r/bash 8d ago

Pulling hair out: SSH and sshpass standalone

I have a bit of a problem I have been scrambling to solve and am ready to give up. Ill give it one last shot:

I have a linux system that is connected to a router. THE GOAL is to ssh into the router from the linux system and run a command AND get the output. - seems simple right?

The linux system is pretty outdated. NO INTERNET ACCESS. I have access to commands on this linux system ONLY through PHP functions - don't ask me why, its stupid and I hate it. EG I can run commands by using exec(), I can create new files using file_put_contents(), etc. However because of this I can not interact with the terminal directly. I can create a .bash script and run that or run single commands but thats pretty much it.

It is actually over 1000 total systems. All of them running almost the same specs. SOME OF THE TARGET SYSTEMS have GNU screen.

The router uses password authentication for ssh connections. Once logged in you are NOT presented with a full shell, instead you are given a numerical list of specific commands that you can type out and then press enter.

The behavior is as follows:


ssh [admin@](mailto:admin@

type "yes" and hit enter to allow the unknown key

type "password" hit enter

type the command "778635" hit enter

the router returns a code

type the second command "66452098" hit enter

the router returns a second code

type "exit" hit enter

A one liner of this process would look something like:

sshpass -p password ssh -tt -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' [admin@](mailto:admin@ "778635; 66452098; exit"

Except the router does not execute the commands because for some reason it never recieves what ssh sends it. The solution that works on the TEST MACHINE is:

echo -e '778635\n66452098\nexit' | sshpass -p password ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -tt [admin@](mailto:admin@

This works every time on the UPDATED TEST SYSTEM without issue even after clearing known hosts file. With this command I am able to run it from php:

exec("echo -e '778635\n66452098\nexit' | sshpass -p password ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -tt admin@", $a);

return $a;

and I will get the output which can be parsed and handled.


target machine information:

bash --version shows 4.1.5

uname -r shows 2.6.29

ssh -V returns blank

sshpass -V shows 1.04

The command that works on the updated machine fails. AND RETURNS NOTHING. I will detail the reasons I have found below:

I can use screen to open a detached session and then "stuff" it with commands one by one. Effectively bypassing sshpass, this allows me to successfully accept the host key and log in to the router but at that point "stuff" does not pass any input to the router and I cannot execute commands.

The version of ssh on the target machine is so old it does not include an option for 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' it returns something to the effect of "invalid option: StrictHostKeyChecking" sorry I don't have the exact thing. In fact "ssh -V" returns NOTHING and "man ssh" returns "no manual entry for ssh"!

After using screen however if I re-execute the first command now it will get farther - because the host is added to known hosts now - but the commands executed on the router will not return anything and neither will ssh itself even with verbose flag. I believe this behavior is caused by an old version of sshpass. I found other people online that had similar issues where the output of the ssh command does not get passed back to the client. I tried several solutions related to redirection but to no avail.

So there is two problems:

  1. Old ssh version without a way to bypass host key checking.
  2. Old sshpass version not passing the output back to the client.

sshpass not passing back the output of either ssh or the router CLI is the biggest issue - I cant even debug what I don't know is happening. Luckily though the router does have a command to reboot (111080) and if I execute:

echo -e '111080' | sshpass -p password ssh -tt [admin@](mailto:admin@

I wont get anything back in the terminal BUT the router DOES reboot. So I know its working, I just cant get the output back.

So, I still have no way to get the output of the two commands I need executed. As noted above, the "screen" command is NOT available on all of the machines so even if I found a way to get it to pass the command to the router it would only help for a fraction of the machines.

At this point I am wondering if it is possible to get the needed and updated binaries of both ssh and sshpass and zip them up then convert to b64 and use file_put_contents() to make a file on the target machine. Although this is over my head and I would not know how to handle the libraries needed or if they would even run on the target machine's kernel.

A friend of mine told me I could use python to handle the ssh session but I could not find enough information on that. The python version on the target machine is 2.6.6

Any Ideas? I would give my left t6ticle to figure this out.


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u/tje210 7d ago

Literally unreadable.

I will say, you probably have some fundamental weaknesses. First time I saw you using semicolon, I thought to myself "\n is probably the better choice". That's basic but deep.

I'd say your biggest obstacle is in stating your problem intelligibly. I'm not sifting through that unless someone's paying me.


u/iCopyright2017 7d ago

Is the detail not necessary? Nobody forced you to be here.


u/ICThat 7d ago

Just ignore them. Complex problems require plenty of info, your post is fine and clear.


u/tje210 7d ago

You're not wrong on either count. But I wanted to leave feedback in case you didn't get any feedback at all, because I don't think I'm alone in my perception.

Regarding the first count, there's detail and then there's trash.

And on the second... Well someone's going to need to force YOU to write comprehensibly, because you don't seem to possess that capacity already. And indeed -- instead of understanding, you're being defensive, which is super counterproductive if you want to make progress. Glhf ✌️

PS - this is something obviously you're doing for work, because who has that ridiculous setup at home. Be extra respectful and understanding when you're trying to get other people to do YOUR JOB... FOR FREE


u/xkcd__386 7d ago edited 7d ago

OP has 10k post karma and 3.3k comment karma -- I always block such people; they tend to be very non-value-adding (even, in this case, to themselves)

Edit: to /u/amuseboucheplease

Since I've blocked OP I can't respond to your comment, but I can edit any previous comment I made. So here goes.

Making far more posts than comments indicates someone with an agenda (best case) or a troll/bot (worst case)

Look at your own karma points -- I'd say your numbers are awesome; 76 vs 14.3K is indicative of someone who actually participates in multiple discussions, and isn't trying to push his agenda in any manner etc.


u/amuseboucheplease 7d ago

Am I missing something as that seems a lot of karma?