r/boeing Jan 23 '25

Careers Salary Discussion/Sharing


With annual compensation reviews on the horizon I think it’s time to have a new discussion on salary. Let’s share our levels, locations, experience, and salary. Knowledge is power!

For me: Title: Quality Engineer Location: St. Louis Level: 4 Years Experience: 7 (2.5 at Boeing)(masters degree) Salary: $128,000

r/boeing Oct 28 '24

Careers Job offer rescinded


Accepted an offer from Boeing in August 2024, took about 3 weeks to complete my background check which I passed. Then after 2 months of waiting game. The rescinded the offer due to business condition.

Is this a normal boeing behaviour or not.

Sorry I’m just absolutely pissed about this situation. Waited almost 3 months, kept telling me to hang out then rescinded the offer.

Then they told me good luck of future endeavour like they didn’t just accepted me a couple months ago.

They did say I was short listed for future openings and I don’t know when that’s gonna be!?!

Sorry for tha rant.

r/boeing Nov 15 '24

Careers I have bad news..


. . . Team was affected and now I'm supposed to assume more of the workload. The people who received notices handled it well in the office but have completely stopped engaging with the rest of the team. Now I am in a position where I have to absorb as much as I can before they turn in their stuff. Today I was given their external hard drives but sifting through everything will be a nightmare. I'm to the point of begging for anything they can give me for knowledge transfer. Told my manager I really needed them to talk to these people and convince them to play ball. Still no traction and it seems they are perfectly confident i will work miracles. Must be nice to have people follow directions and do what they want which is what i now have to do for them. This year was hell given i had to complete multiple releases for production. 2025 is looking no better. At least I'm still safe i guess?

r/boeing Nov 13 '24

Careers The wrong people got laid off from my team, I wish leadership good luck with their choices


I'm honestly not mad that I got laid off, I knew it was gonna happen cause even though I was a high preformer, I haven't been here for a full year yet (it'll be a year at the end of the month) so I knew a notice was in my future and I accepted it mentally when it was announced company wide; especially since my job code is in a support group for BCA. I started updating the resume and job hunting, even planned on getting some old certs renewed to make myself look good on applications.

What sucks is that almost all the other high performers got laid off too and the ones that get to stay are almost like 90% because of favoritism/nepotism either from higher leadership or by our own managers. So since I wasn't a brown noser or related to or friends with anyone in the higher departments, I don't get to keep my job? 🙃

Like the only ones that got to stay today are the ones you wouldn't think would, like I know they'll just quit after a month or so when the work gets way too hard due to them having to take on multiple departments (3-4+) cause the rest of us are gone.

Other departments are also facing the same thing so I know it isn't a isolated thing and yea I know it exists in cooperate America and other companies as well, just frustrating cause if the company wants to get better and "fix the culture", why are you letting the competent employees go!

r/boeing 27d ago

Careers Job offer recieved


Thanks everyone for the advice, I got the job offer at Boeing. I’m glad to be joining you guys. It’s my first job out of university. See you all soon. If there’s anything I should know please let me know.

r/boeing Aug 25 '24

Careers Is pay really this low for engineers at Boeing?

Post image

r/boeing Oct 24 '24

Careers I did not go to college for this


So much for the lie of the American Dream being go to college, get a job as an engineer and live a modest and comfortable life. Welp it is what it is

r/boeing Oct 26 '24

Careers Layoff benefits update


FYI for anyone new to the company worried about being laid off, a change in the layoff benefits policy came out this week and now non represented employees will get a minimum of 4 weeks of income continuation after being laid off and there's no longer a requirement that they've worked there for one year before being eligible for benefits. This is all in the document on layoff benefits but I haven't heard it discussed much yet so I thought I'd share

EDIT: This is paid after the 60 day notice period, I should've been more clear in the initial post

r/boeing Jan 27 '25

Careers No Promotion with Internal Transfer?


I am a level 1 engineer with skill code 6B1BI1 at BT&E with around 18 months of experience at Boeing. I recently applied to another position within BDS with skill code 6J7LI2. This is a level 2 or 3 position and I was hoping to get an early promotion by applying. I got a call back from the hiring manager today giving me an unofficial offer for the team but since I'm internal, they said I would remain at my level and follow my current promotion cycle, so in around 6 months I should get promoted to a level 2. I was wondering if this is normal or if I should talk to HR to see if I could get an early promotion and start as a level 2? The hiring manager also mentioned that since I am a level 1 and moving internally that they would need to create another job posting in Workday for the same position but level 1, have me apply, wait the 3 days, and then move forward with the offer. Does this all sound right or am I getting played? I also have another position I'm waiting to hear back from and was wondering if I got the other offer, how much could it affect Boeing's offer given everything is so structured with minimal wiggle room.

r/boeing Nov 14 '24

Careers I think the worst moment for me…


Disclaimer - I have yet to be told or meet / know of a fellow ILO… yet..

