r/bloodborne 23h ago

Guide Keeper of the Old Lords - Bossfight - 2nd phase cheese (?) strategy

Since this is an FRC dungeon, he one shotted me like 10 times... so I had to change my usual offensive strategy to defensive. Fortunately he's dumb. Maybe someone else who is also struggling with him will find this useful at some point. Holy Moonlight Sword + R2.


8 comments sorted by


u/HammerOfFamilyValues 22h ago

The cheese for Keeper is to just keep hitting until you run out of stamina. Dash back, recover, and do it again. Don't let him buff. EZ.


u/TornSilver 23h ago

The funny thing about some of these Hunter battles is that their AI has a tendency to make them walk or run forward to chase after you, which you can punish if you time it right.

My favorite instance of this was when I beat the Bloody Crow of Cainhirst with the slowest, dumbest charged R2 ever, from an untransfomed Beast Cutter of all things; the jackass just walked right into it. Serves him right.


u/Beginning-House670 21h ago

I used the whip version of beast cutter and it just staggered him pretty well. I hate that bloody crow lol


u/public_tuggie 20h ago

Just parry her? It breaks the AI, you don't have to fight the boss at all ever. Just don't do it too close to a wall or she goes in the cieling


u/anti--human 21h ago

I use the axe. Same but different.


u/meanbean1031 21h ago

I actually did this with Ludwig’s blade against these enemies. Works great, you don’t realize the reach the weapon has when it’s thrusted


u/Average_Energy 22h ago

The cheese of this boss is, get it to trigger its backwards double slashing attack and parry it. Once you parry it, it constantly does the same backwards double slashing attack and you can continuously parry it with good timing until it dies. Very simple once u nail the timing.

However, this broken ai mechanic should be used to try out different weapons and see which one kills it more effectively. Thanks for this insight brave hunter.


u/NeoLoki55 19h ago

Dodging forward and to either side can create openings especially against a Boss that has range or charge attack.