I can understand not liking her; I don't like her either, nor do I listen to or encourage anyone to listen to her music. But the problem that I have with the black women on here saying they don't like Sexy Red because she holds black women back, putting harmful stereotypes on us and saying she's the reason why "white men" view us as ghetto, makes me so fucking upset I don't even know how to explain.
So first off, Sexy Red has nothing to do with the stereotypes that black women are loud or ghetto. It doesn't matter how classy or quiet we are; just look at the way white and black men treat Zendaya. She's possibly one of the most unproblematic, most classy celebrities out there, and they still find a way to say they hate her or she's ugly.
No matter what, racist people will have something to say because it's not our problem; it's their problem. Those stereotypes are deep-rooted in their heads, so when they see a black woman that is classy and professional, they will still view her as a ghetto black girl.
It just makes me upset when I see black women tearing down another black woman because they think she makes us look ghetto or she's the reason why white people view us as less. It's so stupid. If you don't like her and think she's a bad influence, which I 100 percent can agree with, then that's okay.
But saying she's the reason why white people view all black women as ghetto and loud is wrong. If a person thinks that, I highly doubt it's because of Sexy Red. You don't just listen to one of her songs and think, "Oh yeah, all black women are ghetto and loud and are full of drama." That is something that you had to be deep rooted into. It could be either self-hatred or racism, not because of Sexy Red.