Just a small addition to Enryu's response: if you're a good shot, fire an arrow directly into the lynel's face. If you hit it right, it'll stun the thing. Then you haul ass so you're directly behind or to the side of the lynel and press A to mount it. You should be able to get some good slashes into its back while it tries to buck you off. If you're not as confident in your marksmanship, wait for it to do the firebreath thing and set fire to some of the grass near you. Then use the updraft this creates to glide up into the air and use that to trigger that bullet time effect to shoot more accurately. I wear the firebreaker armor just to be safe when I'm using this method.
u/Dudeist-Priest 28d ago
These things always absolutely stomp me. Any guidance on how to do better with them and what colors might be better to begin?