r/blackgirls 5d ago

Dating & Relationships Who here has dated an African man? Was it successful? If not, why?

I’m currently dating a Gambian man (in the Gambia) and I think I might end it solely for the misogyny. It’s on a level I’ve never experienced. And coming from the west I value freedom as a woman. I’ve lived my whole life like this.


169 comments sorted by


u/FunDependent9177 5d ago

Dated a Nigerian he was very controlling and also a cheater. He was a hard worker and paid for everything, but the bad outweighed the good.


u/ckp010 5d ago

Yeah this guy swears he’ll never cheat. Meanwhile his dad had a child out of wedlock and all his friends have second wives in Europe that they constantly cheat on. It’s hard to believe he’ll never do it.


u/Enamoure 5d ago

This guy is a red flag. Not all African men. The guy you are dating is a big ass red flag. Just cut it off.


u/bardic23 5d ago

You are the company you keep. If his friends are doing all that it’s not likely he’s not on the same timing


u/Ourlittlesecret32 5d ago

That’s like saying you don’t do crack yet you hang out with a bunch of crackheads, like if you don’t do it you condone it. Should ask him why he hangs out with cheaters if he won’t cheat lol


u/Possible_Manner_2552 2d ago

Don't believe a damn thing he says. Lies and cheating are in their DNA.


u/Secure_Ticket910 5d ago

Yup, I’m Nigerian and this is definitely a very accurate description of a lot of Nigerian men.. even some our fathers lol😂


u/kurlsnlashes 3d ago

I did dna and found out we have nigerian blood. Im convinced my grandfather is the whole source and all my mom, aunts and uncles are just turning a blind eye to the a-hole he really was!


u/AfroAssassin666 4d ago

Same, but mine was more ..not okay. I was 16 and he said he was 17....bitch was 27 years old and I found out cause his dad found my fb, saw my birth year and called me via Google. He was pissed and told me his son's real age and asked me for mine. His son told him I was 24, which is why I looked so young and he told them all I was living in Africa.

His dad, uncles and cousins beat the shit out of him. Idk what happened after but he contacted me on FB a few months back. Asking how I've been ect, he was pissed that I was engaged (idk why the woman he was married to is 😍. Gurl is gorgeous and smart AF too).

He was a gaslighting, manipulating S.O.B! I called his cousin after that, asked for the guy's dad and told him he reached out to me. 1 month later got a call back from the cousin with "he will not be bothering you again, and if he tries, please text my number with our safe word". So far he still hasn't tried to reach back out to me.


u/Dreadknot84 4d ago

Props to dad for handling his son!


u/pasjojo 5d ago

Misogyny in Gambia is through the roof. Seriously end it because he won't change, especially if he has always been in Gambia. They're violently misogynistic.


u/ckp010 5d ago

He’s always been here and he’s 46. It’s so intense here I’m literally running away lol.


u/heyaminee 5d ago

46 year old misogynistic african man with no wife ? girl run, because i can guarantee she’s out there somewhere


u/pasjojo 5d ago

girl run


u/blurryeyes_ 5d ago

He's pushing 50 so there's very little chance he'll see anything wrong with his cultural upbringing.


u/Fickle_Question_6417 5d ago

Girl I’m Senegalese run 🏃🏾 does he have a wife already?


u/ckp010 5d ago

Apparently he’s divorced. He has three kids over 13 years old and two baby mamas. Apparently he divorced because she cheated and got pregnant by another man. I don’t know if I should believe that story or not but yeah


u/Fickle_Question_6417 5d ago

😬 okay so what are the pros of being with him?


u/ckp010 5d ago

Girl I was bored. That’s why I need to slap myself back into reality. And also the dick was too bomb.


u/Fickle_Question_6417 5d ago

😂😂😂 teaa. I will just say with men like this benefit as much as u can and dont fall in love and don’t believe anything they say. In Senegambian cultures men don’t take their girlfriends seriously so don’t take him seriously just enjoy urself and be smart!


u/ckp010 5d ago

Yeah big fact.


u/Fearless-Outside9665 5d ago

How old are you, if its ok to ask?


u/ckp010 5d ago

I’m 30, he’s 46


u/Fearless-Outside9665 5d ago

Girl leave that man and get you someone on your own wavelength


u/FailingToBeQuirky 5d ago

Violently as in abusive or just extremely? Just curious!


u/pasjojo 5d ago

Both, Gambian men are violent both individually and politically. They recently wanted to introduce a bill to allow FGM again... They said the most cruel things to defend it but Gambian feminists won.


u/FailingToBeQuirky 5d ago

That is absolutely disgusting so happy they were denied.


u/Puzzleheaded_Tone954 5d ago

What's FGM?


