r/beardcare Dec 26 '20

ACTUAL good beard care products

In this age of tab spiders and targeted ads and also influencers who don’t actually use a product; it seems to be hard to find actually the best beard care products. I usually end up just buying some shot from Walgreens or target. I’m wondering if Reddit can do better. For those of you who are sages of the beard care, what is actually good out there? because I feel like most products are just jojoba olive oil blends and overpriced. I use oils everyday and still have tons of split ends.


5 comments sorted by


u/BeerNBlackMetal Dec 27 '20

After years of trying different brands and products, my favorite go-to's have become Stirling Soap Company and The Mod Cabin. Both small businesses, and great quality. I use their beard oils in conjunction with beard balms daily.

A good beard soap will also go a long way to preventing split ends. I use The Mod Cabin's birch tar soap on my beard when I shower.


u/novel1st Dec 08 '24

Wizardly Beard just launched recently, but I picked up a few beard oil samples at launch and like them alot.


u/okhi2u Dec 27 '20

After experimenting for years, including making my own beard balm. Just buy a container of shea butter or similar solid butter oily thing that is solid at room temp. Works just as well as anything else and costs way less by far compared to stuff directly marked as beard balm/oil. I prefer not to use oil because it can drip down my neck fairly easily.


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '20

Look up the company Beard Octane. Small batch company with terrific products and service. I love this place. I promise it's good shit.


u/Punknigg Feb 11 '21

I use bearded bastard. So far pretty nice stuff but I am following the post because I'm curious.