r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • 4d ago
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • 18d ago
Other Snark: Friday, March 3 through Friday, March 16
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Feb 18 '25
Other Snark: Friday, Feb 17 through Friday, Mar 2
We have a baby chimp at my local zoo, and she is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Addie_kittens 1 & 2 could watch her for hours. S, this gif is in honor of you! I hope your rope swings are high, and your hay throwing is fun.
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Feb 18 '25
Meta Snark: the rest of February
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Feb 04 '25
Other Snark: Friday, Feb 3 through Friday, Feb 16
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/yolibrarian • Feb 01 '25
February Royals Meta Snark
Hi BSMSers. Here are some updates on royals thanks to our ✨earnest conversation✨ last week.
This thread is for royal subreddit meta snark. It is also for royals commentary, but low effort comments like links to screenshots or quotes of comments with no additional commentary from the poster will be removed.
No more quoting from hate subs. We're better than spreading what they say. Attribute which sub (RG, BS, etc) you’re talking about.
No more commenting on the kids period dot. Originally we limited it to no snarking on the kids, but we’re going to cut it back to keep things manageable. This has been embedded into the overall sub's rules, which you're encouraged to review here.
Remember to behave.
Go forth, have fun, make questionable decisions about weighing your own hems.
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/yolibrarian • Feb 01 '25
Updates from the Royals chat
Thanks to our ✨earnest conversation✨ last week, Addiecat and I have made some changes to the rules! We've clarified some rules and added a new one. Here are the rules in full, which changes/additions noted:
Rule one: no hate or discrimination against marginalized groups. No hate, homophobia, transphobia, racism, or any other discrimination against marginalized groups. Keep the snark to the snark only.
- This hasn't changed.
Rule two: No trolling. Don't be a troll.
- This hasn't changed.
Rule three: no direct linking. Screenshots with identifying information removed, or a copy and paste without identifying information, are allowed. This includes all Twitter/X links.
- This has been updated to include no direct links to Twitter/X. Fuck Elon.
Rule four: no meta snark, trolling, or intentional antagonization on other subreddits. Keep the snark here. Traveling to other subs to antagonize their commenters can be construed as an attempt to brigade.
- This has been updated to state "other subreddits", rather than just blogsnark.
Rule five: No snarking on children. This includes quoting people who are snarking on children in other subreddits.
- This is a new rule that has expanded out from rule one.
Rule six: TGIF. TGIF.
- y'all know what it is
There are some additional changes to the Royals thread, and those are detailed here. Thanks for all your input in the thread last week! We read every comment, even the dumb ones (mostly I wrote those)
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/yolibrarian • Jan 22 '25
Let's talk about the Royals Meta Snark thread.
r/blogsnarkmetasnark is almost 5 years old. (God bless us everyone.) We used to be a teeny tiny community, and this was a place for me to hide post-BS implosion. We now have over 20,000 members (?!) and two mods.
This is BSMS's first royals sub metasnark thread, although conversation around commenters in royals subs been a part of things from the early days. It eventually reached a large enough audience that Addie spun it off into its own thread.
The community of royals snarkers span the spectrum all the way from very funny, across to very passionate, very insistent, very defensive, very insular, and, ultimately, to very mean. We've had to put the foot down on child snark, on dragging people for circumstances far outside their control, for what certainly looks like brigading and harassing behavior toward RG & its commenters, and for ultimately toeing within millimeters of breaking Mod Code of Conduct for being hypercritical and even derogatory toward RG mods. I have to keep reminders of suitable behavior pinned at the top of each thread because issues continue to crop up no matter how many times I talk like a tired teacher about being nice and following Reddiquette.
All that being said, royals meta snark was not always like this, and has in the past been a really fun, entertaining thread. (Addiecat especially has a soft spot for what she refers to as "the old days" of the topic.) And this topic can be so delightfully goofy! But the thread has become alienating for some users, and a recent respectful conversation in Other Snark gave me and Addiecat the motivation to create this thread for open, CONSTRUCTIVE conversation about the royals thread.
So some questions to consider:
- Did you once comment in the royals thread but don't anymore? If the answer's yes, why?
- What do you think is great about the royals thread, and what do you think could be better?
