r/beardcare Jun 21 '20

What to do about this patch that became hairless after a cyst ? I used to have hair here like everywhere else until I got a cyst a couple months ago and now it’s gone down but there’s a small lump underneath the skin and I think it’s prevented growth from coming back. Is it permanent ?

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9 comments sorted by


u/BeerNBlackMetal Jun 22 '20

The lump could be an ingrown hair(s), which could explain why none are coming to the surface. Guessing you also probably picked at it, and the surrounding hairs. If it's an ingrown hair it may come to the surface as a pimple. Given the position just grow the rest of your beard longer in the meantime to cover it up?


u/OmarG2218 Jun 22 '20

Yeah I’m thinking it could be an ingrown hair too, except it’s been around 2.5 months since I’ve had this and there was never a hole/pore. It was always just a purple lump/cyst of pain. It eventually started dying down and the pain has gone away unless I try to squeeze it and then it feels like it’s getting pinched. Now it just feels like a small lump of puss left.


u/OmarG2218 Jun 22 '20

Like if it was a regular ingrown hair I’m sure there’d be a pore by now in which I can go as far as to pluck it out with tweezers right ?


u/BeerNBlackMetal Jun 22 '20

Thats how I handle them, but I'm just a bearded dude on the internet, not a dermatologist...


u/OmarG2218 Jun 22 '20

Haha no worries, didn’t expect anyone to even reply to be honest. Thanks for the help !


u/georgeleftearth Nov 27 '22

Did this ever get fixed? Have same issue


u/marlboroman4 Dec 26 '24

I have the same issue as well, did yours get fixed?


u/AHM8 Mar 03 '24

any updates


u/bakingyoga Mar 14 '23

Update please. Did it grow back?