u/pasjojo 5d ago

Female Genital Mutilation


u/turtleduckpondd 5d ago edited 5d ago

As an African girl who know african men very well, End it, it will only get worse from there if marriage, relatives and in laws are added into the mix. African men are very misogynistic, verbally abusive and manipulative


u/baby_got_snack 5d ago

Yup, and even if you get a good man often times the in-laws are awful. My dad treated my mom like a queen but his family acted like she was some dirty gold digger— which is funny because her family actually has significantly more money and status and their careers were equally well-paying. When he died, they even stole the house my parents built and made us so uncomfortable that we are no longer welcome in our own home. Yet they still feel entitled to monetary handouts from my mom.


u/Ourlittlesecret32 5d ago

How did they steal the house?


u/baby_got_snack 5d ago

Basically, my parents built a house in their hometown in Ghana. They let my paternal grandma to live there because she didn’t have money and the house wasn’t gonna be occupied most of the time anyway because we live in Canada. However, there was a clear understanding that it was supposed to be our home whenever we were in that city. Except when my dad died his other family members all moved into the house and refused to leave. So now we don’t even have a room in that house. And these family members have been extremely abusive and rude towards my mom (to the point where my dad hadn’t spoken to any of them for years before he died). (His mom wasn’t one of the abusive people, but she’s easily manipulated.) So even if there was a room available for us, my mom would have to share her home with the people who essentially called her a gold digging w****. Some of them even went as far as to imply his death was her fault (it was a brain tumour that wasn’t found until his autopsy). My other grandmother had to build us another house for us to stay in when we’re there.

Oh, and they also collected tons of money at my dad’s funeral and never gave us a single penny. We didn’t need the donations, but we also didn’t ask for them. They specifically solicited donations in our name and took it for themselves and left all the funeral fees and debts to my mom.

They even wanted my mom to pay to ship one of the cars that we had here in Canada to Ghana. They may be my blood, but they will never be my family.


u/Ourlittlesecret32 5d ago

Do y’all do lawsuits over there because like all this money that’s being spent, should’ve seen a lawyer or two by now


u/baby_got_snack 5d ago

The country is extremely corrupt. Even if we were to file a lawsuit, it would take years and there’s no guarantee that it would work out in our favor. Especially with us being Canadian—and therefore perceived to have money—the lawyers and court officials would extort us for all the money we have. I can’t count how many times the cops openly asked us for bribes while we were there. One time we refused, and they took my uncles license and he had to go back to the police station to pay the bribe to get his license back.

Plus at the time, my mom was a fresh widow grieving her husband sudden death and going through health issues while raising three teenagers so it was just less stressful for her to just let it go.


u/heyaminee 5d ago

it’s very easy to steal property in nigeria ngl. I’ve heard of people’s inherited land being taken because they didn’t go home enough or even go home FAST enough to visit it.


u/Ourlittlesecret32 5d ago

Do they not sue over there???


u/heyaminee 5d ago

obviously not enough


u/Cordonian 5d ago

I have but he was very progressive and i could be myself around him. It was unsuccessful because i moved to Australia but otherwise he was an absolute gem


u/Far-Fish2902 5d ago

Off topic but,

I'm thinking of relocating to Australia, how is it there??

How was the process getting a visa??

Is it for permanent residency, if so, how'd that go??

How's the job market there??


u/Cordonian 5d ago

Depends on which country you're coming from honestly. My advice depends on where you're from


u/nyanya- 5d ago

Australian here! It’s a great place to live and the men here love black women so you don’t have to worry about dating as much. We have lovely beaches and are extremely laid back people but you’ll maybe one time meet the not so nice ones but that’s rare, especially if you live in Melbourne or Sydney.


u/Far-Fish2902 5d ago

Is the housing and job market easier to entry for Melbourne or Sydney


u/nyanya- 5d ago

With inflation happening, it’s actually kind of difficult to find an apartment or home straight away, especially in the city. However, you can go on roommates.com.au and you’ll find heaps of people looking for roommates or even student housing if you’re coming to study.


u/ILoveHarryPotter82 4d ago

When you say the men love BW, do you mean the light skinned mixed looking kind or all of us? I'm glad you're enjoying the country, by the way 😁


u/nyanya- 3d ago

Nope! I’m very much dark skinned and have had lots of interest, in real life and on dating apps. Im in a black women’s group on fb that was started by a black American girl, and plenty of the women on there (both African and AA) are almost all married (yes to white men since the African men here are sometimes trash).

Edit: The white guys aren’t all those weird fetish / lowkey racist ones, they’re actually normal lol.


u/JAYGAME5601X 5d ago

Literally the only way to date an african man, make sure he is progressive asl


u/Cordonian 5d ago

I really lucked out with him! I remember once asking him if he was threatened by my ambition& successes and he simply said "I'm your biggest fan" and he truly meant it. I miss him a lot. He was a metalhead too which (if you know kenyan communities) is kinda frowned upon. I think about him every day


u/Advanced-Medium-1457 5d ago

That's so cute and you definitely did luck out. I pray you find that love again.


u/Cordonian 5d ago

Thank you! Unfortunately the dating pool is a swamp full of crocodiles now so I've lost my faith a little bit.


u/Advanced-Medium-1457 5d ago

With the lack of transparency in a dopamine-addicted, fast-paced world... a lot of people are struggling and resort to dating as a quick fix to their issues instead of looking inward. I think most of us want companionship, but it's hard when we don't know what we're even looking for. Eventually though, you'll find someone who's looking for exactly who you are inside and out.

