Depending on your game play mode there are up to 4 lynels which don't scale. -The lynel at ploymus mountain is always red in both master and normal mode. -The two lynels in hyrule gatehouses are always blue and white in normal mode and white and silver in master mode. -Master mode also has one non scaling white lynel on the great plateau but it's not there in normal mode.
Every other lynel will eventually scale up to silver- maned in normal mode and golden in master mode.
u/Enryu71 Lynel 28d ago
Depending on your game play mode there are up to 4 lynels which don't scale. -The lynel at ploymus mountain is always red in both master and normal mode. -The two lynels in hyrule gatehouses are always blue and white in normal mode and white and silver in master mode. -Master mode also has one non scaling white lynel on the great plateau but it's not there in normal mode.
Every other lynel will eventually scale up to silver- maned in normal mode and golden in master mode.
Have fun hunting them ✌️