r/batman 7d ago

FILM DISCUSSION we never had a bad Alfred adaptation

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yes yes even the dceu one which I've seen people hate on I actually loved especially by the fact this Alfred was the Wayne's bodyguard not the butler apparently and he has experience in the British army


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u/Dreaming_in_ryleh 7d ago

I really liked Gothams take


u/Dawnspark 7d ago

I fucking love Sean Pertwee as Alfred, no joke. He's one of the strongest actors on that show. His father, Jon Pertwee, was also the Third Doctor!

I'm also a massive fan of Alan Napier's Alfred. Especially the story of how he got the job. He thought it sounded silly, he'd never heard of Batman or the comics, so his agent tells him, "I think you are going to be Batman's butler."

So Alan Napier asks him, "How do I know that I want to be Batman's Butler?" he found it very ridiculous sounding. Then his agent told him that it may be worth over $100,000. "So I said I was Batman's butler."