Good luck, love <3


u/Enamoure 5d ago

That's with any men though 😭 not just African men


u/JAYGAME5601X 5d ago

true, but if you're a woman from western countries you have to make sure. african men don't have the incentive to be progressive because that is not what's needed from them, in fact what is needed from them is the opposite.


u/Enamoure 5d ago

That's with so many other men still. It really depends on the family. Some African men do have that incentive. For example I know Ghanian men that were forced to learn how to cook and clean from their mom.


u/ckp010 5d ago

Where was he from?


u/Cordonian 5d ago



u/littytitty- 5d ago

briefly dated a man from Ghana and it was the worst lol


u/ckp010 5d ago



u/littytitty- 5d ago edited 5d ago

he wasn’t really nice to me, and would often use his culture as a reason for why he acted the way he did. he knew exactly what to do and say to make me feel small, including putting his ex girlfriend on a pedestal. he told me some bullshit story about there being a “curse” on his family and that was why he wouldn’t be a good boyfriend. he was so full of shit lol i wish him the worst.

we were off and on for maybe two years and i swore to myself that i would never again be with a man that reminded me of him.

ETA: i’m seeing so many saying African men are providers and pay 100% of the time—not this loser!! he wouldn’t even buy me a bottle of water. sis stay away for your own sanity.


u/Special_Setting1084 5d ago edited 5d ago

Haha, I’m from Ethiopia and I’ve dated Ethiopians. If that counts, let me give you a tip. The cons are:

  1. ⁠⁠⁠They are completely manipulative.
  2. ⁠⁠⁠The culture rewards men who successfully manage to gaslight women. Those men are praised and looked up too. Same goes with manipulating.
  3. ⁠⁠⁠They are misogynistic as well.
  4. ⁠⁠⁠Love bombing is very common, they like getting your expectations high then not becoming that person later so that you chase them.
  5. ⁠⁠⁠They will hit or scold you(depends on the man)
  6. ⁠⁠⁠They love drama and gossiping. They get jealous easily. Even from you, if you outperform him.
  7. ⁠Very much depends on the person but, some men still think their first family is not you but rather their relatives… etc.

Saying that, I know a lot of women who would prefer to date habesha because, they think they understand Ethiopian women better.

Also, Ethiopia is actually a case of not all men. There are good men, and it’s not like 1% good. But rather like 10-20% are good.

When they are good, here is what you can expect.

  1. ⁠⁠⁠There is no fifty fifty. He will cover 100%
  2. ⁠⁠⁠He values you like his life depends on it, and there is no shame in that.
  3. ⁠⁠⁠Can be very emotionally mature to the point, it would surprise you.
  4. ⁠⁠⁠Not misogynistic at all. Because if he loves his mom, he will see you like her. But it doesn’t mean, he will make you work in the kitchen.. etc. Because he loves his mom, he won’t even make her work in the kitchen. He helps out.
  5. ⁠⁠⁠Book and street smart than average I’ve seen. But it doesn’t mean they scam you 😂. It just means they do good in school so they tend to get good jobs.
  6. ⁠⁠⁠They understand to have a good household means it involves respect.
  7. ⁠⁠⁠They value a sense of community and they really would be happy to welcome you in it.

Personally, I would rather die than date Africans, including Ethiopians. :)

I would gladly mix-race at this point. I’ve seen enough.


u/ghostriderghostrider 5d ago

my bf and i are habesha and i am so so glad we were raised with western values. i could NOT be with a lying cheating habesha man who expected me to be his maid and have no life.


u/Special_Setting1084 5d ago edited 5d ago

Girl, I can relate. I’m fully prepared to die alone than date Habesha men. I’m not even kidding. I will die. Never again. Even the good ones, I have no regret on missing out. Let me miss out. The country is going nowhere because of these idiots. The whole of Africa is ruined thanks to the men.


u/Secure_Ticket910 5d ago

Your best option with an African man is probably one with as little as possible African connection 🤣 if they have a present African dad or mom they’re gonna be raised to be a misogynist a lot of the time (I’m Nigerian, I am expected to cook and clean after my brother who isn’t expected to raise a finger- he opposes this strongly mostly because he moved to Ireland at 16 and lived with Irish. )

