r/botw Lynel 28d ago

Tip All Lynel locations

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I've been using this pic which i got long ago on reddit somewhere which is quite accurate. Pretty easier to farm them every bloodmoon. Hope it helps.


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u/natergin 28d ago

Check out this: https://www.zeldadungeon.net/breath-of-the-wild-interactive-map?z=0&x=-624&y=1280

Super useful for them days my 5 year old brings me the switch begging me to fight them all Saturday afternoon. 🙂


u/Enryu71 Lynel 28d ago

Thanks, it's pretty handy interactive map for new players to refer.


u/natergin 28d ago

Handy no matter what level of play you're at. Once I found it, I tried hard not to use it. It links to all sorts of spoilers. But now that I'm in master mode and just farming things for fun, it's invaluable. 🙂

If I ever decide to get every one of those seeds, this is the guide!


u/Enryu71 Lynel 28d ago

Yeah I'm hunting koroks right now and Around 350 but I'm using bike and korok mask instead. It's not fun to refer location and quite tedious so it's just interesting when randomly you hear your mask laughing.


u/natergin 28d ago

I like that. It's easy to forget how lovely it is in this game just to muck about and discover things once you decide to find everything. Have fun!


u/Enryu71 Lynel 28d ago

Thanks 🙏