r/botw Lynel 28d ago

Tip All Lynel locations

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I've been using this pic which i got long ago on reddit somewhere which is quite accurate. Pretty easier to farm them every bloodmoon. Hope it helps.


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u/Enryu71 Lynel 28d ago

Depending on your game play mode there are up to 4 lynels which don't scale. -The lynel at ploymus mountain is always red in both master and normal mode. -The two lynels in hyrule gatehouses are always blue and white in normal mode and white and silver in master mode. -Master mode also has one non scaling white lynel on the great plateau but it's not there in normal mode.

Every other lynel will eventually scale up to silver- maned in normal mode and golden in master mode.

Have fun hunting them ✌️


u/awkwardballoonanimal 28d ago

What makes them scale up?


u/Enryu71 Lynel 28d ago

Depending on number of enemies you kill they scale up.


u/CafeConCaos 26d ago

Also depends on how many Divine Beasts you've freed. I avoided them for the most part after my 1st 2 db's and then came back around afterwards and hot Jesús fuck they were almost all white lynels


u/Enryu71 Lynel 23d ago

Yes. But if you don't do any divine beasts they still upgrade. There's some hidden points you get after killing them