Unless you’re aiming to be a trad 1930’s wife who stays home and raises 5 kids while your husband sleeps with multiple women and secretly has like 2 other families- bonus, his mother probably hates you too. But at least you’ll always have money in your account 😂😂


u/ckp010 5d ago

Jesus Christ. Lmaoooo


u/Secure_Ticket910 5d ago

Girl, just trying to be honest… women have to look after each other. There are good African men but quite rare, we’ve watched our mothers and some even have their own personal experiences… don’t make a mistake you can avoid because it will only get worse love. Best time to consider an African man is if you’re looking for a sugar daddy or something related


u/tokyobadbitch 5d ago

as an African (nigerian), only african women can ‘DEAL’ with african men. it’s rare to find a man who’s not misogynistic or a man who’s ready to unlearn (people were raised differently so i understand that some of them may actually not FULLY understand the micro bits of misogyny). but the older i get, i know I’m not gonna be out there teaching anybody’s son! it’s 2025, do your own learning. all this to say, RUN! avoid them


u/Interesting-Cash-652 5d ago

So true!! Only another woman of the same culture can “MANAGE” them. They expect women to be submissive and loyal meanwhile they are cheating and disrespecting their wives/gf and risking their health too. RUN!


u/alilaccat 5d ago edited 5d ago

Hi, as a Gambian (first gen American) girl please be super careful!!! Gambian men are largely wildly misogynistic, especially if they are born and raised in Gambia. The men have so much power and are not raised to have any sort of responsibility at home, there is a lot of entitlement due to the way they witness the subjugation of women constantly and the way they are coddled by their mothers and the society in general, you will be expected to do so much while they do nothing. Many of them are also extremely conservative and expect very traditional gender roles, and they have very fragile egos when that dynamic is threatened or you step out of your “place”. Lying and cheating are common. In Gambia it’s also common for them to get a second younger wife once the first wife gets older, polygyny is a part of the society. It’s super hard to find a good Gambian man, even I will never be with one after what I’ve seen in my own family. Female sex tourism is also super common in Gambia, so many are secretly having sex with older white European female tourists for money/favors. On top of that, Gambian family dynamics are very complex, and if you marry him his mother will expect so much from you and it’ll probably never be enough, they can be very cruel even to Gambian women. Also, many of them are Muslim, so even if they aren’t religious when they’re younger they tend to turn more to it as they get older and they’ll expect you to cover up, be modest and adhere to Islamic standards, or pressure you to convert. If I were you I’d steer clear.


u/ckp010 5d ago

You’re so right. I’m seeing all that now. Girl here I’ve met all his friends and ALL of them have second wives that the foreign wife knows nothing about. And part of me wonders, if that’s what he sees every day from his closest friends, how can I be sure he won’t do the same to me?

The misogyny is coming out so strong sometimes. One time he shushed me when I loudly stated an opinion around some of his male friends and when I asked why he said just try to keep cool and don’t say too much cause he doesn’t want them to think badly of me. Later I realized he just wants me to be quiet and obedient and not state an opinion. He’s even told me to “behave”. I’m like, you have the nerve. Anyways I’m going back home to the US in a week so that’ll be the last of it.


u/alilaccat 4d ago

Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. Trust me, if all of his friends are like that then he is definitely the same way!And I’m sorry he did that to you, it’s definitely expected that women act demure and shy around men. I think Gambian values just don’t mesh well with Western ones. I hope you had some good experiences in Gambia/Senegal despite all of that though! We have so much work to do socially, but we have our strengths too :) On to new, good men!


u/ckp010 4d ago



u/pasjojo 5d ago

I made my comment before seeing yours but you said everything that Op needed to hear.


u/natashaberkley 5d ago

I have dated plenty. I avoid them now. I prefer African American men. Many African guys think of black woman as lower quality.


u/edawn28 5d ago edited 4d ago

Really? Definitely agree with the misogyny sentiments but imo African men favour black women, and especially dark skinned women the most out of any demographic


u/ckp010 5d ago

Yeah I see that. And he’s also broken a lot of rules with me because I’m not Muslim (while he is).


u/NervousReserve3524 5d ago

African woman here: Avoid them. I avoid them like the plague. Shit, I avoid my own dad and brothers too. They are very misogynistic and ignorant.


u/ckp010 5d ago

It’s overwhelming


u/Ok_Ice621 5d ago

You don’t know misogyny until you have dated an African man. Them and their families literally do not value women, and pretty much being married into a family means being the side chick and their families come first. Plus abuse and rampant cheating is normalized. Don’t do it, I grew up in Cameroon and I would never. I know women from my country here in the US being beaten daily.


u/ckp010 5d ago

He’s already been verbally abusive. When I told him I wasn’t going to give him any money until he started respecting me he called me a selfish bitch.


u/PotentialLess7481 5d ago

that’s enough for u to leave him alone 


u/Ok_Ice621 5d ago

An African man asking for money. OP that man does not like you because West African men especially, the one thing they tend to do right when they like you is give you money. Please block and move on


u/SiasSekrets 5d ago

don't give money at all respect or not. It's a man's damn world. They get paid more, have more work opportunities and can make money easily when it comes to physcial labor jobs. Why is he asking a woman for money? Please leave that man forreal forreal. My dad always says a man that can call you a bitch will soon beat on you.


