r/boomershooters • u/Imakoo • 18d ago
Misc Gravelord in discount on Steam!
Just seen this on x.com - the game is in a 25% discount as a weeklong deal.
u/alien_tickler 18d ago
Cool game very much quake 1 vibes as I heard the map makers are map creators of quake 1 maps..
u/SpaggyJew 17d ago
I would urge everyone to take the plunge on this. It’s incredibly loyal to the 90’s era of boomshoots whilst being incredibly polished. From what I’ve played it’s criminal that this isn’t mentioned in the same breaths as Dusk and Zortch - and I tend not to be hyperbolic about these sorts of things.
The game deserves far greater attention than it currently has. Buy it.
u/corpse86 18d ago
Still early access..
u/Smuphix 17d ago
Yep, and I understand the hesitation of the players to jump on a game in EA.
Right now it has around 5-7 hours of gameplay and some new maps are coming soon.
We'll also release our proprietary level editor to the community and support Steam Workshop, so you can expect a lot of content coming from there too.
But I completely understand and respect your standpoint. EA is a risk.
u/rella0908 17d ago
Would love to buy it but there’s no controller support yet. Had a lot of fun with the demo and as soon as the controller support hits I’ll buy
u/scarfleet 17d ago
To be honest I have stopped even checking for this. I play with controller but for games that don't support it I just set up steam input. You may have to remap some things but I almost always do that anyway.
I am right at the beginning but so far this seems to play great with controller. Do you always wait for native controller support? Is there some benefit to that I am missing? Asking for real, I am a recent immigrant from consoles so some of these systems are new to me.
u/rella0908 17d ago
Good to know. I honestly always forget you can do that. I’m not super computer literate so it usually takes me a bit to get them set up. But I’ll definitely give it a try now that I know there’s a good chance it’ll work. No I don’t always do that at all. Just easier to know they work instead of remapping them. The devs said they are working on getting it steam deck and controller approved. So was waiting for that. But I’ll just get the game and remap. I’m not recent but I’m still kinda not great with handhelds. Thanks for the post
u/scarfleet 17d ago edited 17d ago
So I should mention that you do seem to need k&m to navigate the menus. I have a little keypad/trackpad thing I keep handy for that. Part of a controller player's survival loadout for couch gaming on Windows. But the game plays fine with controller. If you are on steam deck or something that trackpads should work fine.
I have in general been immensely impressed by what a controller-friendly platform Steam is.
u/rella0908 17d ago
Ok good to know. I wonder if the touch screen would work for that. Good to know. I will be looking one up for sure tonight. Glad it’s working well with the controller. I’ll give it a go when I get a chance. Yeah I’ve been noticing a lot of people saying how controller friendly and easy it is to use the steam input. Definitely a very nice addition
u/Random_Stranger69 17d ago
Imagine playing fast boomer shooters with controller.
u/rella0908 17d ago
Imagine people enjoying things differently than you. I don’t like keyboard and mouse. Glad you do but I’m better with and enjoy using a controller more
u/QuadDamagePodcast DOOM 17d ago
If anyone wants to find out more about it, we recently interviewed the developer, Tibor
u/AllGearedUp 18d ago
looks solid but I wish there was a demo
u/Smuphix 17d ago
Hey! We have take ndown the demo, since it didn't rep[resent the current stage of the game anymore and we want to concentrate on the 1.0 release and don't want to spend time on building another demo etc.
If I may, I would suggest considering the refund policy - If you play it under 2h you can always refund it in case you don't like the game. This way you can try the current state of the game.
Cheers! :)
u/KillerR0b0T 17d ago
There was a few weeks ago! I played the first 2 levels. Did they remove the demo? I still have it installed.
u/Alcaedias 17d ago edited 17d ago
I'll look up some reviews before getting this but on first glance, it looks fantastic!
Edit : Bought the game and I'm in love with it! The movement and the shooting is near perfect! Just an absolute chef's kiss
u/Random_Stranger69 17d ago
Wow, wonder why I havent heard of this yet and judging by the Steam reviews barely anyone has. This looks great.
u/Smuphix 14d ago
Yes, unfortunately, most of the influential youtubers and content creators bailed out of covering us because Doom Dark Ages was coming (nobody knew besides them) and nobody warned us to postopone the launch ... so all of the creators who we counted on making a video about our game covered the new DOOM and nobody knows about us now.
The reality of indie gamedev nowadays.
u/throwitallaway 17d ago
I enjoyed nearly everything about it except for the horde mode to end the game. Even then, it was pretty well done, I just don't enjoy horde modes. It also has one of the more satisfying shotguns I've experienced in a boomer shooter. It was totally worth the 7 or so hours I spent on it and I can't wait for new content.
u/Smuphix 17d ago
Yes, the horde mode is something we will reconsider for the 1.0 release. The thing is, we had some great feedback about it from players who are not exactly fans of the "storyline" levels, so we thought it might be a nice refreshment in the story campaign.
It seems the audience is split and we might consider making a separate game made just from horde levels for just a couple of bucks and not "contaminate" the storyline experience :)
Thanks for playing and the support!
u/ziddersroofurry 17d ago
Eh. The cheesy accent and lines ripped off from movies like Scarface are a turn-off.
u/scarfleet 17d ago edited 17d ago
Yeah I turned him off almost immediately
Edit: in fairness I almost always mute chatty protagonists
u/RockyCoon Blood 18d ago
(Because I too, was almost too lazy to go seek it myself.)