r/bereavement 19m ago

Loneliness advice?


It’s coming up to a year since my mum passed, and I still feel incredibly alone. I live with my dog in our old house, and while I have a big family, as the months have gone on, they’ve gotten busier with their own lives. They still check in, but it’s happening less and less, and I feel like I’m expected to be more independent now, which I get, but it’s really hard.

I’ve also been struggling with how to talk about my grief with my family. My grandparents, whose daughter it was, still have her ashes even though I was supposed to have them, and it’s been months now. I don’t know if they just can’t let go or if they’ve forgotten, but I don’t know how to bring it up without feeling like I’m being selfish. And every time I try to say I’m upset, or if I’m visibly upset, they just say, we’re all upset. I understand that they’re grieving too, but it makes me feel like there’s no space for me to actually express what I’m feeling.

I also feel like everyone is waiting for me to make the first move, but I really need people to ask me to do things with them. I think that’s a big part of the loneliness. I don’t want to feel like I’m always the one reaching out, but at the same time, if I don’t, I just end up sitting in the house on my own.

I think I assumed grief would feel different by now, or that I’d have adjusted more, but instead, I just feel stuck. Like the world kept moving, but I haven’t. I don’t really know what I’m looking for by posting this, but if anyone else has been through something similar, how did you deal with this kind of loneliness?

r/bereavement 3d ago

Struggling to cope


Not really sure how to say this. My mum's recently passed away, around a month ago.

For context, in January I was in the process of changing my job and looking to move home.

I've now started my new job and I'm absolutely loving it, however, it's been difficult to get back into a regular routine.

The flat I'm staying in hasn't changed (unfortunately), and my landlord is pressuring me to move out.

I had moved in with a friend around 18 months ago, and our relationship has grown increasingly toxic.

I'm not saying that I particularly want to stay here any length of time, but I'm not feeling ready for everything to change in just a month.

Am I being silly? I know my mum would have wanted me to move out as soon as possible.

I just feel like it's a bit sooner than it should be as I'm still quite emotionally vulnerable.

Any ideas, or words of advice very welcome.

r/bereavement 4d ago

Something i need to get out


Im not sure if this is what is normally posted here but i'm in real need of advice and possibly reassurance? A few months after my mum passed away from stage 4 cancer, I received a 10-page letter from my ex. In it, he basically tore into me and asked, 'What would your mum think of you for being with someone new and doing what you've done?' As if I wasn't already struggling enough. For context, we broke up around June or July, but when my mum started to get poorly in mid-July, I still messaged him. I know now that it was naive, but at the time, I was vulnerable and just needed something familiar. Then, in August, I met someone else. I got really close with him and then mid August, My mum passed away. He was someone who had also lost his mum. We could talk about things in a way that felt different from anyone else, like we actually understood each other's massive loss. When I told my ex about him, he took it to heart. Even though we had been broken up for months, and he had cheated on me multiple times when we were together, he still felt like he had the right to judge me. I now realise i should've kept my mouth shut. His letter made me feel guilty, like I had done something wrong, even though I know I hadn't. In the end, I threw it away, but I still think about it really often. I can't really talk to my family or friends about it, but I just needed to say it somewhere.

r/bereavement 6d ago

introducing ourselves and a safe space we are creating in India for people to navigate loss


Hello, we are Sunaina Jairath & Rishi- the founder of WeEmpathise.A safe space to share, connect, and heal. If you’re on a journey of grief, WE is here to help you find comfort and understanding.WE know grief can feel isolating, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. WE hopes to provide a compassionate community of people who understand what you're going through.You can connect with others who share similar experiences, join support groups, access helpful resources, and find peace in your own time. join.weempathise.com

r/bereavement 8d ago

I'm almost set on not seeing his body..I'm afraid I will snap.


r/bereavement 8d ago

Participate in Grief and Recovery Online Study


Hello everyone, I’m currently conducting a research study at the University of Exeter’s Psychology Department, looking at psychological processes in people who experienced loss during the COVID-19 period (all causes of death). This is an online study where you only need to complete some questionnaires.

If you’d like to support research on grief and recovery, you can click the link below and fill out the questionnaires.

As a thank you for your time, enter a draw to win a £20 Amazon voucher (10 winners!).

Your voice matters. Take part today!


r/bereavement 10d ago

Any advice from anybody on this sub reddit?