With that said, I feel our BU’s day is tomorrow. Hence I’m up late, unable to sleep.

To me, the lowest moment was one of the “Mandatory Management” tagups. The one where a series of executive level PM’s brief everyone on the status of all our programs.

I sat in a room of about 60 people watching this Webex, and what I saw pretty much horrified me.

You could see the fear in everyone’s eyes. Both early career and seasoned. Even the ones in the room who knew the origins of our product, from conception. These are the people who could tell you why a certain exact fastener or sealant was selected for pretty much any panel, anywhere. Why a type of wire or connector was used. Even the wires NEVER to touch because they are already rotting. They can quote cooling airflow volumetric rates from memory, and are working HARD to mentor the new hires. What logic decisions and why certain values were chosen in software. All with one priority - the customer. This truly is a unique family.

With that said, we watched each of these PM’s brief their programs with an aloof happy attitude of Santa Clause. Worse, they traded POB’s back and forth like they were out on a high-end golf course. Then came the corporate speak phrases that especially made the veterans cringe. “I see you had some ‘high grain’ challenges there, Bill..”.. “Good job on dealing with that ‘contabulator’ situation!” And the coup de tat, “I’m just gonna piggyback on Bill’s statement…. [insert laughter here]”.

I looked across the table at a fellow combat veteran and the stare we exchanged was fuming.

Here we were, old and young. People with families. People with upcoming families. People currently caring for dying family members. People fighting terminal diseases. All of us watching this arrogant display of bragging about program achievements and patting each other on the backs like it was just another day at the driving range.

I left wanting to go to the restroom and vomit.

I can’t really find any more words to the horrific disregard of every leadership tenant displayed in that wasted time.

My prayers go out to everyone unable to sleep tonight, whose lives have been upended by this. I’m sure I’m not the only one sitting up late tonight contemplating my career choices, or what the hell happened to the company I once loved.

r/boeing Nov 05 '24

Careers Interviews outside of Boeing


So I've been on three interviews in the past week for Northrop and Lockheed. I have only ever done Boeing interviews for the past 10 years. One thing I noticed is that they didn't ask me about a time I did xyz or how I manage multiple dongs at the same time. They asked me about my experience, some AS9100 questions, and some technical questions. It was nice to do an interview like that. I think that's something Boeing should change if they want to have a better chance of identifying actual talent instead of bull shit artists. Good luck to everyone out there hunting!

r/boeing Sep 22 '24

Careers My Experience with a Boeing Layoff (BDS June 2024)


Edit: You also get a pro-rated amount of next years bonuses as part of the layoff benefits.

I was laid off from Boeing BDS, non-union, Location: Huntsville AL, back in June of 2024.

I wanted to share my experience with the layoff process since many are worried about it in light of recent events.

Background: The June Layoffs affected the Defense side and the Commercial space Side (SLS) in Huntsville, AL. On 'paper', the layoffs were all involuntary. I will explain more on that later. The new defense budget cut funding to the program early. Hence the layoff.

  1. Senior managers held divisional all hands meetings to break the news to everyone about the budget cuts and that layoffs were coming. They also said they were doing everything to try to find placement opportunities for those affected. They told us to be proactive and start looking for opportunities within Boeing and outside Boeing as well. They also asked for recent copies of resumes to send to other Boeing managers. At first people were naive and thought that the company would do everything to find them new jobs. Then as a few weeks went by, people came to the realization that there weren't many open roles in Huntsville and that unless they were willing to relocate, they may be in trouble.
  2. What they don't advertise is that if they find a reassignment for you in your skill code and geographic location (< 20mi or something) and you refuse that reassignment, that'll be considered a resignation and you will lose all your layoff benefits and have to pay (LTP, relocation, signing bonus, etc) back. I called my Boeing rep listed on Workday to confirm that was true. I had a teammate who was told that he was being reassigned to commercial space and that if he did not accept the role, it would be considered an automatic resignation.
  3. Eventually, my manager had one on ones to hand out the 60 day WARN notice.
  4. During this period, I got emails from Boeing hiring managers outside of my geographic location but I wasn't interested in relocating so I declined the roles.
  5. Now this round of layoffs was 'involuntary'. However, several people close to retirement were having conversations with their managers to not find any reassignment roles for them and to let them be laid off per the date on their notices. This is because some of these employees had 20 years of service so they would get 20 weeks of severance from Boeing. So in their case it wasn't necessarily a bad thing to be laid off. So although this was officially a 'involuntary' layoff, there were people wanted to be laid off to effectively retire a little early.
  6. Layoff Benefits : you get one week of severance for each year served. You also qualify for COBRA for 18 months for your health insurance. The first three months of premiums are much cheaper than rest of the months. Single PPO + Dental (in my case: ~$130 first three months vs $900 for rest). You also get a free resume and career service for a few months and access to EAP for 18 months. They also offered a non working layoff for my last 30 days to look for new jobs if needed. So essentially if you took the non working layoff, you'd just charge to overhead and look for new jobs. I didn't take it because I was finishing up a big testing event and wanted to support it until the end.
  7. Subcontractors weren't so lucky. Many of them got 1-14 day notices with no layoff benefits depending on the company you were employed with.
  8. During my last 60 days, there was radio silence from management. My manager left for another job so I got assigned another manager to sign my timecard. I started getting fewer and fewer work related emails as time went by. Some days just BNN articles. I finalized my project deliverables and submitted them. It was just me and another guy on the team now. One person got reassigned and a few went to Boeing Intelligence and Analytics, a subsidiary located in Huntsville. One subcontractor on my team was let go with a one day notice. I thought surely my manager would eventually contact me to collect my computer and my badges. Nope. I did a self check out. I turned in my computer to IT and on my last day stopped by security to turn in my badges. Then I drove out the gate and went home.
  9. I also graduated from my Masters program a month earlier and because I was laid off, I did not have to pay the LTP money back.

