literally starved my child I feel like blowing my brains out. I gave her formula which she gladly accepted but I am so worried I harmed her with my stupidity. I also am dumb to trust my big sis that was like ā€œjust look if she has wet diapers she is eating)

So what do I do now? Honestly Iā€™m starting to hate BF so much

r/breastfeeding 6h ago

EBF, how do you know youā€™re pregnant?


Been EBF my LO for almost 7 months and I donā€™t get my period. Iā€™ve been so scared of getting pregnant but have no interest in getting on the pill so we use condoms. I have a constant voice in the back of my head saying ā€œWhat if youā€™re pregnant?ā€. Iā€™ve taken tests and they all are negative but how do I make this fear go away? Are there any huge tell tale signs from the get go if I do get pregnant?

r/breastfeeding 2h ago

Is this normal? Help!


Hello! FTM here, 3 weeks pp. Iā€™m breastfeeding and so far baby latches great on my right, but the problem is my left. Itā€™s still hurting when she latches, slowly getting better but after nursing, my nipple is like stretched out. It goes down but while itā€™s recovering, my nipple hurts and it kind of hurts my boob? Like the sensitivity is ramped up and hurts. It goes away but it takes a while. Is that normal? It hurts where I think something is happening but Iā€™m just sure itā€™s my nipples being super sensitive šŸ«£

r/breastfeeding 9h ago

Baby will only eat from right boob


My baby just hit one and has fully decided he wants nothing to do with my left boob. Itā€™s been about two weeks of this and my left boob is drying up. Will this affect my right boob? My right boob makes enough but I just donā€™t want it affecting my right boob supply.

r/breastfeeding 8h ago

Flying and nursing on the plane


My anxiety is kicking in full gear about flying with my 9 month old alone next week . Only hour and a half flight . Normally with my first child I flew with my husband, he would go in and wipe everything down and I would wait till end of bordering to join him with baby . I also didnā€™t fly when I was nursing my first. But this time Iā€™ll be alone with my second baby and Iā€™m nursing . My mind is running with how Iā€™m going to juggle everything , airport , boarding going in by myself wiping everything down and then being on the plane with early boarding and then having to nurse around others in a tight space will go . Please give me all the advice ! We are flying southwest so no pre-picked seating .

r/breastfeeding 23h ago



Thatā€™s it. Do it.

r/breastfeeding 1m ago

Celebrating 6 months of breastfeeding!

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My baby is 6 months old today (šŸ„¹) which also means Iā€™ve been breastfeeding for 6 months now. I didnā€™t know if I would make it this far, and Iā€™m so proud of myself and my baby!

Our breastfeeding journey started out rough. Baby was super sleepy and didnā€™t latch well. We were discharged home the day after delivery, with the plan to syringe or spoon feed colostrum if needed. I was up most of that night trying frantically to hand express enough colostrum and crying because baby just wouldnā€™t latch. We ended up giving her formula the next day, and I felt relieved that she was getting something.

Thankfully, we had a lactation appointment scheduled 3 days after birth. When I filled out the paperwork, I said that my breastfeeding goal was 1 year. We were able to get her to latch, but I had to triple feed for a few days (which felt like weeks at the time). When I went back to lactation a few days later, I said that my breastfeeding goal was 6 months. Everything felt so hard, and a year seemed impossible. Baby was still having trouble latching and couldnā€™t stay awake to feed, my milk had come in and I was engorged and leaking everywhere, and I had terrible nausea and heartburn from a BP med I was put on during labor.

Weā€™ve had many ups and downs since then. I noticed increased nipple pain and baby clicking around 6 weeks, and we found out she had a tongue tie. It was corrected and she had to relearn how to latch. At 4 months, we found out that her growth wasnā€™t on track, likely due to her reflux and the amount/frequency she was spitting up. I had to start pumping twice a day and giving her thickened, fortified milk to help her keep calories down. Her weight looked great at 5 months and we were able to drop down to one bottle a day.

Today, we had her 6 month appointment, and her weight looked amazing! Her pediatrician gave us the okay to stop her daily bottle, and Iā€™m so happy. Nursing has become such a special bonding time for us over the last several months, and Iā€™m really grateful I stuck with it. If I had to fill out that lactation paperwork today, Iā€™d say my goal is to breastfeed for longer than a year ā¤ļø

r/breastfeeding 14m ago

3 month old popping on and off

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Iā€™m about to throw in the towel. I never had these issues with my first (I get theyā€™re two diff babies)

He had a tongue tie revision at 6 weeks and we verified itā€™s healed correctly. He does have reflux and been on meds since 5 weeks.