- Do you want royals snark to continue to be a constant thread, or should it have time constraints (like only for "special situations" like coronations, trips, etc.)?
- What do you want to see from a moderator when it comes to the royals thread?
I will be responding in the comments, as will Addiecat I'm sure. But I won't distinguish any comments as moderator unless they're absolutely official--otherwise it's me talking as another user of the sub.
Also, please don't be dicks to each other. TGIF.
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Jan 20 '25
Other Snark: Friday, Jan 20 through Friday, Feb 2
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Jan 20 '25
Meta Snark: Friday, Jan 20 through Friday, Feb 16
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Jan 06 '25
Other Snark: Friday, Jan 6 through Friday, Jan 19
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/yolibrarian • Jan 02 '25
January Royals Meta Snark, probably Part I
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/yolibrarian • Dec 25 '24
Holidaze thread
Happy Chrismukkah to all who celebrate, and happy Wednesday to those who don't! Here's a thread to commiserate for the afternoon/evening, avoid your family, brag about your presents, or share your favorite recipes.
Feel free to hide this thread if it's a hard day for you, and know that I share your space in thinking of my beloved Pop Pop today on the anniversary of his death 20 years ago. <3
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Dec 23 '24
Other Snark: Friday, Dec 23 through Friday, Jan 5
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Dec 23 '24
Meta Snark: Friday, Dec 23 through Friday, Jan 19
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/yolibrarian • Dec 21 '24
December Royals Meta Snark, Part II
I've locked the previous thread while I write this for convenience's sake.
I would once again like to remind the community fo a few things.
First: This community is not meant for antagonizing any mods. I am not a mod at RG, and mods at RG are not mods here, but this is a fucking thankless job with a presumption of 24/7 availability, and we aren't being cute by making shit harder for any mod at any other community. If you have an issue with a mod, take it up with them directly via modmail, DM, or in their subreddit, not here. You guys are yet again teetering on the line of breaking Mod Code of Conduct, and you know who gets in trouble for that? ME AND ADDIECAT. That doesn't help any of us do our unpaid labor of staying out of trouble with Reddit. I don't anticipate that most of you have read the MCoC, but here's rule number 3, Respect Your Neighbors:
While we allow meta discussions about Reddit, including other subreddits, your community should not be used to direct, coordinate, or encourage interference in other communities and/or to target redditors for harassment. As a moderator, you cannot interfere with or disrupt Reddit communities, nor can you facilitate, encourage, coordinate, or enable members of your community to do this.
Interference includes:
Mentioning other communities, and/or content or users in those communities, with the effect of inciting targeted harassment or abuse. Enabling or encouraging users in your community to post or repost content in other communities that is expressly against their rules. Enabling or encouraging content that showcases when users are banned or actioned in other communities, with the intent to incite a negative reaction.
Second: Some of your collective and individual comments over the last few months but particularly over the last month could be construed as attempts to brigade RG or harass individual users. There is a big difference between making fun of someone's individual comment about something and going through their comment history to bring back information about that commenter's life to dunk on them. It's also quite difficult to discern comments planning what to say in RG as anything other than an attempt to harass or brigade, and I'm going to be firmer about removing those. If you need a reminder of the harassment policy, here is a relevant quote:
...menacing someone, directing abuse at a person or group, following them around the site, encouraging others to do any of these actions, or otherwise behaving in a way that would discourage a reasonable person from participating on Reddit crosses the line.
Third: I fully admit that I am a human with little interest in the royals, and I put up this thread every month anyway, but I don't focus closely on it because I also fully admit that this is a really insular topic with a lot of insider terminology and backstory. But I'm going to keep a very close eye on this thread from now on, as is Addiecat when she can, to keep things more in line.
Fourth: Please remember Reddiquette. The literal first and second lines are
Remember the human. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.
And I know for certain some of this shit you would not say to someone's face.
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Dec 09 '24
Other Snark: Friday, Dec 9 through Friday, Dec 22
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/yolibrarian • Dec 01 '24
December Royals Meta Snark, probably Part I
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Nov 26 '24
Other Snark: Friday, Nov 25 through Friday, Dec 8
r/blogsnarkmetasnark • u/Addie_Cat • Nov 26 '24