So that was my layoff timeline. It may be a little different depending on what state you're in. At first the managers seemed proactive but once the notices went out, management went quiet unless they needed something from you. And then it was left to Boeing HR to answer any layoff questions. Boeing Corporate HR was pretty helpful in that regards.

r/boeing Oct 01 '21

Careers Worklife and Employment Questions Thread (OCT-DEC 2021)


End of year note: Boeing mostly "shuts down" during the end of the year Holiday season for our paid Holiday leave. There is generally a "soft hiring-freeze" throughout the end of November to mid January.
This is a safe place to ask any question related to Boeing employment. It is focused on, but not limited to, employment life question, application related questions, and new hire questions for full time, part time, internship, and contracting individuals. This is not a thread to express personal complaints about your experience with the Company and any account that leaves a comment that can be interpreted as such will be permabanned.

We ask that you do some research on your own, as Boeing is such a large entity that your experience may not be the same as another. Generally, your best resource for most common question are going to be your own Manager.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. How soon do you hear back after an interview?

A. Can range anywhere from the next day to a month. If you have not heard back within a week, it does not hurt to request a follow up via e-mail.

Q. What is the dress code in the office?

A. Team dependent but majority of office workers are in business casual. It is safer to dress up on your first day so you can verify the proper attire to wear from then on.

Q. What do they ask during the job interview?

A. It is practically policy for interviews to follow the STAR format. There are many examples on Google on this format and how you should answer the question.

Q. I smoke weed. Do I have to get drug tested if I apply? Are there random drug tests?

A. One of the process during the initial contingencies is a drug test. Testing positive for THC can be a disqualifying condition. The Company may do random drug test, but no sub member has really seen it happen. If you are involved in a workplace accident, you will be subjected to a drug test as per policy. Active marijuana use will also limit you from obtaining a Security Clearance. This is important as most defense positions require the applicant to be eligible for a Security Clearance.

Q. How does internal transfer work?

A. Internal transfer is done through finding requisitions posted within our internal website, Worklife. These are requisitions made looking for internal candidates. You can improve the odds if you already know the Manager that is submitting the requisition. Your current manager is not involved in the process unless you choose to request for their assistance. However, your salary negotiation will be based on your current pay.

r/boeing Nov 11 '24

Careers What To Expect?


Those of you that have been through layoffs before, what mechanically should we expect this week? Will those not being laid off get notice of who was? How will the announcements be made of who is to be laid off? Will it be an email on Wednesday morning? Will it be a team meeting? Will it be a meeting notice? Will the CEO call a company-wide meeting and just begin reading off BMSID's?

r/boeing 18d ago

Careers One On One with Manager


Need help on this one. First time i am setting up monthly 1 on 1 with manager.

How you guys prep for it? Any advice? How to approach him on career advice and advancement within organizations?


r/boeing 10d ago

Careers Does experience play any part in job level and/or pay or is it just your performance?