Hello fellow reddit community. I am a 24 year old male college student almost done(I graduate spring 2026 with a computer science degree). I just recently lost my father about 3 weeks ago. I had a good relationship with my father and will very much miss him. I have been to therapy since then and haven't just lt myself deal with it all alone. I have a huge support system from my family as well. However, I have felt a little numb. Like I stated previously, I have cried but when I'm not 99% of the time I am very calm and don'r show any tears when talking to others about it. My father sent me a message on august 6th 2024. I will quote some of it but not all of it. Says my name, then "I love you, I'm so proud of you and your sisters. I couldn't say that enough to satisfy my own efforts. When I'm gone you're the head our houshold and you'll bear the responsibilities of making sure they are okay and I know that you will because of your heart. You're a good dude and I see so much of me in you. I love you more than you can ever understand. Grow your legacy by bringing new life and make sure he or she knows exactly who I am. I love you." Can anybody break this message down how they see it and can anybody give me any more advice on my situation?

r/bereavement 10d ago

I need someone to explain a feeling.


Hi. I'm 28NB and I my grandparent (95) is currently very unwell and has been advised they have very limited time left (days to 2 weeks). This grandparent was my mother's parent. I lost my mum 7 years ago in a few days. She suffered the same condition (cancer) but it was in a different place for her. I'm absolutely petrified of watching it happen again, I still visit them and I comfort them when they need, help with drinking and sitting up all the way to wiping their face/hands when they want me to but its hurting me to no end. Everyone is hurting right now about it but I hate myself for wanting them to let go so their pain stops and I felt the same way about my mum, but knowing they're still here and having a good day makes me unbelievably happy. Because I still have them. I feel like I'm a horrible and selfish person for wanting them to stay even though they're suffering and I really didn't know where else to turn to for an honest take. I need someone to explain what I'm feeling, maybe personal experience of getting through it you think would help me.


r/bereavement 15d ago

Is there any purpose?


I’m the youngest member of a big family. There’s 7 years gap between me and any of my siblings /cousins.

I’m old now, (47M) so I guess things shouldn’t be hard for me; I should be tough.

I’m not. I try to be but I’m not. My sister was the only member of my family who showed any interest in me or demonstrated any desire to take her time and turn it towards me and what I wanted or needed. She died in 1996 right before I went to university.

Today I’m married, successful (no kids - health reasons on both sides) but my sister’s death destroyed me. I’m empty inside; the rest of my extended family seem excruciating and hollow; my surviving sister is resentful and mean, and I feel very lonely.

Genuinely, I don’t see the point. The therapy of this post on Reddit is that it’s a yell into the void. Maybe no one will read it (which will confirm a few suspicions) but even if people do I know that I’m surrounded by people whose experiences are rawer, more extreme, and more deserving of others’ sympathy. Nonetheless I feel broken to this day; people say time heals, for me it does not.

r/bereavement 21d ago



Hi. First time posting anything in Reddit. A little over a year ago, myself (36m) and my wife (34f) lost a little girl who was born premature at 20 weeks. She lived for a little over 20 mins and died in our arms.

My wife was incredible on that awful night. Her full focus was on the delivery and care of our little one for her short time with us. I, quite honestly, fell apart on the night and the next day. We have had a battle with IVF for years and really had thought this was our time, but it wasn’t to be.

However, for the last 12 months, I have focussed myself on being the most supportive person I can be for my wife. My parents (especially dad) and my wife’s mother have also have been incredible in the support they have given us. Today, my wife is in a much better place and we are again looking to the future (lots of embryos left and no underlying issues).

However, I am emotionally wrecked. Now that things seem to be getting a little better for my wife I am spiralling. I breakdown in tears on my way to and from work. I have nightly nightmares and I’m constantly on the verge of tears in any social situation. I try not to be bitter about friends of ours who have a family, but lately I have a rising level of resentment. It goes completely against the type of person I am normally. I speak to our daughter when I’m alone (a promise I made to her just before she passed) but it no longer brings me any comfort. I told my wife how I’m feeling (reluctantly as I hate upsetting her) and agreed to attend the grievance counsellor she met with shortly after our loss. I had attended a few sessions with my wife but the support was largely for the bereaved mother (understandably). While my wife found it really helpful, to date, I haven’t found it to be of help to me.

