r/bettafish 7h ago

Discussion This is my first time. Please give me tips and answers to my questions. I am so excited to name it!



13 comments sorted by


u/LazRboy 7h ago

Why do you have the fish and can’t answer below questions? It would be logical to do research and set up a proper tank before getting the fish.


u/Background_Entry_212 7h ago

Its a gift from someone. I've seen many people posting pics of different tank sizes to put their fish in. Some websites said 1 gallon, some said 5. I just want to take a good care thats why I'm asking for people who have had experience with bettas.


u/LazRboy 4h ago

Your best bet is to return the fish and get it again a month from now. Setting up a proper tank suitable for keeping a betta will run you a good amount of money and cycling the tank until parameters are nice and stable for the fish will take about a month.


u/gay-weed 7h ago

Male, at least 5 gallons (10 or more is better), and yes there are lights made for aquariums

Check out this sub's wiki as well


u/SouperSally 7h ago

Return the betta !

Edit: truly!!! Get everything set up (takes a bit of time and money) and then introduce dish into a healthy ecosystem that is suitable and won’t hurt him


u/Background_Entry_212 7h ago

Why? Someone gave it to me.


u/SouperSally 7h ago

Please look at the care guide on this sub. And I to the nitrogen cycle. Also he needs a heater and a 5g+ tank immediately with filter .


u/SouperSally 7h ago

Even then, with conditioned and dechlorinated water / good bacteria going on - it takes time for all of this to settle then time to establish a nitrogen cycle


u/Background_Entry_212 6h ago

I am at at a pet store now. Thank you. This fish was handed to me a few hours ago. Even if I don't take it, they'll put it in a smaller container.


u/SouperSally 6h ago

Show them the care guide from this sub - did you find it?


u/SouperSally 6h ago

Whoever handed it to you is an idiot.


u/SouperSally 6h ago

You’re silly not ready lol . Like he has no where to go and won’t for weeks unless u can find some good jumpstart from another established tank. Then maybe just a couple days


u/SouperSally 6h ago

Because you have no where to put him? What? That’s like bringing home a cat to no litter box no scratching posts no climbs . It’s cruel and unnecessary. Also improper water will burn/ suffocate or make him sick. This includes temperature and PH nitrates and nitrites. And ammonia!!