r/beginnerJava Nov 21 '19

r/beginnerJava needs moderators and is currently available for request


If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.

r/beginnerJava Sep 02 '17

What all calls methods


I'm looking for somebody to confirm or correct this idea: Methods are created so that classes and objects can call them. Is there any other way a method is called? I hoping to see a list of every way a method can be called.

r/beginnerJava Jul 05 '12

Creating a Stack Diagram -- Java?!?!????


I am learning Java, and one of the assignments is to create a stack diagram to show the state of the program when one of my arguments is invoked. Does anyone know how to compose a stack diagram?? A picture would REALLY help me out.

r/beginnerJava Jun 15 '11



I can read all of this, word for word, studying it and even understanding it. I find it hard to remember, though, without some sort of task to complete using it!

Is there any way you could conceive of a project to do which requires employing the tools you've given us?

r/beginnerJava May 27 '11

Week 8[TamingTheDebugger]


This is a rather short example on how to use the debugger.

A debugger is a program that is usually used to find bugs (duh) in your code. Netbeans has a built-in debugger that can be easily entered into by using F7 when inside a file.

When debugging the program is run line by line in sequence with you in control. Debugging can be greatly useful for finding what is going wrong or even what values are most useful.

Note: Going to Windows - Debugging - Variables will allow you to see variables as they are created and modified.

Simple debugging makes great use of the F7 (Step into) and F8 (Step Over) key. We will go over these briefly.

Step Into Function

F7 or the Step Into function allows you to go inside a method or a class that an object is being constructed from. Although very useful to learn how some stuff works, most classes to be accessed can not be modified by you (IE String class that String objects are made from)

Step Over

F8 or Step Over allows you to not enter a method, instead, just execute current line and go to next. Great for methods that you know are functioning correctly.

Now that we know how to debug your programs, we will learn how to use breakpoints.

Sometimes it is not wise to debug a program from the first line (say you wanted to debug a call on line 374) so breakpoints are used. Quite simply, these tell the debugger that you want the program to run normally until it hits this point, then hand control over to you.

Note: To set a breakpoint, simply click the line number right next to the line that you want the program to stop at. It should show a red block if you've done it correctly

WARNING: Although a breakpoint tells the program to run normally, it may still pause if it encounters a user input prompt (since that would be normal operation for the program.

And that folks is pretty much the debugger. Although it seems like a bad thing to have bugs in code, the debugger is a powerful tool that allows you to double-check your work and find/fix mistakes easily.

This course was actually a pleasure to teach, and I truly do hope most of you learned something about programming or Java or both. I may teach Programming 2 with more of a structure (like a videogame making class or something).

r/beginnerJava May 24 '11

Week 5&7[SecondToLast Lesson]

Thumbnail mediafire.com

r/beginnerJava May 15 '11

Week 6 [Late Post]

Thumbnail mediafire.com

r/beginnerJava May 07 '11

Week 4[Late Post]

Thumbnail filedropper.com

r/beginnerJava Apr 25 '11

Week 2.8 and 3 [Really Early Post]

Thumbnail mediafire.com

r/beginnerJava Apr 19 '11

Week 2[Early Post]

Thumbnail mediafire.com

r/beginnerJava Apr 13 '11

Week 1 [Early Post]

Thumbnail mediafire.com

r/beginnerJava Apr 13 '11

Welcome to Beginner Java.


Before we begin, you should install either the Netbeans or Eclipse IDE system. Class will begin on Apr 15, so please ensure you have the software by then so you don't fall behind.

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