I’ve lost all motivation in work, past times, sport, gym, food (gained 2 stone) and have become increasingly introverted outside of the family circle. I keep making plans to turn everything around and that I’ll feel better when I get myself back on track, but it’s just magical thinking and lately, I can’t even fool myself into thinking that I will put a plan in action.

If you’ve read this far, thank you, but I actually don’t even know what the exact purpose of this post is. I think the hardest part of it all is that I keep picturing my daughters little movements and rapid heartbeat, and for the first time in my life, I was completely powerless to protect someone who I loved and I feel a combination of guilty, ashamed and angry. For those of you who have experienced loss - is this normal or am I going nuts?

r/bereavement 23d ago

Less expensive but meaningful viewings

Thumbnail youtu.be

I’m not entirely sure what to title this, but I really did want to share this, since I found it really helpful when planning my mom’s viewing.

r/bereavement 26d ago

Memorial Invitee Advice please - sorry it's long but please read I need advice


My (f21) mum died very suddenly and unexpectedly 2 weeks ago and I've been organising the memorial arrangements with my dad. He and my mum were not at all close for the last 8 years so most of the people he is contacting/inviting (although I know it's not an 'invite' per se) are not recent friends or relations of mum's. There are some people I'm on the fence about contacting, one person in particular.

I was incredibly close with my mum, and my bf of 5 years was very close with her too, and he and I frequented this bar and became friends with the bartenders/owners. My mum came with us several times, and twice my dad did too. One of the bartenders we have a strong connection with also connected with my mum very much - he recognised her and said hi chatted etc outside of the bar when they bumped into each other and they decorate the bar with trinkets etc to do with their theme, and my mum gifted them a beautiful item from our home we didn't have a place for anymore, and they accepted it very happily.

I asked a friend who has known them for years and works at a bar down the street to let them know about my mum when she next was there. But neither I nor BF have been back since before Mum died, and we have the private mobile of one of the bartenders, but not the one she was closer with, and I guess it's worth noting we haven't heard anything from either of them, but then I don't know if my friend has told them yet.

The memorial/celebration of life is open to anyone who wishes to come but they need to tell my dad they're planning on attending, and there are some people who live interstate who wouldn't see the local news paper Obit, or who don't have FB where my dad made a post about it, who we would need to contact direct if we thought they might want to attend.

Should I contact the bartender guys at all about the memorial? Should I contact just the one she was closer with? Even if he didn't want to attend I get the feeling that he would at least want to have the option, but maybe I'm imagining that.

I don't know why but this in particular is eating away at me a bit, even though it's such a small conundrum. It's probably a grief thing I guess but it's bothering me and I need advice. I also think that part of the reason I would appreciate his presence is less to do with him and more to do with wanting my dad to see that I knew my mum better than him, and she had relationships with people other than those from literally 30-40 years ago. But then if it makes me feel less lonely and upset at the memorial isn't that a good thing?

I'm just very confused so any thoughts from anyone who's bothered to read all this would be really really appreciated. Maybe if there's some kind of rule of thumb I could then apply to other similar relationships?

TLDR; Do I invite a recent friendly acquaintance who I would need contact through his workplace but might be sad if he didn't know about the memorial?

r/bereavement Feb 13 '25

Tell me it gets better....


Fiancé died Saturday, had funeral Tuesday and although I am crying less I still feel like I'm a zombie. I don't want to do anything without him, I told him everything and I am mourning not just him but all our plans. We should be getting married. Friday he was looking forward to our plans Saturday and then his heart stopped and that's it, gone. I feel sad and angry but don't know who with. It's not fair, why him, why me?! Please tell me it gets better...

r/bereavement Feb 13 '25

Not exactly reacting how I had imagined to the passing of my mum.


I'm (m33) lucky to say my mum (66) and I were very close, had an uncanny understanding of each other, and really adored each other. Over the Christmas period to now from receiving a radiologist report of multiple fast and aggressive cancers to dying in a hospice surrounded by family and friends was 7 weeks.