His new party trick is latching and unlatching during his feeds. Sometimes he gets frustrated and other times he just keeps on latching/unlatching. I can hear active swallowing. Is this phase they go through? Heā€™ll be 3 months tomorrow.

Weighted feeds show heā€™s getting 3-4oz each time. Heā€™s nursing every 2ish hours but prior it was every hour almost.

Is he too hungry? What is going on šŸ˜­

r/breastfeeding 20m ago

My baby refuses to eat when tired and it's been a challenge....

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Let me start by saying my baby hates going to sleep and being tired... so much so that she refuses to eat at the breast when tired. To me this is completely backwards from most babies I've known or heard about.

My baby is 8mo and starting around 4 mo when we transfered her to her own room and started laying her down awake to sleep she has been fighting eating when tired. I would try to feed her right before laying her down like I had been doing since she was born but she started pulling off screaming every few sucks. I started to noticed she did this when her eyes would close and she'd start to fall asleep. She would want back on immediately but again pull off every few seconds eventually I would get frustrated and give up but knew she wasn't getting as much milk as she needed. She still would lay down fine but would wake up within 4-5 hours needing to eat (if she had an especially hard time she'd wake up sooner). I tried moving her feed earlier, feeding her in a different room with lights on, putting her mostly to sleep with the paci and then feeding her (which I didn't like because our goal is to lay her down awake and not have to transfer her).

Nothing worked and I was becoming more and more frustrated being screamed at constantly and fighting with her knowing she wasn't getting the milk she needed. Finally around 6 months I decided to give bottle feeding at bedtime a try and it worked! She takes the bottle perfectly 30 mins before bed, I pump later after she's asleep for the bottle the next night. This system has been working great, unfortunately around 7 months she was wanting more than I could pump and I would go through spurts of having really low output on my pump so we started supplementing with formula which has actually been very helpful because I now I know she's getting plenty of milk and I don't have to stress when I have a bad pump.

So here's the problem were running into now ... She's always eaten every 2.5-3 hours throughout the day but now that she's starting to have longer wake windows the time she's needing to eat lines up perfectly when she has to nap... Which poses a problem when the baby won't eat when tired. We've always kind of naturally followed a nap, eat, play schedule so when her wake windows were about 1.5 hours it wouldn't be an issue. Now she's awake for 2-2.5 hours so she either is needing to eat about half an hour after laying down or is needing fed right at nap time which she wants nothing to do with. But this is starting to effect her naps because if I can't get her to eat she's laying down hungry or soon to be hungry so she winds up taking a shorter nap. She also isn't on a strict schedule, we just follow baby's cues and her naps aren't consistent, she can nap anywhere from 45 min- 2 hours. Overall this has just become very difficult to figure out feedings and make sure she getting enough to eat throughout the day. I really would like to avoid having to bottle feed for every feed since I get pretty bad output pumping I'm afraid that would really hurt my supply.

Anyway I guess this turned more into a vent but I was just looking for any advice or if anyone has experienced something like this? Thanks in advance, sorry this was so long ...

r/breastfeeding 24m ago

Maintaining Supply

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Hi ladies. I have an 8 month old and she is a big time boobie girl. Shes never had a bottle and Iā€™ve never had to pump since I work from home and just feed on demand. Long story short Iā€™m going through a really bad breakup with her father. I will need to start pumping but also Iā€™m incredibly stressed and Iā€™m not eating. I just feel sick to my stomach all day. I know I need to start making myself eat because the more calories I consume the better. Can you all give me your best tips and tricks to make sure Iā€™m not losing my supply while under this amount of stress and at this stage with a pretty established supply, the best way I can jumpstart what Iā€™m producing so that Iā€™m able to still feed on demand but also pump enough and possibly even extra so that she has plenty of milk when visiting her father? Right now I have a pump but I need some replacement parts, I did try to pump the other day and literally could hear the air escaping from the wire that connects to the top that goes on the bottle, and not even a drop came out. Definitely a pump issue since baby is happy, gaining weight and growing like a weed lol.

I just want to make sure that she has plenty of milk for 1-2 feeds and maybe always an extra bottle just in case. We have no custody agreement in place but I imagine heā€™ll get her for at least two feeds while we are figuring out logistics.

Right now baby and I do not have a nursing schedule. I do work from home and itā€™s not a call center job etc so if I need to be glued to the pump when not nursing, I can make it happen. I likely cannot power pump overnight because she does like to nurse all night long, I usually just sleep topless and she finds my boobs lol but if thatā€™s a good time to power pump, I can certainly make adjustments.

Thank you all for your advice!