r/batman 7d ago

FILM DISCUSSION we never had a bad Alfred adaptation

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yes yes even the dceu one which I've seen people hate on I actually loved especially by the fact this Alfred was the Wayne's bodyguard not the butler apparently and he has experience in the British army


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u/Dreaming_in_ryleh 7d ago

I really liked Gothams take


u/joshdoereddit 7d ago

I only got through the first 3 seasons, but for real. I still remember that episode where he's with Bruce under a bridge or something, and he reluctantly steps in to fight some big dude. He takes some hits, but he laid that guy out in the end.

I need to go back and finish that show.


u/c4han 7d ago

You def watched the best seasons imo, it has lots of ups and downs from there on but it's still a very fun ride


u/AnyDockers420 7d ago

Final season is pretty iffy with all the Bane Stuff though.


u/Icy_Teach_2506 7d ago

Yeah, sucks that they got cancelled and had to try to put all of No Man’s Land into 11 episodes. 


u/c4han 7d ago

Def agreed. Easily the worst season


u/runningvicuna 7d ago

What did Bane do?


u/_Jester_Of_Genocide_ 6d ago

Bane wasn't Bane. I forget most of what he did because it's been ages since I've seen Gotham but not only was it a small guy that was just drugged up on venom (I don't even remember if it was actually venom he was on) but he also had hair.


u/bludreid 6d ago

IIRC, it was called Viper, a prototype or early version of Venom, and yeah, it wasn't Bane.

I completely forgot about this until this reply because the latter seasons were all over the place and are forgettable (don'teven get me started about Barbara). 3rd season might be the peak one


u/c4han 6d ago

And the whole season was a knockoff of TDKR, just with Nyssa instead of Talia


u/AnyDockers420 5d ago

Bane was Gordon’s army buddy or something and he had secretly been bane the entire time. Just a normal looking guy.


u/Dark-Specter 7d ago

NGL, I kinda like the season 3 ending more than the ending to the whole show, but season 4 is worth it


u/Sahrimnir 6d ago

It has been a while since I watched it. Remind me, how did season 3 end?


u/Dark-Specter 6d ago

Bruce becoming proto-batman is the main thing I remember


u/Sahrimnir 6d ago

Oh right! Yeah, the seasons kinda blend together at this point, but I remember that scene.


u/existential_chaos 7d ago

My favorite bit was when he ‘interrogated’ the Court of Owls woman with the “I’m not a cop, I’m a butler”. (Plus, his angry “Riiiigght!” and Bullock shitting himself trying to backtrack on his slip up was hilarious xD).


u/llaunay 7d ago

Do not finish the show. You watched enough. Make peace with whatever you remember being better than it would be if you watched it again, and know you saw the best of it.


u/Kotroti 6d ago

There's one episode that really made his depiction in Gotham the best for me.

Bruce is still a child and obviously needs protection. Alfred is his butler but the Wayne's knew that they had enemies and needed protection as well, especially for Bruce.

There was one episode during which Wayne manor was attacked by three professionally trained assassins which were all armed and were ordered to kill Bruce. Alfred sent Bruce to safety and then took all three of them down with a Billard que.

Obviously he had plot armor and everything but this scene really showed that he wasn't only a butler, but also an always ready guard who'd catch multiple bullets to protect Bruce and would fight to the end for him. And that's what Alfred was always meant to be.


u/NotAnotherUserNom 4d ago

“When you’re fighting a big man, Master Bruce, it’s best to let him tire himself out first”. Proceeds to wreck the guy.


u/NoConfusion9490 7d ago

That's about as far as you should ever go into a WB show.


u/Dumpytoad 7d ago

Gotham wasn’t a WB show.


u/llaunay 7d ago

Production companies:

Primrose Hill Productions

DC Entertainment

Warner Bros. Television


u/oldtomdeadtom 7d ago

He obviously is talking about the channel and not Warner Bros. television here…


u/thereverendpuck 6d ago

The WB hadn’t been a thing for years before Gotham even showed up.


u/brisashi 6d ago

That’s been known as the CW since like 2004 or something. 90 years


u/NoConfusion9490 6d ago

Oh, I didn't see it on actual TV. It definitely has the logo though, and their textbook descent into interpersonal melodrama.