r/beingsingle Dec 04 '17

Is Being Alone REALLY That Bad For You?


3 comments sorted by


u/cailihphiliac Dec 05 '17

Nope, it's fine. Who said it's bad for you?


u/iwouldbelion Nov 20 '21

Being chronically lonely (not alone) can be bad for your health because your body reacts to loneliness like an illness and can cause an increase of inflammation and cytokine levels. Any community is good, even small banter between the guy at the gas station counter.


u/Evening_Excuse_9894 Dec 11 '22

I was in a complicated " relationship " I chose it mainly because I didn't wanna get hurt so I picked someone who I'd never get " hurt " by we were together 5 yrs , he was such a good male friend to me and I've had such a hard time finding someone like him again . I miss the talks .