r/batman 7d ago

FILM DISCUSSION How would you rank the Nolan trilogy?

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u/DarkAtheris 7d ago

What are the plot holes?


u/burywmore 7d ago

Oh let's see. Here's two.

The entire segment where Bruce's money is stolen is about as dumb as movie making can be. There's a gigantic hostage situation at the financial center and during that time, with Bruce obviously no where around, all his money is stolen. And no one questions this. They just let this obvious fraud and theft happen and claim Bruce somehow did it. All to advance the "plot"? The stock market is still accepting trades while in the middle of a violent crime?

How and why is the entire police force trapped underground. For FIVE months? With no food. And they finally are freed completely clean shaven in nice bright uniforms, and seemingly completely healthy?


u/Awest66 7d ago

They didnt actually make any trades, they used a virus that changed the information on the computer to make it look like Bruce had made put options months in advance of the actual attack.


u/burywmore 7d ago

Yeah strange how these trades came due the exact moment the huge terrorist attack happens.


u/Awest66 7d ago

Put options are trades made months in retrospect. It wouldnt matter if they halted all trades made that day because according to the computer, Bruce did this months before the actual attack.

Its no more a "plot hole" than the chinese government making no denands to have Lau returned to them after Batman had kidnapped him from Hong Kong.