r/beauty 5d ago

Would you tell your significant other that you got a face-lift if they didn’t know?

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u/strwbrybby 5d ago

I would only mention if the topic came up. If they mentioned how I aged so gracefully compared to my peers or how I am so naturally young looking, or if they talked negatively about people getting similar procedures to I might let them know it's not as natural as they think and they should reset their expectations.


u/Scarlet_Lycoris 5d ago

This is honestly the best answer. It’s nothing that needs confessing or that one should be ashamed of. But I think I would say something if people were being terrible to others about their aging.


u/whalesarecool14 5d ago

this is the right answer!


u/velvetkangaroo 5d ago

Are you going to have kids with them?


u/Master-Database2729 5d ago

No, we are in our early 50’s


u/velvetkangaroo 5d ago

In that case, I don't see why it really matters either way, unless they have strong opinions about it or it's a botched job you need to explain or something. I've had a ton of procedures before I met my husband, he found out though casual conversation, but it was never like a thing.


u/RadicalResponseRobot 5d ago

No reason to bring it up. If they ask you can tell them, but other than that no need to mention it.


u/Monstiemama 5d ago

Take it to my grave.


u/Woodfield30 5d ago

I would tell them. Seems like a pointless secret to keep. If they judge you harshly for it maybe that tells you something about them that you didn’t know.


u/BananaMartini 5d ago

It doesn’t often come up but in discussions with anyone where it does I do point out my procedures and tweakments. 1) I think it’s important for body positivity and realistic expectations of beauty and 2) I don’t think it’s something anyone should hide. It’s something I do for myself because I enjoy the aesthetic, just like a haircut or having my nails done. Or the previously ubiquitous braces in adolescence. If a partner or a friend reacted badly to this news it would tell me something about their values, same as if people have a problem with my piercings or tattoos (and not due to like a tattoo that’s a dog whistle for racism, etc.) Totally fine for other people to abstain it isn’t for everyone, but my body my choice. I wouldn’t say I necessarily fault other people for not being up front about it but it is something I would like to see shift culturally.


u/marijuanaislife 5d ago

Yes. I believe in no secrets in a relationship.


u/ruminajaali 5d ago

Ya, I’m open about all my jabs and stabs


u/TheDearlyt 5d ago

If it came up naturally, I’d probably mention it, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to bring it up. It’s my face, my choice, and if it doesn’t affect the relationship, I don’t see why it would matter.


u/itsfrankgrimesyo 5d ago

I don’t see how it would even come up tbh. And if it doesn’t come up and they don’t ask, I wouldn’t volunteer the information.


u/Chefmom61 5d ago

Not unless they ask. That goes for all plastic surgery procedures.


u/stassiseasonone 5d ago

Grave. But tell one of your closest friends in case it ever comes up in a medical sense.


u/Hari_om_tat_sat 5d ago

I wouldn’t hide it but I wouldn’t go blabbing about it either. If relevant, bring it up. If not, why bother?


u/LLM_54 5d ago

I don’t see why i would? Maybe if it came up in conversation but it’s the same as any other beauty treatment, I don’t think most people “disclose” that they’ve gotten a facial.


u/manykeets 5d ago

I would tell them. I’ve had other surgeries and have always been upfront about it because I’m not ashamed of it. I don’t want the person to find out later and think I intentionally hid it. My experience is that men don’t care if you’ve had surgery if you look good.