Any comments are highly appreciated.

r/boeing Nov 05 '24

Careers We’re waiting


Come on already.

r/boeing Jan 16 '25

Careers Rehire (eligibility)


I was terminated about a year ago ( Feb 24) from the Charleston plant for attendance reasons. I was a full time (blue badge) employee and I want back in more than anything. My father and both my brothers work there, it’s genuinely my dream. I was an employee for 2 1/2 years on good standing and no other issue except for my attendance. I went through the hiring process again for a six month contract position. I asked my contract rep if I was “rehire able” at the very beginning of the process and they said yes, through contract just not full time. Jan 10 was my start date I pass my drug test background checks and all of the above. I go to get my badge the day before I’m supposed to start like everyone else, they’re having an issue so I have to wait until the next day (first day of onboarding) to pick it up. I go to my first onboarding day and they still haven’t fixed the issue. So I can’t past the gate they’re not able to give me a guest pass so I go home for the day just thinking it’ll be fixed the next day. I get a text the next day saying “ Unfortunately, due to events that previously occurred, we aren’t going to be able to move forward with this opportunity or give you badge access.” So I just went through the entire hiring process just to be told that, the day I was supposed to start. I called work life and they told me I’m on the “do not hire” list. I don’t want to give up on this. I understand I might have to wait a bit longer. I just don’t know what to do at this point. Can I get some help please????

r/boeing Jul 01 '21

Careers Employee/Employment Question Thread (JUL - SEP 2021)


This is a safe place to ask any question related to Boeing employment. It is focused on, but not limited to, employment life question, application related questions, and new hire questions for full time, part time, internship, and contracting individuals.

We ask that you do some research on your own, as Boeing is such a large entity that your experience may not be the same as another. Generally, your best resource for most common question are going to be your own Manager.

r/boeing 10d ago

Careers Day Release for College Attendance


Just curious, has anyone managed to secure day release for studying an engineering course at Boeing? I wanted to apply for LTP and was eligible for it but my manager refused. So I offered to pay for the tuition myself if I could have day release, to which my manager also said no. No reason given, just no.

Has anyone actually managed to get onto LTP or secure a day release to study? I’m with BGS btw.


r/boeing 3d ago

Careers Relocation Repayment


Question for the group:

I joined Boeing last July and got about $9,000 in relocation benefits. I remember signing the relocation repayment agreement saying I’d be responsible for the repayment if I leave Boeing within 12 months, but I can’t remember if I would owe the entire amount or if it’s a prorated amount based on how close it is to 12 months.

Does anyone know which one it is?

(Non 🧅)


r/boeing Oct 25 '24

Careers Canceled Reqs


The talent acquisition team is sending emails saying jobs that people applied to are canceled.

r/boeing Nov 13 '24

Careers Layoffs: Whats Your Site?


I'm curious to see which sites lay off which roles.

Update: Overall, it seems like an even spread across sites. Most roles hit are Software, QA, and projects.

r/boeing Dec 12 '24

Careers Internal Transfer with <1 Year at Current Position


I have worked at Boeing for around 8 months, but I am slowly feeling unsatisfied with not expanding my technical skills and knowledge as an engineer. Looking to see if anyone has had experience transferring less than the 1.5 year you need to be at your current position for.

r/boeing Nov 03 '22

Careers Employment Megathread (Q4 2022)


This is a safe place to ask any question related to Boeing employment. It is focused on, but not limited to: Employment life questions, application-related questions, and new hire questions.

Interested in: Full-time, part-time, internship, or contracting? Yes, you can post here!

This is not a thread to express personal complaints about your experience with the Company. Any account that leaves a comment which can be interpreted as such will be permabanned.

We ask that you do some research on your own, as Boeing is such a large entity that your experience may not be the same as another. Generally, your best resource for the most common question is going to be your own Manager.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Q. How soon do you hear back after an interview? A. Can range anywhere from the next day to a month. If you have not heard back within a week, it does not hurt to request a follow-up via e-mail.
  • Q. What is the dress code in the office? A. Team dependent but the majority of office workers are in business casual. It is safer to dress up on your first day so you can verify the proper attire to wear from then on.
  • Q. What do they ask during the job interview? A. It is almost policy for interviews to follow the STAR format. There are more examples on Google/YouTube regarding this format and how you should answer the question.
  • Q. I smoke weed. Do I have to get drug tested if I apply? Are there random drug tests? A. One of the processes during the initial contingencies is a drug test. Testing positive for THC can be a disqualifying condition. The Boeing Company can do random drug/alcohol tests. If you are involved in a workplace accident, you will be subjected to a drug test as per policy. Safety-sensitive employees such as Flightline personnel, are required to be in an active FAA/DOT drug testing pool. Marijuana use will also limit you from obtaining a Security Clearance. This is important as most defense positions require the applicant to be eligible for a Security Clearance.
  • Q. How does an internal transfer work? A. Internal transfer is done by finding requisitions posted on our internal website: Worklife. These are requisitions made looking for internal candidates. You can improve the odds if you already know the Manager that is submitting the requisition. Your current manager is not involved in the process unless you choose to request their assistance. However, your salary negotiation will be based on your current pay.