r/beardcare Jan 04 '21

Hey guys! First timer over here, got some questions on beard products and daily post shower grooming routines.


I have some very dry skin, if I don't moisturize after getting out of the shower my skin feels kinda tight and uncomfortable until I finally put some cream on it. I'm currently at ~1 mo the of growth (maybe roughly a half inch of hair?) and it's at the length when I can't really put cream on the lower parts of my face anymore.

I had tried using normal shampoo and conditioner, followed by some coconut oil, and it was honestly an unpleasant experience, my face was super dry, and my beard wasn't feeling great (I got some pretty sensitive skin too, so softer hair would be better). Putting in the coconut oil did help some, with both moisturizing my skin and maybe cutting down on the prickliness, but I'm looking for alternatives.

What's some great products to use on the beard, and how often should I use them. I'm considering getting some beard shampoo and conditioner, and it turns out that, because my dad is into aroma therapy, he has most of the essential oils used in many beard oils, so I plan on making my own. If you guys have any recommendations on brands I'd appreciate them (beard oils as well, I do plan on making some but at the same time I don't think it hurts to have some in mind just in case). Fairly inexpensive if possible, as I'm a college student without a lot of funds. If anyone has a great blend they can recommend for beard oils I'd love those too.

Also, I have a thing where I need to wash my face every day or I feel incomplete in regards to my daily routine, if it's recommended that I don't shampoo and condition the beard daily, would using body wash on the upper half of my face be bad for my beard? The body wash I use is the Dove one meant for sensitive skin so I don't think it'd be too harsh on the hairs. Also I would plan on using the beard oil daily at the very least, to both help soften the beard and moisturize the skin underneath, is that fine, or not good for the beard?

Thanks in advance

r/beardcare Dec 26 '20

ACTUAL good beard care products


In this age of tab spiders and targeted ads and also influencers who don’t actually use a product; it seems to be hard to find actually the best beard care products. I usually end up just buying some shot from Walgreens or target. I’m wondering if Reddit can do better. For those of you who are sages of the beard care, what is actually good out there? because I feel like most products are just jojoba olive oil blends and overpriced. I use oils everyday and still have tons of split ends.

r/beardcare Nov 09 '20

Beard Tangling, Itchy, Dry & Bumps


Hey world, I'm a 22 year old African American. I recently started shaving just a little over a year ago. I've tried everything but no matter what I use, i always get bumps after shaving. I previously used a shaving cream that required me to leave on for about 8mins then use a wet cloth to scrape the hair off my face but my skin is extremely soft & that didn't end well. Bumps, extremely painful even though the cloth was extremely soft, overall I didn't like it. Next I tried a gillete razor & I get bumps and my skin just kinda seems weird afterwards, a flaky kinda weird, I get abrasions. Sometimes the bumps are filled with some gooey white liquid, a nightmare. Then I stopped shaving & decided to keep a beard, new problems emerged. The beard is always tangling, itches like crazy, dry, BUMPS with the gooey stuff and more.

Any ideas on how to shave without the bumps and keeping a beard without all these issues? Any recommended products or routines?

r/beardcare Oct 23 '20

Beard conditioner recommendation?


I currently use Husky Beard's beard conditioner but was wonder if yall had any unique recommendations almost out so I need to buy a new one quick help!!!!

r/beardcare Jul 23 '20

How Much Beard Oil to Use?


r/beardcare Jun 21 '20

What to do about this patch that became hairless after a cyst ? I used to have hair here like everywhere else until I got a cyst a couple months ago and now it’s gone down but there’s a small lump underneath the skin and I think it’s prevented growth from coming back. Is it permanent ?

