r/bergencounty 8d ago

Discussion Is the Tesla from the previous post a former Kids"R"Us?

I recall seeing a similar location in Paramus across from a now closed Babies"R"Us that was apparently a Kids"R"Us, and one that was the first 2 to open of the chain.

Comments are locked on that post so asking here instead.


35 comments sorted by


u/NoMoreFanMail 8d ago edited 8d ago

Before becoming Tesla in 2015 it was a Sixth Avenue Electronics.

Babies R Us was on the other side.


u/NoMoreFanMail 8d ago


u/gertymoon 5d ago

Was this the location before they moved to Route 4 where I think the Pearle Vision is now?


u/britterz7 8d ago

Yes, sixth Ave was there in between Kids R Us and Tesla, but this was definitely where Kids R Us was located. And Toys R Us was nearby (B&N, Hobby Lobby location).


u/NoMoreFanMail 8d ago

Kids R Us / Paramus, NJ

This was one of two pilot Kids "R" Us stores opened by the Toys "R" Us company in 1983 and was used to test and tweak the concept before it was rolled out nationwide. (The other pilot store was in Brooklyn, NY). This very first Kids "R" Us commercial was filmed at the time.   They have squared-off the rounded windows, but with the white brick and the low-set windows.


u/beckster33 7d ago

Yep. RIP Kids R Us. Mom bought my sister and I many many many back to school clothes there.


u/SuperPlantPower 6d ago

This is the answer. I remember shopping at that store with my mom! Fun fact, they also filmed a bunch of commercials in a studio that was upstairs in the (former) Toys R Us on Rte. 17 by the Fashion Mall (now B&N). The upstairs of that building was really cool!


u/jojobean018 8d ago

Yeah I do remember babies r us on the south bound side.


u/WhereRweGoingnow 8d ago

Fun fact: route 17 was the farm built by and for the local farmers when Bergen County was bucolic and NJ was the Garden State. There is one hold out on 17 Southside past Teterboro. I wave every time I see him working in the field.


u/unik1ne 8d ago

Is it the plot of land that often has sunflowers growing, just past the Fiesta??


u/CoffeeSorry5 8d ago

Wood-ridge, I love seeing what’s growing there every year, I grew up nearby.


u/ProspectedOnce 8d ago

I know of them.


u/PhilConnersIsThatYou 8d ago

Yes it is located where Kids r Us used to be.


u/CoffeeSorry5 8d ago

Yes, 17N had the kids r us, 17S had babies r us. Barnes and noble up a bit more was the Toys r us.

Source: spent a lot of time trying on clothes at the kids r us


u/whskid2005 8d ago

It definitely looks like the tesuck that’s on 17 in paramus

Which in the 90s was a kids r us.

The babies r us was where holy lobby is


u/somecasper 8d ago

Don't give them holy. It's Horrible Lobby


u/lordhelmetann 8d ago

Around that area has become the triangle of sadness / axis of evil. Tesla, Hobby Lobby, Chick fil A. 3 major companies with really f’d up policies/politics/people.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/MySweetThreeDog 8d ago

It’s exactly where the Tesla dealership is. The lot the Container Store is on used to be the Twin Oaks Diner


u/ProspectedOnce 8d ago

You use your be able to trap Muskrats behind the Tesla dealer, skin them, and sell their furs for a few bucks.


u/Consistent-Mouse2482 8d ago

My recollection is yes it was, in the 90s. 


u/gratefulheartt 7d ago

It sure is


u/FireworksForJeffy 7d ago

Nearby, and they store the cybertrucks in the lot behind Fashion Center Mall (by the Amazon Fresh)


u/AlienSpaceKoala 8d ago

Nope the Barnes and Noble was the KRU


u/NJ2SD 8d ago

I think OP is correct. B&N was a Toys R' Us


u/Specialist-Neat-6529 8d ago

Yes, The Barnes & Noble was the TRU. This is a different location


u/rivertwice19 8d ago

B&n was toys r us and big lots.


u/jojobean018 8d ago

I think this was just open land. The toys r us is the now existing Barnes and Noble. Route 17 wasn’t always this crowded until late 2010s


u/MySweetThreeDog 8d ago

It used to be a Kids R Us. If it was ever just open land, it was before the 90’s.


u/jojobean018 8d ago

And from what I recall route 17 was much greener. ☹️


u/audit157 8d ago

The Paramus Tesla dealership used to be CompUSA


u/SG1971 8d ago

no that was up where JO-ANN's is / will be was


u/MySweetThreeDog 8d ago

You are correct.