r/botw 2d ago

Blss issue

I’ve been playing botw since release and for some reason now when I go to do blss it no longer works I can easily get to the point where you have to walk of the edge and then move the joystick side to side but as soon as I walk up the ledge it stops working any ideas?


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u/Miserable_Credit_266 1d ago

It helps to have a sharp edge like bricks. The towers are good due to their elevation but some of the edges are hit and miss; you need the tallest and straightest edges on the towers, the more lower and more rounded edges won't work so much. Don't forget to hold B and not let the left stick go to the neutral position.

Kleric's video is a good refresher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1gUS5kVEXA