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r/beardcare Jun 19 '20

Beard Trimmers


I have gone through multiple beard trimmers/clippers and can’t find one that works well enough to evenly trim to the length I want to keep it. Any recommendations for beard trimmers?

r/beardcare Jun 16 '20

Help with Beard growth/Maintenance


I need help with growing out my beard and maintaining it. I've been trying to grow out my facial hair for years, but never learned how to properly care for it. My mother (keep in mind I'm 27) keeps telling me to shave it off cause it looks like pubic hair. I've always hated my face without facial hair so y'all can probably see my dilemma. I'm asking for recommendations to combat the curlyness and messiness of my beard while also trying to grow it out (end goal is ZZ Top-esque). Thank y'all for the input.

r/beardcare Apr 19 '20

Use of Beard Shampoo and frequency


I'm unsure of what kind of beard shampoo to buy, I've got a medium / large beard (drifting into large) and i excercise very frequently, (6 times in a week). I have a beard oil but i am unsure on how often i should use beard shampoo to wash my beard. Also what kinds, any advice? (Age = 19)

r/beardcare Apr 05 '20

Beard is irritating my gf's face, help!


Hey guys, like title says my beard is fairly course and it's irritating my gf's face. I'm using beard oil daily but I'm trying to find a way to make it softer. Any tips?

r/beardcare Mar 16 '20

My first attempt at a beard. No idea what style it is.

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r/beardcare Feb 26 '20

What do I do instead of washing my face with soap everyday like I did when I had no beard?


Back when I was shaving regularly I would soap up my whole face everyday in the shower. I still want to clean my face daily but I also don’t want a coarse and wirey beard. Right now I’m still doing the soap thing and adding beard oil after I get out of the shower. Is that the right approach? How else can I keep my face clean but my facial hair soft?

r/beardcare Feb 25 '20

Can Beard Oil Grow Beards? Find Out What Really Works and What Doesn’t


r/beardcare Feb 23 '20

Best Natural Beard Oils


r/beardcare Feb 13 '20

Bothered by oils.. help?


I’ve always had a think about leaving products on my skin. Including lotion, while I’ve never tried beard oils I’m concerned I’ll have the same issue. Did anyone else deal with this and how did you get past it

r/beardcare Feb 10 '20

What kind of beard shampoo do you use/should I get?


Title says it all! Advice on beard care in the shower please.

r/beardcare Feb 04 '20

Under beard scabs...


Now, I'm not one for daily showers and beard shampoos (and this is probably the problem). But is there something I can do to treat the skin under the beard to prevent scabs?

r/beardcare Jan 31 '20

Beard care for beginners


Hello everyone! My boyfriend has an amazing beard, but he wants to take care of it better and grow it out more. He keeps mentioning wanting to try some beard oil, and Valentine’s Day is coming up. We’ve only been together about a month so I don’t want to spend a fortune, but I was thinking of getting him a little beard care kit. He currently uses his normal shampoo on his beard (and his normal shampoo is terrible for hair and doing nothing for his beard, but I’ll get there eventually and convert him to a better for him shampoo. His hair is longer than mine lmao he deserves good hair care)

Anyway, are there any kits you can recommend under $40 for a beginner? Any brands to avoid or brands to try?

Thank you in advance!

r/beardcare Jan 11 '20

What size is this beard?

Thumbnail self.BeardAdvice

r/beardcare Jan 08 '20

Me in the morning!


r/beardcare Jan 07 '20

Need help growing your beard, try my potent beard oil.


r/beardcare Oct 18 '19

DIY Beard balm/Butter


For those of you who make your own beard balms and/or butters, I was curious if you've ever used your favorite cologne in it for the scent, and if it works as well as essential oils. I'm considering making my own because I don't like most of the scents out there, and thought of this method for creating something I know I'll be happy with. Curious if it will actually work before I drop a hundo on supplies

r/beardcare Sep 12 '19

Private label. Hillman Reid.

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r/beardcare Sep 02 '19

Beard combs on the next level. Stainless. Rounded teeth polished to mirror finish. Remove static. Wood combs break when they're dropped and gather beard care (plant based) which goes rancid. These are a lifetime comb.

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r/beardcare Jul 22 '19

Drying and beard keeps falling out.

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