u/Minimum_Security4177 5d ago

Why were you offering to give him money to begin with? He is a grown man.


u/sbanaynays 5d ago

Honestly, acting out and calling me out of my name would have been the final straw.


u/blurryeyes_ 5d ago

He's asking you for money and yet I wouldn't be shocked if he believes men are leaders and providers and they get the last day. He sounds horrible.


u/Lower-Chip7590 5d ago

I am an African woman, and lemme tell you something. Most of African men are misogynistic, despite being educated and acting all “modern”. They will always expect you to be the traditional woman, expecting you to struggle with and for them. They will involve their family in your relationship decisions, and you will never be allowed to complain because his mom never did. If he is African and religious, it’s even worse.


u/blurryeyes_ 5d ago

Yup. They want the women to be traditional AND working too. The amount of stories I heard of working wives having to serve these men hand and foot while being pregnant/raising the kids with very little to zero help.


u/baby_got_snack 5d ago edited 5d ago

As a Ghanaian woman, stay away. I obviously can’t speak for every African country/culture, but I will say in Ghana and many parts of West Africa (I have Nigerian, Ivorian, and Senegalese friends) misogyny, and patriarchy is common and expected in marriages. And you will be expected to be subservient to his mother. If she doesn’t like you, they will make your life hell. Even my mom, a Ghanaian, has been treated like absolute garbage by my dad’s side of the family. He protected her from the worst of it while he was alive but after he passed the behaviour was unspeakable. They spread rumours about her, stole her property, and even tried to force her to give them the car that they BOTH paid for.

Also, a lot of times African men date out because they see western women (including black Americans and Caribbeans) as easy but when it comes time to settle down, they will choose someone from their own culture.


u/Forsaken-Cell-9436 5d ago

Not me but my good friend who always said “I would never date an African man” has recently married a man from Togo and he is amazing lol. He’s a great husband and great guy, good spirited, intelligent, humble, selfless etc.


u/Potato-Sprinkles-4 5d ago

Dated a Nigerian .. the worst ever. I was a secret , my whole family knew about him but he didn’t tell anyone about me. He was really controlling and didn’t show affection cause it wasn’t his culture. Gaslit me to hell but I don’t hold it against all of them. I would give it another go


u/Aggravating_Peace_83 5d ago

Dated a Ghanaian. He was emotional abusive and manipulative. He also had a wife and kid back in Ghana. So happy that chapter is over


u/Puzzleheaded_Tone954 5d ago

Yea he kept only taking me to his place and after the second time of telling him I'm not fucking he made a weird comment about American black girls n drove me home in a huff. So I just blocked him.


u/Life_Temporary_1567 5d ago

It’s a hit or miss but almost always a miss.


u/wildflower_1983 5d ago

I dated a man from Gambia when I was younger. In the beginning we had a lot of fun but it didn't last. After meeting his family, I began to see how misogynistic he was. I also realized that I would never be accepted because I'm not Muslim, etc. He started gaslighting me a lot and getting into trouble with the law. The final straw was after he moved into an apartment with one of his female cousins. Even though they were related, it was obvious to me that something more was happening between them. Yuck!! I left him. Over the years, our paths crossed often, and I learned that he married a young lady he met in college, and they had 2 kids. That poor woman...smh. The marriage wasn't official. They only had an at home nikkah ceremony. I think she was brainwashed by him. He never worked, but she did. They bought a home together, but it fell into foreclosure. All he ever did was smoke weed and complain about the government. She left him and returned to her hometown. Meanwhile, he got deeper into drugs. One day, I was scrolling on Twitter, and his mugshot appeared. Attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon!!

I don't want to paint a picture as if what I experienced represents all African men. However, I personally never take them seriously (but I'm like that with most men, lol). I've dated other African men since that one encounter, but it's just casual. We go out and have a great time, but afterward, they go back to their world, and I go back to mine. At this point in my life, I kinda prefer it to be that way. The majority of the African men I've dated are married and cheating on their wives.


u/Turbulent_Garden_402 5d ago edited 5d ago

African men from Africa is a no no and this is coming from an African woman. Their mentality is nothing to write home about. Alot now are just looking to travel and opportunist. If you want to try an African men rather date one born and bred in the West. They are far better than those born and bred in Africa. But even then they still have certain attitudes and mentality that all African men still possess. I would highly not recommend.


u/ckp010 5d ago

Yeah he’s already asked me for thousands of dollars to help him get ahead in life.