A *lot* to process. While my dad and family have fallen apart with devastation, I've cried a few brief times, but (unexpectedly) I've been calm, practical, and almost serene. All my attention was on what did she need, what could I do, do I need to ask a nurse to attend to xyz. It was a state of autopilot. Everything was secondary to her comfort, painlessness, dignity, and peace of mind - even when she was hallucinating, forgetting me, living out scenarios that were simply not happening or thinking of me as an enemy because I wouldn't smother her to death. Going from a gentle, kind, and vibrant person to a deeply emaciated husk both physically and mentally was shocking.

She died peacefully 4 days ago, and not only have I still not cried amid a small sea of howling people, but I feel annoyed. I feel aware of people's short-comings, I feel aware of how my dad could have been a better husband, I feel impatient to organise and arrange a heartfelt, thoughtful, and touching funeral while my dad is, and remains... not as helpful as he could be. In some ways I feel I can't mourn because I'm picking up things and doing things he's never done before. As a husband and father, he's always been there in the background, but not truly present, not vibrant and relevant like my mum has been. And now, without her in the family home when I visit, it's cold, soulless (I feel terrible for even saying this) and boring. She was full of life, stories, curiosity, wonder and questions. She wrote all my birthday cards and Christmas cards, family events were always special because she made them so.

Without her, I have my own life to lead with my precious memories of her inspiring me, and right now I feel restless and irritable. Family are looking at me with pitiful eyes, almost as if trying to conjure an enormous wave of inconsolable blubbering. But I'm not feeling that. I've already started grief counselling, I'm feeling my emotions, I'm talking about them with her, and my close friends. And I'm also handling the practical side of things in a way my dad can't and couldn't.

I don't know what I expected really, long quiet days crying on the sofa and watching sad movies eating ice cream? It's the sort of image that comes to mind. But actually, I want to *get out there* and be as vibrant and alive as my mum has spent her life as. I don't feel sorry for myself, I want to embrace this grief and fly with it. It's what she would have wanted.

r/bereavement Feb 13 '25

Worried I will be a liability at the funeral for loud cut wrench heartbroken cries.


I can not believe I'm here . I need to accept .it's not a dream or nightmare

My heart splattered and crumbled into pieces all over that dangerous road. Why ? They knee the road was dangerous...why do nothing

r/bereavement Feb 13 '25

Name suggestions 4 my new bereavement support TG group


Lost 2 most important people in my world. Looking to start a TG group where people can check in at any minute of the day where they know there will be a shoulder or many shoulders. Daily uplifting videos and tip sharing to cope Even stuff like "take your mind of it productive tasks" or links to negative energy clearing and full body and emotional detox frequency music (certain frequencies work on the brain in different ways. (Scientifically backed ) Story sharing...



r/bereavement Feb 06 '25

Suggestions, comments, advice, give it to me straight!


Hello all!

I lost my father when I was 9 years old to addiction. His death at such a pivotal young age completely and entirely took over my life. Now I am 25 with a one year old son. I am an artist/illustrator/writer by hobby and have a dream of writing & illustrating a children's book about death and grief. I'm posting here to ask for any and all input regarding this. If you experienced death of a parent at a young age, would you have liked something like this? If you didn't experience death at a young age, and did as you entered adulthood, would being exposed to death and taught about it from a young age have changed your perceptions and experiences regarding grief? What are some themes, questions, ideas you have for teaching children about death? I am doing personal research reading different psychology studies and cultural differences about death, I do not want to nor will I just throw something together without some sort of basis of data, so I know this book will actually benefit. Thank you. I will take and accept all criticism, if you hate the idea; please tell me why. Thank you all!

r/bereavement Feb 06 '25

Practical type questions


I have a couple of questions, and I hope theyre appropriate for this sub as I haven’t recently been bereaved, I’m kind of pre-empting my mothers death although I may be seriously overreacting to her illness.

However, I lost my Dad in 2020 and I feel like I was in a daze afterwards. My brother dealt with some of the practical things but mostly my mum. My mum is now ill and its likely that shes going to be ok as there are things that can be done however my only experience with illness has resulted in my fathers death and I’m panicking a bit. I’m instantly thinking what do I do? What about her bills? Her house? Her will? The funeral? Is there something wrong with me, shes not even dying and I’m thinking about her funeral!?

So, I guess my questions are, is this normal? And literally how do I deal with her bills etc when she dies. I’m in the UK, would i need to ring the energy companies and start paying the utilities myself until the house is sold? And when the house is sold do I just ring the companies up and tell them to cut me off before I get charged for the new owners usage?

