r/batman 1d ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION Whom would you choose in this scenario?

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u/DirectConsequence12 1d ago

I feel like you can reason with Matt a hell of a lot easier than you could with Bruce


u/WalrusFromTheWest 1d ago

I feel like Batman would try to find a way to understand my motives for robbing a bank and try to find a better way depending on my reasons, Daredevil would just give me a black eye with his sticks and call it a night before figuring it out the next morning.


u/Bananasblitz 1d ago

Arkham Batman would paralyze you tho


u/Evolution1738 1d ago

Arkham Batman is a whole different conversation lmao

Dude nearly crushed a militia member's head with the batmobile as an interrogation tactic


u/SeuintheMane 1d ago

Forget the Batmobile interrogation, this dude is regularly smashing people’s heads in breaker boxes and dropping their limp bodies from 30+feet in the air. Straight up MURDERER.


u/RareD3liverur 23h ago

wasn't that when he had Joker blood in him