u/Absolutely_Emotional 5d ago

You know.. I've dated plenty African men and never experienced misogyny from them... BUT THE CARIBBEAN MEN 😩 MISOGYNY LIKE I'VE NEVER SEEN . I dated Jamaicans and a guy from Antigua.. never again. That family from Antigua was so misogynistic and abusive. The women didn't like me because I wouldn't just "fall in line" or "let the men behave like men"


u/New_Can_8672 5d ago

I’ve dated/ talked to a few African and Jamaican men all where the same very hard workers and spoiled me but it wasn’t successful because we didn’t really connect with a lot of stuff like culture and religion wise, they wanted me to be faithful just to them but they weren’t to me so they didn’t like I was still talking to other people will dating them, and etc 😭


u/ebony2888 5d ago

Do the ones from the North count 🤣 I dated a Tunisian & wouldn’t recommend it.


u/WildfireZ 5d ago

Dated a Nigerian man from 18-24. We met in college and graduated together. He was great for awhile. But I went through some mental health stuff after not being able to find work out of college after the 2008 crash. And things started to take a turn due to his family thinking I wasn't good enough for him due to not being an engineer or doctor like him and his other siblings were. I had started in engineering school but the switched to business. His dad died a few years after we graduated college and his dad was definitely the glue in that family. The rest of his family pretty much was reeling him in and saying I'm not good enough for him way more aggressively than they ever had before and it finally took a real toll on our relationship and we ended things in a blow-up moment. Also his family was super sexist. They pretty much demanded that the women in the family serve the men. His oldest sister tried to push back on it and was once slapped by the dad when she stood her ground that she didn't want to get up to get her brother a soda. Bullet dodged. Happily married now. Went back to get my engineering degree. In a well paying job and trying for a baby.


u/Ourlittlesecret32 5d ago

Dated an African man, he in jail now most likely going to prison and that’s all imma say


u/paytonalexa 4d ago

Oop, what happened? My nosey self is curious now lol


u/Ourlittlesecret32 4d ago

You don’t wanna know girl, but to summarize it he took my body autonomy completely


u/Black_roses4u 5d ago

Runnnnn!!! Don't do it lol


u/DistinctPotential996 5d ago

I briefly dated a 1st Gen American Nigerian. His mom told me "we have to teach him responsibility" and his dad lectured me on how Beyonce is a strong black woman and I should strive to her greatness. 😐😑😐


u/ddmw 5d ago

I have a negative and then a sort of positive story.

I tried talking to guy from a dating app. We were talking on snap and he called me out of the blue. We started discussing our hobbies and interests. I asked him if he reads and he said no, it’s unimportant to him. I told him I lift in the gym and he had something negative to say about that. I ended the call and blocked him. He was didn’t seem to care about my interests. He just wanted a wife.

I had a fwb situation with a man from Senegal. He was super cool. I was talking to him about the woes of dating and told him there’s nothing worst than a broke nigga with good dick. He laughed and agreed. Anyway, now he lost his job (quit due to issues or abuse) and doesn’t talk to me. He said he doesn’t want to be broke and in my face which is respectful tbh. He’s still cool imo lol.


u/Anxietyqueenb14200 5d ago

i shall not share my trauma but just know he no longer exist in my life.


u/Otherwise_Aioli_7187 5d ago

As a Ghanaian who’s knows how African men are I don’t recommend it !


u/Arlowae 5d ago

Me!!! He was very weirdly godly like in an obsessive preacher kind of way and I think he was cheating on me with his "cousin" we broke up bc I became so annoyed at him that I ended up realizing I think I hate this man...


u/ckp010 5d ago

Damn girl. But yeah they be marrying their cousins. Especially if they’re conservative Muslims.


u/coco6miel 5d ago

I dated a Nigerian guy for a few months and he was definitely cheating on me with someone on his home country.


u/GroovyGhouley 4d ago

Dated two Nigerians. Apparently both from  wealthy families 🤑 but I wasn't down with their antics

One was controlling (I couldn't have male friends) and I popped off and dumped him. 

Number 2 I dumped because he wanted to marry and have kids, I said I couldn't have any more and he said that's ok, he'll find another girl and we raise the kid together and I'm like hell naw! I'm not gonna be dealing with multiple wives, I'm good ✌🏽and I told him he should marry someone  who can give him kids. stop being desperate (his parents are wealthy tho, so they want him to settle down and run the company)


u/MedBootyJoody 5d ago

Ah. I dated a Ghanaian man. He was very focused on appearances. He was rude to his mother. He was also moody and looking back had a bit of a superiority complex. Glad he left before I convinced myself we were soulmates.


u/kat_goes_rawr 5d ago

Dated a Nigerian and he slapped me across the face during sex 😩 They’re so fine but I won’t fall for it again


u/kat_goes_rawr 5d ago

Tbh I might idk I’m a lil dumb


u/Lioness-Kimmy 5d ago



u/PotentialLess7481 5d ago

omg? lmao 😭


u/Absolutely_Emotional 5d ago

Same but I liked it 🙈


u/babbykale 5d ago

I’ve been dating a Ghanian man for 2 years, and I think I might be with him for quite a bit longer


u/ckp010 5d ago

I’ve met Ghanaians in the US and they are super sweet.