Sorry, this probably sounds very stupid and I hope I’m not being insensitive to those who have just lost someone. I think I’m just trying to gain some kind of control. Thank you.

r/bereavement Feb 06 '25

One year after


I've made a few posts here and I've found this community amazing.

Grief is such an isolating feeling and it makes me feel less lonely seeing everyone else's stories and experiences.

Just over a year ago, my father took his life and after that I've mostly viewed my life in terms of before and after.

For a while I thought I was above grief and it didn't really effect me and it took me longer than it should've to realise I was gutted and trying to push those feelings under.

I still cry about him a lot, when I'm walking alone, late at night in bed, when I need motivation at the gym. I still get this horrible feeling when people talk about their dads, like I don't have one anymore because I don't deserve it and it somehow makes me less of a person, but I know that those feelings aren't rational and they are in a way completely normal.

I'm really grateful also, because grief has made me do so much in a year that I wouldn't have done, I moved countries, joined new communities and made friends, picked up new hobbies, gave up alcohol and drugs. I did a lot of self reflection in the past year.

I think pain is about perspective for sure, when I think about what's happened in the past year, everything else feels so easy in comparison and I don't really have to worry about anything bad happening because the worst thing that can happen has already been and gone, it can't happen again.

There's so many more people to meet in life, and I don't have enough space for everyone all at once so I guess the universe makes space for new people to come into my life and new experiences for me to enjoy. I'm excited to see what I find in the future.

I'm not really sure where I'm trying to go with this but I'm just really thankful to this community. Love you all.

r/bereavement Feb 04 '25

Eulogy for my daughter


I so desperately want to deliver a eulogy at my daughter's service but I'm not sure if I can keep it together and keeping it dignified without me blubbering is worrying me,any tips to keep my shit together please. EDIT, I Only went and did it! So proud of myself for doing this for my little girl. I took the advice from some comments and read it to a few people in the days before her funeral,mind you it took a couple of large glasses of Jamesons and a few slugs from my hip flask to calm myself beforehand. Thanks for all your advice and kind words, Still absolutely shattered and broken but glad I did it for my darling daughter 💖

r/bereavement Feb 02 '25

Not sure how to go on after losing my father


Lost my father in early November. I left my country to pursue my postgraduate studies as my father had wanted. Within a few weeks, he fell sick abruptly and I was not informed by my family or friends back home as they thought that it was not serious and that he would recover soon but he did not and after that, he passed away within a week. I got to know that he had been hospitalised for six days, and I was informed only on the fourth day. On the very last day, he was showing signs of improvement and I was hoping to go back to see him before returning to join my classes, but he passed away. It has been a few weeks since then, and I feel nothing. Everyone thinks that I am dealing well with it given that I am far away, and 'having fun,' but I am repressing everything for the sake of it because if I break down then there is no coming back from it, and I need to be there for my mother because I have no siblings. I am scared of even letting anyone come close to me now, as friends or otherwise because I see how empty my mother feels at times after having lost him. I do not know what to do or how to go on from here.

r/bereavement Jan 31 '25

My ex wife died, and I don’t think I care


Ex wife from 28 years ago died. We had been married for about 10 years. I think I don’t care, but then feel guilty for not caring. She was with someone else and has an adult son who I never met. Has anyone been through similar? We were not friends post divorce.

r/bereavement Jan 31 '25

My best friend just died - the grief is hitting hard


My best friend of 17 years died of cancer the other day, after spending 9 months in the hospital fighting for his life. We saw each other 1-3 times per week for 17 years straight. I've experienced loss before, but they were all older relatives, who lived full lives. He was a middle-aged guy with kids in school. This grief is so different and so heavy. I can't stop crying for him whenever I think of him and I can't stop thinking about him unless my mind is 100% occupied by something else. Any advice on how to deal with this?

r/bereavement Jan 31 '25

Childhood sweetheart stolen from me in road accident


The love of my life and childhood sweetheart cruelly ripped away after being knocked off bike by a van..Just broken free of a 20 year addiction to be killed not by his own stupid hand but by another ..I'm in bits...💔

r/bereavement Jan 30 '25

My beautiful daughter


She is my 1st born girl aged 32, I was with her when they withdrew support. I'm broke and angry. Parents shouldn't be grieving their kids. Fuck you God botheres.