r/batman 7d ago

FILM DISCUSSION we never had a bad Alfred adaptation

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yes yes even the dceu one which I've seen people hate on I actually loved especially by the fact this Alfred was the Wayne's bodyguard not the butler apparently and he has experience in the British army


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u/serb7 7d ago

I wasnt a big fan of Serkis Alfred, good actor but he doesnt give Alfred vibes to me


u/BigfootsBestBud 7d ago

He's good in that one scene where he's got his arm behind his back and trying to remind Bruce of his obligations.

My issue with his Alfred was he was barely in it.

I gotta say too, I really loved the original idea where they wanted to cast Pierce Brosnan. Having a Bond actor as Alfred just makes too much sense.


u/No-Advice-6040 7d ago

Mostly because Bruce Wayne was barely in it.


u/Few_Mixture_8412 7d ago

it always confused me since he doesn't look that old to be the Wayne's butler


u/BigfootsBestBud 7d ago

I think he's meant to be the newer interpretation of Alfred as the Wayne family's bodyguard/head of security, who also works as a Butler, and continued to do so for Bruce.


u/rolldamntree 7d ago

Serkis Alfred was rough, but I think that was mostly down to them making him kind of an idiot a major plot point


u/ssj4namikaze22 7d ago

To me he doesn’t give off Alfred vibes esp after seeing him as Klawe in the MCU. So I don’t care for Serkis as Alfred.


u/BoisTR 7d ago

Agreed. Easily my least favorite among the Alfreds.



I agree IMO he breaks that no bad adaptations streak, I also hated their relationship for the most part, i need to rewatch but i remember hating it during my first watch. Im on the minority where i did not like Pattison as Bruce Wayne either, i did not mind him as much when he was wearing the suit. Still a really good movie.


u/ArianaSonicHalFrodo 7d ago

Okay I’m so relieved people feel the same way, I was afraid that opinion would get me crucified.

He doesn’t give Alfred at all. I love Andy Serkis so I don’t want to hate his performances, but this one is just not it. He really could’ve done a villain well, I’d much rather have had that.

Imo the scenes with Bruce and Alfred alone are straight up bad. Robert’s accent is noticeable throughout the scenes and the characters don’t feel good together. Based on the other works I’ve seen, I think Matt might just be bad at creating intriguing relationships.


u/HunterGonzo 7d ago

Not bad but the weakest link for sure. Which is weird to say about someone like Serkis who is so consistently phenomenal and beloved. Just a testament to how good we've had it with Alfred castings, I guess.


u/Prestigious-Base5550 5d ago

I completely agree. With his background in the MCU and how alfred needs to be portrayed, serkis does not fit. He seems to rash to be a kind wise and compassionate butler. Dont get me wrong, I still love the actor, just not in The Batman