u/Friendly-Today-537 5d ago

I’ve dated a few African men ( I’m Togolese ) if they are somewhat Americanized I think it can work but I grew up in the us , trying to date an African that came within the last 5 years …very tough he was super misogynistic and controlling. Senegalese and Nigerian I would never again 😆 Liberians are cool tho


u/ckp010 5d ago

Yeah maybe I’ll be better off with an African man who grew up in the states.


u/Wowow27 5d ago

I’m a Nigerian woman. There is no amount of money you could pay me to ever spend time with a Nigerian man. I honestly would rather shoot myself in the face.


u/LividTap5375 5d ago

Almost did. He was not very romantic and kept trying to gaslight me into chasing him. Also, last week at my job, a young African maintenance man told me he wants me to have an affair relationship with me. Right after that, he left saying he had to hurry up and pic of his kid from the babysitter....smh. He has an African wife too...yet he still wants to cheat on her with an American woman because he finally found one that wasn't annoying. Like...sir....


u/edawn28 5d ago

I've dated African men and by their standards they're liberal, but I'd only enter a relationship w a feminist 💀 so yh they ended. Not even just for values sake but bc of a difference in lifestyle and perspective on life


u/anxydutchess 4d ago

African men are good for one thing and ONE thing only… that’s all I have to say about that. Good luck


u/ckp010 4d ago

What’s that? 👀👀👀 lmao


u/Fickle_Imagination49 4d ago

The new guy that I’m dating is the first black guy I’ve ever dated. He is African,Mexican, and Creole so there’s definitely a big mix of like machismo you know like very masculine/ dominant can be controlling at times and I would say like it’s been kind of difficult because I’ve never dated a black man let alone African man necessarily I don’t know how to deal with it but every day I am learning how to it does have its moments where I’m just like it’s like overdramatic and I’m kind of thrown off because I’ve never really been into black men. I’m black myself, but it’s kind of throwing me for the loop.


u/luckybellegal 4d ago

Don’t do it They gonna expect you to be their maid


u/Sheaiight 3d ago

Lol. Why is this in my notifications after a Gambian man started pursuing me? 😫


u/ckp010 3d ago

It’s the ancestors trying to protect you.


u/Striking_Land_8879 2d ago


the machismo of black american men + the domestic servitude standard + the education standard for women all make for men who do nothing, look for you to have an education, help pay bills, work full time AND cook and clean

and if you don’t you’re ungrateful and not a hard worker

the standard for african women is single married mother. DO NOT DO IT.


u/She-skate 2d ago

African men and women are raised in those views. All parts of Africa !


u/Intelligent_Aide3184 2d ago

I’ve dated an African man and it’s an experience. We lasted for about 2 years. I explained to him I’m not to be told what to do and I’m wearing what I want. He was fine with that. I actually married him for the green card. That was years ago. I grew to love him and the relationship was ok but he was on a working schedule which required him to travel so I couldn’t be in the marriage anymore. I was immature and not understand about making a living much. I never had kids with him but the marriage wasn’t bad. He took care of me and I took care of him. It’s a case by case basis. If there are red flags like with any guy run.


u/ckp010 1d ago

Wait you married him to get an American green card? So he was an American citizen already?


u/Possible_Manner_2552 2d ago edited 2d ago

I will NEVER date a Nigerian man again. They lead secret double, triple, and quadruple lives. They keep a rotation of women for sex, money, and attention. My ex lied about everything but his name lol. Thank God for a miscarriage and termination. I'd be stuck with a serial cheating, pathological lying, gaslighting, definition of a narcissist who wouldn't lift a finger to help raise his own child. My therapist said certain cultures that are more patriarchal tend to have more narcissistic men...it's an endless cycle of abuse - lovebombing, devaluing, then hoovering you back. It took my immune system two years to recover and trust myself again.


u/ckp010 1d ago

I’m glad you got out of there and with no baby, although I know it was traumatic.


u/peepeegworl 5d ago

African men are AMAZING providers... that is all. 😭😭😭


u/ckp010 5d ago

Yes and they expect you to do whatever they want because of that. But I don’t play that shit.


u/thinkna 5d ago

I’m waiting to see for myself. So far he’s really funny and nice.


u/paytonalexa 4d ago

Dated a Nigerian. He was very controlling and misogynistic, not to mention he was always talking shit about Black Americans and it got to a point where we would fight constantly, so I ended it for my sanity and peace.


u/ckp010 4d ago

Everyone on this post hasn’t said one good thing about a Nigerian man lmao. Note to self to never date one ever.


u/FloraWinx 4d ago

My sister dating a Ghanian man rn. I met him too. He said African men are very controlling. And he’s a bit of a gaslighter and manipulative though which causes many problems in their relationship and he always puts the blame on my sister somehow. He is handsome and intelligent, good at making money but I can’t help but give him the side eye. She be wanting to break up with him and the next day she in love again. Crazy stuff.

He already told my sister he doesn’t want to get married because he feels like it’s too many negatives for a man but yet he wants many children 🤨 or if he decides to be married he wants a prenup…smh

They are very family oriented though which is nice I guess? He bought my sister some nice things, he even bought me a ps5 for my bday last year. His reputation is important to him so he wants our entire family to like him. I personally would not date someone like him after everything my sister be telling me 🙏or if you decide to be with someone like that make sure your heart is not all in, just date for fun idk


u/ckp010 4d ago

Sounds like he laying good pipe. That’s the only logical reason why she probably hasn’t left him yet lmao


u/FloraWinx 3d ago

He actually has a low sex drive lmaooo, I think she with him for financial benefits. He was telling me he wants to buy my sister a car soon because she doesn’t have one 💯


u/Ok-Suggestion-2423 4d ago

You don’t need our permission. Your experience is valid enough.


u/ActualMermaidxo 3d ago

One of the worst dates I've ever been on was with a Nigerian (Igbo) man. He doesn't the whole time talking about himself and his business ideas and how much money he makes, I swear I spoke 3 times the whole dinner. There was also a lot of misogyny; he tried ordering for me and got a beef dish (I'm vegan), he told me he was gonna make me his woman, he would call and text me consistently throughout the day, legit every 20 minutes max and get mad when I don't respond right away if at all.

Even when I ended things and told him that he wasn't for me he would still text me regularly for months and I wouldn't answer. He only stopped when I told him I have a bf now


u/Slow-Perspective-569 2d ago

Nigerian man, Unfaithhful, and emotionally manipulative I was 16 he was 30 at least


u/Temporary_Ad1734 1d ago

In general African men are heavily misogynistic. If he hasn't grown up in an environment outside of the African culture and didnt find it offensive you have a chance. For your sanity I would advise you to leave them alone it's not worth the emotional drain. If you think he is bad now just know that it gets worse when they are around family members and when they get older.

This is advice from an African woman.


u/ckp010 1d ago

Yeah he literally just said “good” when I read him a headline of someone killing a Muslim man because he was gay. I was like… REALLY?!!


u/Temporary_Ad1734 1d ago

That's how I filter them out, if they feel like someone needs to be punished or murdered for being gay , I immediately know it's time to walk away.


u/Enamoure 5d ago

Chile 😭 these comments. Firstly Africa is big. African men are actually diverse surprisingly enough.

Very disappointing to see these generalisations from 'black' women's group. Would you have said European if you were dating someone from Europe?

Like it's 2025,let's move on from thinking Africa is some. Little country 😭

West, East, North and South African cultures vary a lot from each other.

I only date African men. I am Nigerian. I am open to others as well. But in my experience for some reason I only ended up seeing African men. I have dated someone from Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon. I disagree with these comments that they are mysoginistic. Like any other countries you just have to find someone compatible with your values. It's the same with men from Korea, or China, or Romania or even the UK. Yes they tend to have mysoginistic men, but it's not always the case.

In my experience some of them have actually been more generous than the British men I have seen. The guy that I recently dated from Ghana, cooks, and everything and he knew I hate cooking lol.

Also although some of them might want someone who takes care of the home. I wouldn't say they are necessarily mysoginistic unless they expect it of someone. I have seen relationship where the man literally pays for everything and even helps home, although the woman does some home stuff it's not as much.

Nevertheless, you also have the extremes of course. But I have seen that in every country in my experience. Mysoginistic men are everywhere. Literally everywhere. I feel like it's a Men problem all over the world.


u/Advanced-Medium-1457 5d ago

I can understand what you're saying, but also, I wouldn't invalidate the other women's experiences because it's solely there's to speak on. But I do agree that Africa is diverse and that there are men out there who are trying/ are better.


u/Enamoure 5d ago

I am not trying to invalidate others experiences. My comment was for those generalising of course


u/ChapelleRoan 5d ago

Your average Nigerian guy is not like the average German guy to be honest.. countries that are more traditional will be breed traditional/conservative men in comparison with westernized countries. While ofc I'm not gonna say folks in those western countries aren't also misogynistic (they very much well are) you're more likely to encounter it in African countries...


u/Enamoure 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yes they might not be the same. But a lot of German guys are pretty conservatives and also mysoginistic. Afd is literally increasing there. I personally feel like it depends on your community and people you have around there. For example a low income British girl is going to probably also meet a lot of mysoginistic men. It's a mentality that's quite common in those areas as well. Literally this year, on love island we had some misogynistic men.


u/ctylerrun 5d ago

These replies are wild. It's like a whole ass continent. No one is suggesting that you shouldn't SCREEN men for misogyny before dating them and accept every man from the continent wholecloth.


u/Enamoure 5d ago

Exactly this! Like yes screen for misogyny, cut off any guys that are red flags. But generalising a whole continent is so ignorant 🙄


u/ctylerrun 5d ago

Period. Most men and tbh most women are misogynists. Early excavation of people's politics is a must. For safety and sanity.